
Obviously in denial, well at least you live in the right part of the world for head shrinks.

Of course it would be Tom who would have first hand knowledge of Trannies. It all comes out in the rinse cycle now doesn't it??

The big question for Tom is: Are you a "top" or a "bottom", Miss Thang?
Obviously in denial, well at least you live in the right part of the world for head shrinks.

Yes, Tom. When it comes to the "full story" you've got everyone figured out and we all wilt in the light of your grandness. You should charge for the diagnoses you deliver on the internet. Lord knows you spend enough time here to make a living out of it.

There has to be something inherently twisted with a man, that is of course if you truly are one, who plops his derriere down in the middle of a womans cat fight and languishes in the exquisiteness of it all. Crazy? Uh... yeah.

I would check you knickers Tom. Make sure it's all where it should be.

A cat fight? A seat right in the middle!!!!!!!!! Don't toy with us, now. This is serious business. People pay good money for this stuff. Hard earned coin! :D

Yes, Tom. When it comes to the "full story" you've got everyone figured out and we all wilt in the light of your grandness. You should charge for the diagnoses you deliver on the internet. Lord knows you spend enough time here to make a living out of it.

There has to be something inherently twisted with a man, that is of course if you truly are one, who plops his derriere down in the middle of a womans cat fight and languishes in the exquisiteness of it all. Crazy? Uh... yeah.

I would check you knickers Tom. Make sure it's all where it should be.

A cat fight? A seat right in the middle!!!!!!!!! Don't toy with us, now. This is serious business. People pay good money for this stuff. Hard earned coin! :D

Never a doubt you love female attention. Good, bad or indifferent.

You are likeable and always will be.

Now GIT! You're stealing Tom's thunder. :eek:
Yes, Tom. When it comes to the "full story" you've got everyone figured out and we all wilt in the light of your grandness. You should charge for the diagnoses you deliver on the internet. Lord knows you spend enough time here to make a living out of it.

There has to be something inherently twisted with a man, that is of course if you truly are one, who plops his derriere down in the middle of a womans cat fight and languishes in the exquisiteness of it all. Crazy? Uh... yeah.

I would check you knickers Tom. Make sure it's all where it should be.


He's such a desperate housewife. A gossip mongering nancy boy!
Apple is a cutie. No matter how hard I try to stay mad at him, I can't do it.:D

quote=usaloyal2theend;436499]Never a doubt you love female attention. Good, bad or indifferent.

You are likeable and always will be.

Now GIT! You're stealing Tom's thunder. :eek:[/quote]
I bet they quit if I do.

But I may be wrong.

I know why it is important to me to clear my name, but I can't for the life of me figure out why they want to keep it as they have made it!

They have a genius for descending en masse on a thread and shooting it to hell. It's over 400 posts, how much do you want to bet they grow it by another couple of hundred before it finally collapses under all the bile? :bdh:
I guess two or three times qualifies as "repeated". So, technically, in this instance, you are not a liar. "Endless", though, is a little over the top.

Did you feel persecuted?

Tell me, Loyal: What constitutes a "solicited" IM?

Your REPEATED and annoying attempts to embroil me in this by random and unsolicited IM's through AIM, and endless attempts to do so On the boards caused me to be involved. It would have all gone away if you had chosen to LET it go away, but you keep/kept dragging it out of the basement and beating it to smithereens, and here we are a 'effin'gain'.

This has established and underscored my firmly held belief this brings you some kind of satisfaction since YOU never can let it go and ALWAYS bring it up.

Now to the ignore list!
But everyone knew how to contact ME. Not one, NOT ONE, indication that the statement I made about Ritalyn was taken seriously until well after, when you (plural) had decided that I was not worth your time.

How was I supposed to act? Contrite over a poor joke that no one had the decency to ask me about or call me on? No, I was angry at being treated as a pariah then, and am angry at being treated as one now. Without benefit of any defense.

Jesus Christ! I have never claimed to be the mind reader that you (plural) obviously pride yourselves in being. Had I known that everyone was so upset about it, I would have defused it immediately.

But no. Your little AIM network buzzed for weeks and weeks (I assume).

So blast me all you want. I want the truth told, and you, yes, you, want to hold onto a fantasy.

Sheri would be proud. After all, if it weren't for the fact that my friendship with her went sour, this would never have happened

You know that there were no messages sent; because no one had any idea how to contact your husband.
I guess two or three times qualifies as "repeated". So, technically, in this instance, you are not a liar. "Endless", though, is a little over the top.

Did you feel persecuted?

Tell me, Loyal: What constitutes a "solicited" IM?

No liz. 'persecuted' would be from your personal vocabulary, not mine. Climb off the cross Liz. You've got splinters in your a$$.

So now you are admitting you IM'ed me? Of course now you get to decide how many times it was too, eh?

Yep. Now Liz gets to decide everything and the world according to you spins happily and uninterrupted on its axis, cuz Liz has the floor! Hallelujah!

Does this admission somehow render the lie you intimated to earlier about you claiming I was hallucinating and you weren't harrassing me with unsolicited IM's moot, or perhaps is it you who suffers with the hallucinations, Liz?

~ or ~

Should we just chalk it up to another unfortunate lapse in memory? Where I come from, we just call it like it is. "A lie"

A "solicited IM" in my book would mean "welcomed". Is that clear enough for you, or shall I draw you a map?

Now Liz, why don't you draw this out for at least another week or two and then put it to bed for a little nappy-poo. Then I would suggest you pull it back out, oh let's say around 4th of July, dust it all off, and "have at it" again? K?

Talk about takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'.....

Let's sit back and see how you manage to milk the last blasted drop out of this shriveled teat.
But everyone knew how to contact ME. Not one, NOT ONE, indication that the statement I made about Ritalyn was taken seriously until well after, when you (plural) had decided that I was not worth your time.

How was I supposed to act? Contrite over a poor joke that no one had the decency to ask me about or call me on? No, I was angry at being treated as a pariah then, and am angry at being treated as one now. Without benefit of any defense.

Jesus Christ! I have never claimed to be the mind reader that you (plural) obviously pride yourselves in being. Had I known that everyone was so upset about it, I would have defused it immediately.

But no. Your little AIM network buzzed for weeks and weeks (I assume).

So blast me all you want. I want the truth told, and you, yes, you, want to hold onto a fantasy.

Sheri would be proud. After all, if it weren't for the fact that my friendship with her went sour, this would never have happened


You made the choice to push everone away, with your constant desire to be the center of attention.
Fact is, you wore everyone down and no one had the strength to deal with you anymore.
And you can ASSume all you want; but it won't accomplish much, except to keep you occupied.

But then; maybe threats of suicide are amusing, TO YOU.

You're so full of shit, that you're living proof that DENIAL doesn't always refer to a river in Egypt.
I'm thinking more of a mangy moggie than a cat.

Yes, Tom. When it comes to the "full story" you've got everyone figured out and we all wilt in the light of your grandness. You should charge for the diagnoses you deliver on the internet. Lord knows you spend enough time here to make a living out of it.

There has to be something inherently twisted with a man, that is of course if you truly are one, who plops his derriere down in the middle of a womans cat fight and languishes in the exquisiteness of it all. Crazy? Uh... yeah.

I would check you knickers Tom. Make sure it's all where it should be.
