
Well, that gives me something to work with.

Yes. I am a recovering alcoholic who has hit some bumps along the way, all self-inflicted, but I am doing fine at the moment and have been for quite a while. Thank you for asking.

I knew you were going to bring up that suicide threat fiasco. Someone misinterpreted a joke that I made in a rather morose moment. Subsequently all hell broke lose (in private conversations that were not open to me) that resulted in a claim that I was about to attempt suicide and that you people tried to contact my husband to warn him.

All lies. I did not threaten suicide, no one tried to contact my husband, and the woman who initiated this claim subsequently dropped from the boards.


You lie about the suicide attempt.
I saw the comment you made and it was no joke; but then I guess as long as your God forgives you for lying, that it makes it OK for you.
I noticed that you didn't address your behavior, immediately following this, and how you backstabbed all those that tried to befriend you.
But then, drinking does cause forgetfulness.
You really do want to make this difficult, don't you.

Please quote the comment I made about the suicide attempt. It, if I remember correctly, had something to do with my taking excess doses of ritalin, a drug that is used to control ADHD kids. I had proof at that time that it had never resulted, in even excess doses, in a death. It was a morose, and ill-advised, joke. But it was a joke. But after it was made, there was NO attempt for these "friends" to do anything but talk behind my back about "poor Liz".

Please describe how I backstabbed all (or any) of those who tried to befriend me after this point. Or please describe ANY attempt to befriend me at this point. As I remember it, I became quite the pariah.

And, no, my memory is quite clear.

Go for it.

You lie about the suicide attempt.
I saw the comment you made and it was no joke; but then I guess as long as your God forgives you for lying, that it makes it OK for you.
I noticed that you didn't address your behavior, immediately following this, and how you backstabbed all those that tried to befriend you.
But then, drinking does cause forgetfulness.
I am interested in what it is you want me to change about myself.

I have no dislike for you; because that would mean that I hold out hope for you to change and I don't see it happening.
What I feel is pity; but pity doesn't give you the right to act like the "pure as driven snow hypocrite" that you do.

Shall we start with your drinking continue with the night that many of us, on the AOL board thought you were going to commit suicide, and then end it with yoiur behavior towards those that cared enough about you to care about you?

Now let's see how your hypocrisy spins this away.
You really do want to make this difficult, don't you.

Please quote the comment I made about the suicide attempt. It, if I remember correctly, had something to do with my taking excess doses of ritalin, a drug that is used to control ADHD kids. I had proof at that time that it had never resulted, in even excess doses, in a death. It was a morose, and ill-advised, joke. But it was a joke. But after it was made, there was NO attempt for these "friends" to do anything but talk behind my back about "poor Liz".

Please describe how I backstabbed all (or any) of those who tried to befriend me after this point. Or please describe ANY attempt to befriend me at this point. As I remember it, I became quite the pariah.

And, no, my memory is quite clear.

Go for it.

Oh-blow it out your ass, Liz.
I just realized that this is just another attempt to keep the LIZ SHOW going.
It's all about Liz, ALL THE DAY-ALL THE TIME.

Just more of your pity party and more of you being the eternal victim.
I have only myself to blame, for allowing myself to be drawn back into your pathetic attempt to appear innocent.

At least Jesus loves you. :nolovejesus:
So you are afraid of clearing this up.

I didn't expect that.

Oh-blow it out your ass, Liz.
I just realized that this is just another attempt to keep the LIZ SHOW going.
It's all about Liz, ALL THE DAY-ALL THE TIME.

Just more of your pity party and more of you being the eternal victim.
I have only myself to blame, for allowing myself to be drawn back into your pathetic attempt to appear innocent.

At least Jesus loves you. :nolovejesus:
So you are afraid of clearing this up.

I didn't expect that.

I have no intention of watching you cry into your beer.
You can go ahead and do this all on your own, seeing as how you've practiced it to perfection.

And it's your lies and inabiltiy to deal with this truthfully, that shows you're the one afraid of clearing this up.

