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I made the "mistake" of telling my fiance how much I make. Now she is quitting her job. Well, good news is that means she is fully committing to me, huh?

I have been helping out mom and bro. I bought them a mobile home (wish I could have gotten her more and maybe it is white trashy, but hey that's all I could do for a home I have no desire to live in and my credit sucks).

But this is a bit different. I have been single forever. Now I have 3 people that are depending on me 24/7. My girl has a home with a good mortgage though and that helps. Really it's nothing I can't swing. I have had close to as much expenditures solo and I will get some tax breaks. But it's just the idea that they rely on me.

Time to work even harder. Y'all might not see as much of me.

Truth is, it's what I have always wanted. I told her for a while she should quit. She gripes about the job, is tired all the time, I want her to be able to take trips with me and spend more time with the baby. Hope, i don't become an asshole about it, though.
I made the "mistake" of telling my fiance how much I make. Now she is quitting her job. Well, good news is that means she is fully committing to me, huh?

I have been helping out mom and bro. I bought them a mobile home (wish I could have gotten her more and maybe it is white trashy, but hey that's all I could do for a home I have no desire to live in and my credit sucks).

But this is a bit different. I have been single forever. Now I have 3 people that are depending on me 24/7. My girl has a home with a good mortgage though and that helps. Really it's nothing I can't swing. I have had close to as much expenditures solo and I will get some tax breaks. But it's just the idea that they rely on me.

Time to work even harder. Y'all might not see as much of me.

Truth is, it's what I have always wanted. I told her for a while she should quit. She gripes about the job, is tired all the time, I want her to be able to take trips with me and spend more time with the baby. Hope, i don't become an asshole about it, though.

You're engaged already? Holy Flux Capacitor Batman! You sure more swiftly.

Are you making more than $150K? $200K? Tell us, I'm curious, but there's nothing wrong with supporting the woman you're getting sex from, and her family.
You're engaged already? Holy Flux Capacitor Batman! You sure more swiftly.

Yeah, you must have missed that post. You wanna come to the wedding? Were having it on Clearwater Beach at the Marriott. You gotta pay for it all though, well accept the dinner and booze.

Are you making more than $150K? $200K? Tell us, I'm curious,

No, not quite. If I was making that much I could have gotten my mom a real home.

But, I am making good San Fran money on a Florida cost of living.

but there's nothing wrong with supporting the woman you're getting sex from, and her family

I knew you'd see it my way. :)

Plus, I get a beautiful little baby girl. I just taught her to wave. Well, I have been waving at her like an idiot for awhile and this last week she started shaking her arm (not quite a real wave, but close enough) back at me.
Yeah, you must have missed that post. You wanna come to the wedding? Were having it on Clearwater Beach at the Marriott. You gotta pay for it all though, well accept the dinner and booze.

No, not quite. If I was making that much I could have gotten my mom a real home.

But, I am making good San Fran money on a Florida cost of living.

I knew you'd see it my way. :)

Plus, I get a beautiful little baby girl. I just taught her to wave. Well, I have been waving at her like an idiot for awhile and this last week she started shaking her arm (not quite a real wave, but close enough) back at me.

Kids are something else. I have a niece that I love more than anything. Watching them grow up is surely a remarkable thing.

Congrats to you.

Can I borrow $40?
I made the "mistake" of telling my fiance how much I make. Now she is quitting her job. Well, good news is that means she is fully committing to me, huh?

I have been helping out mom and bro. I bought them a mobile home (wish I could have gotten her more and maybe it is white trashy, but hey that's all I could do for a home I have no desire to live in and my credit sucks).

But this is a bit different. I have been single forever. Now I have 3 people that are depending on me 24/7. My girl has a home with a good mortgage though and that helps. Really it's nothing I can't swing. I have had close to as much expenditures solo and I will get some tax breaks. But it's just the idea that they rely on me.

Time to work even harder. Y'all might not see as much of me.

Truth is, it's what I have always wanted. I told her for a while she should quit. She gripes about the job, is tired all the time, I want her to be able to take trips with me and spend more time with the baby. Hope, i don't become an asshole about it, though.

Remeber never to blame her for you taking care of her. If you start to feel anger towards her because gets to "do nothing" all day then you need to have a good long calm talk with her. Keep in mind the things she does like cooking ,cleaning, laundry and child care and add up how much you would have to pay someone to come in and do it all. Also remember that if she was gone you would still be working to support yourself , would get less nookie and woulk have to do your own laundry and cleaning or pay someone to do it.

Its easy to use your partner as a person you can take all lifes little mysteries out on and many people do. I truely think this is the number one cause of the divorce rate today. If you find yourself doing this even a little you better sit down together and talk it out. No one wants to be the emotional punching bag for anyone.

Good luck and stand tall and pat yourself on the back you should like you have become a guy on the way to a happy life. Lets talk again when the little girl is about 12 or 13. j/k
Remeber never to blame her for you taking care of her. If you start to feel anger towards her because gets to "do nothing" all day then you need to have a good long calm talk with her. Keep in mind the things she does like cooking ,cleaning, laundry and child care and add up how much you would have to pay someone to come in and do it all. Also remember that if she was gone you would still be working to support yourself , would get less nookie and woulk have to do your own laundry and cleaning or pay someone to do it.

