
I am reinventing nothing. You people created a scenario that tried to make me look bad because I proved a friend of yours to be a fraud, and subsequently the rest of you. Now you are trying desperately to maintain that fraud. You are all frauds.

Go for it.

Those who have thought processes above those of ameboes know what is real.

And so do you. I am so very sorry that you have decided to be such an evil person. But I forgive you. And I abandon you.

Oh, by the way, I did answer the part of searching the internet. I asked where it said that Ritalyn ever killed anyone. ARE YOU DEAF DUMB AND BLIND?

Well, yes, you are.

Hey, you guys enjoy your clusterfuck, and make sure Sheri and Dragonqueen know all about it.

More proof that you're just re-inventing yourself and re-writing the past.
You know that there were no messages sent; because no one had any idea how to contact your husband.

I see you failed to answer the part about searching the internet, before becoming concerned.

You go right ahead and continue to try to erase your own behavior.
Next you'll be saying that you never ever said anything about wanting to be with your son; WHICH helped prompt the idea that you were planning to kill yourself.

All you're really doing is showing that all your talk abouit becoming a better person is just a buch of BS.
The only thing you're trying to do, is create a new character for yourself.
How many times must you attempt that before you realize it doesn't hurt?

Why are you even in this anyway?

You weren't there. Deny it all you want.

You weren't.

Any time you want to STFU and STFD Liz, then I am sure it will go away. Concept I know, but you supposedly pride yourself in being intelligent.

You know the definition of insanity, eh Liz? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Uhhh, Liz? It ain't working for ya sister.

Until then all the little lies you tell about how you didn't try to intentionally embroil me in this pity pot of yours, it isn't going to morph into your make believe world you've created.

You sent IM after IM trying to plead your side of the story with me and you did it with Alec too on NUMEROUS occasions.

YOU can deny it all YOU want. You, me and Alec know the truth.

You are incapable of owning your side Liz. Rigorous honesty has escaped you and whether you want to believe it or not, you are not terminally unique. You are doing what millions of people do that aren't truly recovered. Trying to find an excuse and missing the opportunity for the solution.

You're a dry drunk.
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Oh, puleeeeezzzee!!!

quote=egordon0315;436257]So, did they get enough rope to show who they really are?

I think so.

I'm done now. Others can judge as they wish.[/quote]
HAHAHAHA, this is priceless. Your brain, what little you have left, goes into reverse when you are backed into a corner. AGAIN, did you spread the lying rumor to your buddies that I was meme? You really should be more careful who you choose for friends, dear.


Everybody who read those endless, stupid bash threads on the WOT KNOWS who told us about meme and Ice Dancer, and it wasn't Frog. You were there and you know it also, but I suppose you all feel secure in trashing Frog since the WOT records can't be accessed anymore. How many times do we have to say that Frog did NOT start any rumors about meme?
In fact, the only ones who keep talking about her are you and dumbkis, so why are you still bothering? She jumped all over me the first day, too.

Looks like meme hit and run, and now the rest of you are left to clean up after her. How curious.
No doubt you are getting your defibrillator out to resuscitate the nearly dead horse enough to do one last pirouette before flogging it.

They have a genius for descending en masse on a thread and shooting it to hell. It's over 400 posts, how much do you want to bet they grow it by another couple of hundred before it finally collapses under all the bile? :bdh:
They really cannot imagine how they look to others, shame and embarassment are seemingly alien concepts to them.

They have a genius for descending en masse on a thread and shooting it to hell. It's over 400 posts, how much do you want to bet they grow it by another couple of hundred before it finally collapses under all the bile? :bdh:
I must admit to being baffled by your latest avatar, do you really want to present an image of what looks like a pole dancing tranny ready for another twirl for the punters? Your previous version, which I assume was you, showed a perfectly respectable middle aged woman, so why did you change it?

Any time you want to STFU and STFD Liz, then I am sure it will go away. Concept I know, but you supposedly pride yourself in being intelligent.

You know the definition of insanity, eh Liz? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Uhhh, Liz? It ain't working for ya sister.

