President Trump just announced that he will make interest payments on car loans FULLY tax deductible for all Americans

Let's not forget - Trump once announced that he had investigators in Hawaii, and they "couldn't believe what they're finding."

He once said he saw thousands of Muslims celebrating on the rooftops of NJ after 9/11.

He said Haitians are eating cats & dogs.

He said a billion $ weren't going to hurricane relief because of immigrants.
Haitians were eating pets.
Haitians were eating pets.
The guy BARTENDER ELECTED said he dove 18 wheeler, his uncle was eaten by cannibals, He gave his other uncle a Purple Heart and he refused it AFTER his uncle was dead. oily film on his windshield caused his skin cancer, he protested racism in his youth, he used a chain to back down Corn Pop who had a razor ect. ect. ect.
The guy YOU ELECTED said he dove 18 wheeler, his uncle was eaten by cannibals, He gave his other uncle a Purple Heart and he refused it AFTER his uncle was dead. oily film on his windshield caused his skin cancer, he protested racism in his youth, he used a chain to back down Corn Pop who had a razor ect. ect. ect.

I think Stone voted Trump.

But - whataboutism is noted.
Maybe so.....but it is not GIVING us is simply allowing us to keep more of OUR own money.
A short few years ago, all interest payments were deductable. Trumps tax cuts took away most deductions in trade for lower tax rates.
The guy BARTENDER ELECTED said he dove 18 wheeler, his uncle was eaten by cannibals, He gave his other uncle a Purple Heart and he refused it AFTER his uncle was dead. oily film on his windshield caused his skin cancer, he protested racism in his youth, he used a chain to back down Corn Pop who had a razor ect. ect. ect.
I know. Bartender can be ridiculous just like his Idols Joe and the old Ho.... :laugh:
Sorry. That doesn't really put a candycoat on the hate & stress Trump has put on an American city.

It's a sporting try, for sure.a
Kamala has put enormous stress and hate on the city for importing 20K Haitians in a Town of 48K people. They have driven wages down and housing costs up. That is very distressing to the American citizens living there.
It's not a giveaway. It is OUR money. Less taxes simply means we keep more of OUR money.

Maybe so.....but it is not GIVING us is simply allowing us to keep more of OUR own money.

Sad that you're too thick headed to understand that even if he could do that, they'd just get the money from you some other way.

There is no free lunch.

Republiclowns love to preach that when it comes to government programs for the low income and needy, but when it comes to tax cut giveaways for themselves and the wealthy, CEO class, they're all for it.