Its easy to use your partner as a person you can take all lifes little mysteries out on and many people do. I truely think this is the number one cause of the divorce rate today. If you find yourself doing this even a little you better sit down together and talk it out. No one wants to be the emotional punching bag for anyone.

Good luck and stand tall and pat yourself on the back you should like you have become a guy on the way to a happy life. Lets talk again when the little girl is about 12 or 13. j/k

Honestly, it's a hell of a lot cheaper to pay someone to do the laundry then to soley support another human beings every need for doing it.

But I'm just practical, and this is not a practical world, so whatever.
Damn, the libertarian has joined the real world. Interesting I must say as a dad and now grandpop. My greatest joy is the granddaughter taking hold of my finger as we ramble around observing the world. Congrats by the way.
You're engaged already? Holy Flux Capacitor Batman! You sure more swiftly.

Are you making more than $150K? $200K? Tell us, I'm curious, but there's nothing wrong with supporting the woman you're getting sex from, and her family.

Beefy, if you met a woman at your speed-dating thing, and she has sex with you, you are going to support her and her whole family?

Did I fall through a time-capsule into the middle ages or something? When do you guys find time to have sex with all those people to support?

No wonder Libertarians are so bitter about taxes! In order to get laid they are taking on whole families! LOL

(sorry I couldn't resist - and really, re-read RS's original post. if you don't hear the mixed message coming out of that, you aint' reading it right)
Desh always gets the personal stuff. That's why I respect her. That my biggest worry, I don't want to let the stress of having dependents turn me into an asshole. One thing is the kids are not mine. I am comfortable it will not though, cause I am conscious of it.

Beefy, if you met a woman at your speed-dating thing, and she has sex with you, you are going to support her and her whole family?

Did I fall through a time-capsule into the middle ages or something? When do you guys find time to have sex with all those people to support?

No wonder Libertarians are so bitter about taxes! In order to get laid they are taking on whole families! LOL

(sorry I couldn't resist - and really, re-read RS's original post. if you don't hear the mixed message coming out of that, you aint' reading it right)

I was/have been getting plenty (well I was pretty dry out near San Fran) without having to support anyone. Not to sound like a dick, but women hit on me all the time.

My girl wants to stay home with her baby. No time capsule. She's been working a nothing job in corporate hell for near a decade and she has a little precious child that she wants to stay with. If you think that is some Neanderthal thing then you are a sad person.

Actually, I won't be as bitter about taxes, since I will be getting way more deductions. I will be bitterly pissed at the idea that my step-son might get drafted or taxed heavily to support the fucked up state you champion Darla.

RS you opened your post with "I made the mistake of telling my girl how much I make, and she quit her job".

I'm a writer. Words have meaning.

I've already been where you are. Good luck though. First you should try not being so defensive.
Oh you know, it doesn't matter. When beefy said there was nothing wrong with supporting the woman you are getting sex from and her family, I pictured brothers and sisters...I thought that it was funny. I forgot that RS has no sense of humor, but does possess a large chip on his shoulder which in no way makes up for it! lol

I quit my job to stay home once. My fiance came close to insisting on it. He made over 300 k though, and my measly little entry-level copywriter's salary was a joke compared to that. But I kinda liked my job, and I quit it with mixed feelings.

Within a year the wedding was off and we had split up. Of course, I did not have babies to think about. When you have babies to think about, you stay with the provider, I get that. No matter which sweet-talking, brilliant leftist writer comes along.
Her new job is to be a mom, take care of the house, and support you. Its a hard job and some woman are not capable of amping it up when they dont have to work anymore. Things stay the same and all you wind up with is 1 less paycheck and the same amount of responsibilities.

The way i look at it is if she can step it up so that your taken care of and shes good at her new job then its worth it. If nothing changes and shes sitting at home watching opera then shes freeloading. Send her back.
Her new job is to be a mom, take care of the house, and support you. Its a hard job and some woman are not capable of amping it up when they dont have to work anymore. Things stay the same and all you wind up with is 1 less paycheck and the same amount of responsibilities.

The way i look at it is if she can step it up so that your taken care of and shes good at her new job then its worth it. If nothing changes and shes sitting at home watching opera then shes freeloading. Send her back.

Who is her new boss?
Oh you know, it doesn't matter. When beefy said there was nothing wrong with supporting the woman you are getting sex from and her family, I pictured brothers and sisters...I thought that it was funny. I forgot that RS has no sense of humor, but does possess a large chip on his shoulder which in no way makes up for it! lol

I quit my job to stay home once. My fiance came close to insisting on it. He made over 300 k though, and my measly little entry-level copywriter's salary was a joke compared to that. But I kinda liked my job, and I quit it with mixed feelings.

Within a year the wedding was off and we had split up. Of course, I did not have babies to think about. When you have babies to think about, you stay with the provider, I get that. No matter which sweet-talking, brilliant leftist writer comes along.

I don't think I'd want to quit my job. Even if my fiance/husband was making $500k. He'd have to effectively be rich before I'd even consider it to be honest. And I have to say, I'm pretty suprised that you quit your job even after a great deal of coaxing. You love to write and you're good at it, what did he tell you to convince you to do it?