Until then all the little lies you tell about how you didn't try to intentionally embroil me in this pity pot of yours, it isn't going to morph into your make believe world you've created.

You sent IM after IM trying to plead your side of the story with me and you did it with Alec too on NUMEROUS occasions.

YOU can deny it all YOU want. You, me and Alec know the truth.

You are incapable of owning your side Liz. Rigorous honesty has escaped you and whether you want to believe it or not, you are not terminally unique. You are doing what millions of people do that aren't truly recovered. Trying to find an excuse and missing the opportunity for the solution.

You're a dry drunk.
Are you telling me you never had a conversation with froggie about my being meme?

HAHAHAHA, this is priceless. Your brain, what little you have left, goes into reverse when you are backed into a corner. AGAIN, did you spread the lying rumor to your buddies that I was meme? You really should be more careful who you choose for friends, dear.


Everybody who read those endless, stupid bash threads on the WOT KNOWS who told us about meme and Ice Dancer, and it wasn't Frog. You were there and you know it also, but I suppose you all feel secure in trashing Frog since the WOT records can't be accessed anymore. How many times do we have to say that Frog did NOT start any rumors about meme?
In fact, the only ones who keep talking about her are you and dumbkis, so why are you still bothering? She jumped all over me the first day, too.

Looks like meme hit and run, and now the rest of you are left to clean up after her. How curious.
I am reinventing nothing. You people created a scenario that tried to make me look bad because I proved a friend of yours to be a fraud, and subsequently the rest of you. Now you are trying desperately to maintain that fraud. You are all frauds.

Go for it.

Those who have thought processes above those of ameboes know what is real.

And so do you. I am so very sorry that you have decided to be such an evil person. But I forgive you. And I abandon you.

Oh, by the way, I did answer the part of searching the internet. I asked where it said that Ritalyn ever killed anyone. ARE YOU DEAF DUMB AND BLIND?

Well, yes, you are.

Hey, you guys enjoy your clusterfuck, and make sure Sheri and Dragonqueen know all about it.

I take it you're practicing swallowing all your lies, so that you can swallow just about anything.

Are you STUPID; because I said, regarding the internet, if everyone should have first done a web search, before becoming concerned.
It looks like all that drinking has caused your memory and cognitive thinking to be totally damaged.
I'm sorry that you have decided to remain such a lying, hypocritical bitch.

Now, to tell everyone how innocent you are!!
Yeah, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
I asked you a question. Answer it if you dare.


Honestly? If I said something to Frog on that WOT thread, I don't remember.

Obviously you have a real need to prove something and I'm not sure why. Meme seems to have disappeared so why do you keep talking about her/him?
Any time you want to STFU and STFD Liz, then I am sure it will go away. Concept I know, but you supposedly pride yourself in being intelligent.

You know the definition of insanity, eh Liz? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Uhhh, Liz? It ain't working for ya sister.

Until then all the little lies you tell about how you didn't try to intentionally embroil me in this pity pot of yours, it isn't going to morph into your make believe world you've created.

You sent IM after IM trying to plead your side of the story with me and you did it with Alec too on NUMEROUS occasions.

YOU can deny it all YOU want. You, me and Alec know the truth.

You are incapable of owning your side Liz. Rigorous honesty has escaped you and whether you want to believe it or not, you are not terminally unique. You are doing what millions of people do that aren't truly recovered. Trying to find an excuse and missing the opportunity for the solution.

You're a dry drunk.

That she is unable to just take responsibility for her crap has been long ago proven Loyal. That she became vicious to the very people who tried to help her because they belived she meant to harm herself is understandable as she was an admitted black-out binging drunk. She now claims sobriety and can't even manage a "thanks for wanting to help" or a "those were some dark times for me and I know I lashed out". No, instead we get treated at least twice a year to her public "so tell me this or tell me that" traps that are otherwise known as "liz setting up her stage" to get this all aired yet again. I do wonder why she wants to do this and can only surmise it's because she needs to prove something that is beyond a healthy normal need.