
Or design your own handbags and sell them online. You could buy very plain leather and cloth bags, and with some creativity, turn them into really fabulous stylish pieces, and sell them. I would totally do that if I didn’t write.

Dear god. that has to be the worst idea ever. unless you're a professional designer, you have no business designing handbags. I've seen the end result of Darla's suggestion TexasMeg: its not pretty. Spare your friends the awkward position of either buying them out of pity or refusing to buy them.
Dear god. that has to be the worst idea ever. unless you're a professional designer, you have no business designing handbags. I've seen the end result of Darla's suggestion TexasMeg: its not pretty. Spare your friends the awkward position of either buying them out of pity or refusing to buy them.

LOL. Shut up. I love designing things. If I had the time to do it, I’d do it myself. I love that idea.
I think writing articles or books for autisitic parents would be really cool.

I actually had this idea about opening a center/storefront that offered information and play areas for the autistic children and their families, along with selling the food/supplements that so many of these children need. The logistics of all that seem so overwhelming though. Something like that probably needs to be done by someone who has time and is not dealing with an autistic child herself.
yeah Meg, but as with most things it is the parents of the Autistic children that do the most. I was involved with ARC for about 10 years...

It is a good learning experience about life for anyone. and I recommend it.

When I lived in Tampa, FL. A local grocery store helped by hring ARC folks for Baggers. I was preoccupied one day and trhe bagger (autistic) had asked me a couple of times "paper or plastic", and got louder. I noticed an said " Plastic please maam" And things proceeded fine. On the way out the manager sidetracked me and was starting to apologize for her getting loud. I told him no way I was at fault and one of the reasons I shopped there was because they helped the autistic.
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LOL. Shut up. I love designing things. If I had the time to do it, I’d do it myself. I love that idea.


this reminds me of that S ex in teh City episode where the girls went to their friends house for a purse party. She had the most $hiteous purses ever.

I don't doubt that maybe you've put together one or two things that have been pretty cute or that you even got complimented on..........somehow I don't think you could pump out an arsenal really nice purses. Just go to any given mall stand........someone there thought it would be a great idea to quit their corporate gig and design sand figurines or barrettes(sp?) or purses. And of course if its plain enough, some could pass for cute. But the vast majority.......


Meg....look into writing or selling stuff that an artist or profesional designers that went to design school made.
Dear god. that has to be the worst idea ever. unless you're a professional designer, you have no business designing handbags. I've seen the end result of Darla's suggestion TexasMeg: its not pretty. Spare your friends the awkward position of either buying them out of pity or refusing to buy them.

LOL I don't think anyone needs to worry about that...I may be creative but I'm certainly not quite girlie enough to pull something like that off.
I actually had this idea about opening a center/storefront that offered information and play areas for the autistic children and their families, along with selling the food/supplements that so many of these children need. The logistics of all that seem so overwhelming though. Something like that probably needs to be done by someone who has time and is not dealing with an autistic child herself.

Now, given my vast experience in autism (ya know....the Jenny McCarthy article from a couple weeks back), there's a huge untapped market for that.

Honestly, hearing you say that reminds me of the case study we did for Burts Bees. That's has the potential for being big. And what better person to do it than a mom of an austic child? Has your child gotten better with a strict diet?

this reminds me of that S ex in teh City episode where the girls went to their friends house for a purse party. She had the most $hiteous purses ever.

I don't doubt that maybe you've put together one or two things that have been pretty cute or that you even got complimented on..........somehow I don't think you could pump out an arsenal really nice purses. Just go to any given mall stand........someone there thought it would be a great idea to quit their corporate gig and design sand figurines or barrettes(sp?) or purses. And of course if its plain enough, some could pass for cute. But the vast majority.......


Meg....look into writing or selling stuff that an artist or profesional designers that went to design school made.

your out-of-control jealousy of me and my creative gifts becomes more obvious everyday!
Now, given my vast experience in autism (ya know....the Jenny McCarthy article from a couple weeks back), there's a huge untapped market for that.

Honestly, hearing you say that reminds me of the case study we did for Burts Bees. That's has the potential for being big. And what better person to do it than a mom of an austic child? Has your child gotten better with a strict diet?

It's a lot of experimentation right now: omitting and adding back food as well as supplements and lotions and detoxifiers. He has definitely come a long way, but still has his off days. I will say there is absolutely something to all this biomedical stuff. If he keeps up at the rate he is going, by the time he is five he should no longer be on the spectrum.
It's a lot of experimentation right now: omitting and adding back food as well as supplements and lotions and detoxifiers. He has definitely come a long way, but still has his off days. I will say there is absolutely something to all this biomedical stuff. If he keeps up at the rate he is going, by the time he is five he should no longer be on the spectrum.

thats awesome.
It's a lot of experimentation right now: omitting and adding back food as well as supplements and lotions and detoxifiers. He has definitely come a long way, but still has his off days. I will say there is absolutely something to all this biomedical stuff. If he keeps up at the rate he is going, by the time he is five he should no longer be on the spectrum.

