
I didn't lie about a suicide attempt. It never happened.

If memory serves me correctly, I posted something to the effect that I should probably take all my son's Ritalyn and end it all. What you seem to forget, or maybe you didn't know, is that I had in my possession an FDA adverse reaction report that proved that Ritalyn had never killed anyone. And you know why I had purchased that report.

It was a joke. Morose, poorly stated, and obviously sent to the wrong people. For that I am very sorry. That you people choose to lie about being concerned and/or trying to do something about it is much more damning than anything that I did. Maybe I shouldn't say "you people" because you are the only one present now who was involved. So, Alec and Loyal, if you feel you have a right to any input into this, please provide a justification which includes how you were involved.

If I haven't addressed my own behaviour immediately following this, maybe you should. Please let me know how I backstabbed anyone.

A little warning: you will be incorrect.

I hope God forgives you, because it is becoming increasingly difficult for me to.

So everyone should have done a internet search on the affects of Ritalyn, before they became concerned.

"In 2004, over 8000 methylphenidate ingestions were reported in US poison center data. The most common reasons for intentional exposure were drug abuse and suicide attempts. An overdose manifests in agitation, hallucinations, psychosis, lethargy, seizures, tachycardia, dysrhythmias, hypertension, and hyperthermia. Benzodiazepines may be used as treatment if agitation, dystonia, or convulsions are present."

Screw you, you lying bitch.
It's beginning to look like you're not even giving God much reason to forgive you.
So you admit that you have no first had knowledge of what was going on.

Thank you.

Yep. I got the IM's too and the "so tell me what you were told" beggings as well. I'd tell her, she'd say it was lies. I'd say 3 people all had the same story, 3 people I respect. The issue would fade and then the whole stage would be re-propped and out would come the drama again...Free stepped into it this time, but he caught on.
Nice google search.

And how many deaths occurred as a result of ritalyn ingestion?


As evidenced by the adverse reactions report to this drug that I had ordered from the FDA.

Please tell me about the efforts of my friends after this misunderstanding to intervene.

I'd be really interested to know. Because neither I nor my husband ever received any communication from these so-called friends.

So everyone should have done a internet search on the affects of Ritalyn, before they became concerned.

"In 2004, over 8000 methylphenidate ingestions were reported in US poison center data. The most common reasons for intentional exposure were drug abuse and suicide attempts. An overdose manifests in agitation, hallucinations, psychosis, lethargy, seizures, tachycardia, dysrhythmias, hypertension, and hyperthermia. Benzodiazepines may be used as treatment if agitation, dystonia, or convulsions are present."

Screw you, you lying bitch.
It's beginning to look like you're not even giving God much reason to forgive you.
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What, exactly, does "stir the pot" mean to you?

And, no, mentioning Freedom's name wasn't necessary. You're right.

Posts #76 and #77 when they all stampeded to this board. At that time I called her on it, as to why your name was even mentioned unless it was just to stir the pot. It certainly wasn't necessary.
HAHAHAHA, this is priceless. Your brain, what little you have left, goes into reverse when you are backed into a corner. AGAIN, did you spread the lying rumor to your buddies that I was meme? You really should be more careful who you choose for friends, dear.

Stupid ass, I will repeat, you were revealed on the AOL board or are you that dense we have to keep repeating it.

I thought it hilarious you chose to be from Alaska!



For what it's worth, no one told me that you were meme.

HAHAHAHA, this is priceless. Your brain, what little you have left, goes into reverse when you are backed into a corner. AGAIN, did you spread the lying rumor to your buddies that I was meme? You really should be more careful who you choose for friends, dear.

Stupid ass, I will repeat, you were revealed on the AOL board or are you that dense we have to keep repeating it.

I thought it hilarious you chose to be from Alaska!



You STUPID ASS ask Damo! Meme and Tu Tu are NOT the same poster...when we say froggie is stoopie we really do mean it...LOL
You STUPID ASS ask Damo! Meme and Tu Tu are NOT the same poster...when we say froggie is stoopie we really do mean it...LOL

We bid for and won a Brain Scrambler off E Bay. Pointed it at one of Foggy's posts, and see?

What you have is C - H - E - A - P stupid!

All for $1.95!!!! Whoduh' thunk it???? :cof1:
We bid for and won a Brain Scrambler off E Bay. Pointed it at one of Foggy's posts, and see?

What you have is C - H - E - A - P stupid!

All for $1.95!!!! Whoduh' thunk it???? :cof1:

Yeah, but when you multiply that by 10,000 such e-bay purchases a year, you get cheap+spendthrift = stupid!
Liz, am I right in saying that this happened over five years ago?

Nice google search.

And how many deaths occurred as a result of ritalyn ingestion?


As evidenced by the adverse reactions report to this drug that I had ordered from the FDA.

Please tell me about the efforts of my friends after this misunderstanding to intervene.

I'd be really interested to know. Because neither I nor my husband ever received any communication from these so-called friends.
Liz, am I right in saying that this happened over five years ago?

It's actually been like 7-8 years Tom, but I do agree. It's a LONG time she's been bringing this up. Thanks for pointing that out!

Always so helpful that Tommy Prendergasp!

Now liz, I am SURE you will want to weigh in on this, so please, don't hold back.

Let 'er rip!
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Nice google search.

And how many deaths occurred as a result of ritalyn ingestion?


As evidenced by the adverse reactions report to this drug that I had ordered from the FDA.

Please tell me about the efforts of my friends after this misunderstanding to intervene.

I'd be really interested to know. Because neither I nor my husband ever received any communication from these so-called friends.

More proof that you're just re-inventing yourself and re-writing the past.
You know that there were no messages sent; because no one had any idea how to contact your husband.

I see you failed to answer the part about searching the internet, before becoming concerned.

You go right ahead and continue to try to erase your own behavior.
Next you'll be saying that you never ever said anything about wanting to be with your son; WHICH helped prompt the idea that you were planning to kill yourself.

All you're really doing is showing that all your talk abouit becoming a better person is just a buch of BS.
The only thing you're trying to do, is create a new character for yourself.
So, did they get enough rope to show who they really are?

I think so.

I'm done now. Others can judge as they wish.

He is a coward, always has been, always will be. He picks on women, always has and always will. The girls tell lies, always have and always will, it is a good thing no one believes them but themselves and this is evidence once again that they know you better than you know yourself. They know that you really meant. Always have and always will.
He has no interest in clearing this up, never has and never will and their memories are so distorted, I don't even borther trying to clear the air with these fucked up people who lie so much they don't even know what is true anymore!
Why bother, I don't want them as friends and I can't imagine that you would either.
Anyone who ridicules people for their illnesses and faults isn't a person who has any class in my books.
He did the same thing to Sweetshru. They tormented her. They are evil, pure evil and I don't think you should give them the time of day when they make their childish comments and they will continue to make their childish comments. They live for them and the drama they can bring.