That is great to hear. And I must admit, if I were in your shoes and had a child with such a sensitive situation, I don't think I'd want to work. I'm going to go out on a limb hear and guess that the success rate of "curing" autism probably declines with age since its a neurological condition. I'm also guessing that the next few years will be crucial and if everything he ingests or is exposed to has to be monitored, I'd definitely think its worth staying at home.

You can probably do a lot of good for parents going forward with your business idea. I say go for it.
That is great to hear. And I must admit, if I were in your shoes and had a child with such a sensitive situation, I don't think I'd want to work. I'm going to go out on a limb hear and guess that the success rate of "curing" autism probably declines with age since its a neurological condition. I'm also guessing that the next few years will be crucial and if everything he ingests or is exposed to has to be monitored, I'd definitely think its worth staying at home.

You can probably do a lot of good for parents going forward with your business idea. I say go for it.

Yeah early intervention is definitely key in this as everything is still developing. Right now it's about repairing what has been damaged while there is still time. What's ironic about all of this is dr.'s know that such is the case yet they are VERY hesitant to give any kind of diagnosis before the age of three. Most parents see the onset right as it happens...usually well before 2. I had to fight tooth and nail for it just to get the referrals and treatment options necessary. I asked why they don't like to diagnose even when it's glaringly obvious and I was told that the neurologists are overloaded. They can't keep up with the numbers anymore. Oh and this was the best response lol....some kids just grow out of it.
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Yeah early intervention is definitely key in this as everything is still developing. Right now it's about repairing what has been damaged while there is still time. What's ironic about all of this is dr.'s know that such is the case yet they are VERY hesitant to give any kind of diagnosis before the age of three. Most parents see the onset right as it happens...usually well before 2. I had to fight tooth and nail for it just to get the referrals and treatment options necessary. I asked why they don't like to diagnose even when it's glaringly obvious and I was told that the neurologists are overloaded. They can't keep up with the numbers anymore. Oh and this was the best response lol....some kids just grow out of it.

Well, hopefully your son will "just grow out of it" with your help.
people put someone with an MD on this high pedestal for some reason. I dont know why... good rule of thumb to live by is to research yourself everything that involves opening u up, injecting you with something, or adding new med's to your system...

ohh and for your kids or who your responsible for as well

MD's fuck up just as much as other professionals do.
people put someone with an MD on this high pedestal for some reason. I dont know why... good rule of thumb to live by is to research yourself everything that involves opening u up, injecting you with something, or adding new med's to your system...

ohh and for your kids or who your responsible for as well

MD's fuck up just as much as other professionals do.

Yep, so why are the ambulance chasing trial lawyers the cause of the medical malpractice problem to some ?
beats me... but there is a balance. cant be letting some fat ass unhealthy lard who never produced shit in life sue a dr for millions when he botches his 4th bi-pass surgery.

we need doctors.. my point is they fuck up just like everyone else does.. you need to be your own advocate. dont just do what dr says unless u investigate the pro's and con's.

lol whenever i go to dr.. i tell them what i need. basically they agree.
beats me... but there is a balance. cant be letting some fat ass unhealthy lard who never produced shit in life sue a dr for millions when he botches his 4th bi-pass surgery.

we need doctors.. my point is they fuck up just like everyone else does.. you need to be your own advocate. dont just do what dr says unless u investigate the pro's and con's.

lol whenever i go to dr.. i tell them what i need. basically they agree.

I have to say I agree completely...though I had to learn it the hard way. In this day and age with a wealth of information at our fingertips, it's so important to stay "abreast of the situations ;)". We can no longer blindly believe those we were taught to trust.
beats me... but there is a balance. cant be letting some fat ass unhealthy lard who never produced shit in life sue a dr for millions when he botches his 4th bi-pass surgery.

we need doctors.. my point is they fuck up just like everyone else does.. you need to be your own advocate. dont just do what dr says unless u investigate the pro's and con's.

lol whenever i go to dr.. i tell them what i need. basically they agree.

yeah same here, just not sure what I am going to tell them about how to do my surgery though....
I have to say I agree completely...though I had to learn it the hard way. In this day and age with a wealth of information at our fingertips, it's so important to stay "abreast of the situations ;)". We can no longer blindly believe those we were taught to trust.

i like to constantly learn new shit. sometimes its because i am faced with a decision and other times just something that peaks my curiosity.

When it comes to something that has to do with a financial decision or a medical decision, or any other major decision its just common sense to learn as much about it as you can before proceeding.

I am not afraid to be wrong or to change my opinion on a major issue if i acquire new information that makes it more logical. So many of the things i was raised to believe I have tossed in the trash.