Let me know, when you get that halo polished.
Well, I can't speak for Chris, but it is certainly a giggle for me when you pee all over yourself when we even post.

From where do you derive your worth, Ice Dancer? Mine comes from within and from my God.

If that were only true. I just read the nicely layed out trap you set for Free. I wished I could have said to him "Free don't do it, she is looking for the opportunity to lay out her drama on this board". But alas, I was too late. He did see it though after just a couple Liz denials into it. So now the story is "it was all just a morose joke". Real recovery is all about getting honest Liz.
Just as I thought.

Tell me how my asking you to call me on whatever it is you have against me is showing fear of clearing it up.

I think it took rather remarkable courage on my part, seeing as how you have turned into someone with whom I am astonished that I was ever friends. I was quite ready to do this. But you're not.

Unfortunately, it seems you've got nothing, that's why you're backing out on this.

Please, just tell me one lie that you think I've told. And if you're correct, I'll admit to it.

I have no intention of watching you cry into your beer.
You can go ahead and do this all on your own, seeing as how you've practiced it to perfection.

And it's your lies and inabiltiy to deal with this truthfully, that shows you're the one afraid of clearing this up.

Let me know, when you get that halo polished.
Just as I thought.

Tell me how my asking you to call me on whatever it is you have against me is showing fear of clearing it up.

I think it took rather remarkable courage on my part, seeing as how you have turned into someone with whom I am astonished that I was ever friends. I was quite ready to do this. But you're not.

Unfortunately, it seems you've got nothing, that's why you're backing out on this.

Please, just tell me one lie that you think I've told. And if you're correct, I'll admit to it.

egordon0315 posted:
:inno: :whip: :inno:
*end translation*
And you know all about it.


If that were only true. I just read the nicely layed out trap you set for Free. I wished I could have said to him "Free don't do it, she is looking for the opportunity to lay out her drama on this board". But alas, I was too late. He did see it though after just a couple Liz denials into it. So now the story is "it was all just a morose joke". Real recovery is all about getting honest Liz.
Nicely laid out trap? Thank you, but you give me too much credit.

I don't know how to lay out a trap. But it is pretty true that people who worry about them ... or warn about them ... probably have great success in laying their own.

Would that be you?

Real recovery is something you seem to know something about. Care to elaborate?


Never mind. I may be slow but I am seeing bully, and it is ugly. Enjoy your three friends. You may never encounter another. In fact, I predict it if you continue on this road.

If that were only true. I just read the nicely layed out trap you set for Free. I wished I could have said to him "Free don't do it, she is looking for the opportunity to lay out her drama on this board". But alas, I was too late. He did see it though after just a couple Liz denials into it. So now the story is "it was all just a morose joke". Real recovery is all about getting honest Liz.
Nicely laid out trap? Thank you, but you give me too much credit.

I don't know how to lay out a trap. But it is pretty true that people who worry about them ... or warn about them ... probably have great success in laying their own.

Would that be you?

Real recovery is something you seem to know something about. Care to elaborate?


Never mind. I may be slow but I am seeing bully, and it is ugly. Enjoy your three friends. You may never encounter another. In fact, I predict it if you continue on this road.

You really are such a bitch liz. Go find another stage as this ones really much too small for your act.
He is a coward, always has been, always will be. He picks on women, always has and always will. The girls tell lies, always have and always will, it is a good thing no one believes them but themselves and this is evidence once again that they know you better than you know yourself. They know that you really meant. Always have and always will.
He has no interest in clearing this up, never has and never will and their memories are so distorted, I don't even borther trying to clear the air with these fucked up people who lie so much they don't even know what is true anymore!
Why bother, I don't want them as friends and I can't imagine that you would either.
Anyone who ridicules people for their illnesses and faults isn't a person who has any class in my books.
He did the same thing to Sweetshru. They tormented her. They are evil, pure evil and I don't think you should give them the time of day when they make their childish comments and they will continue to make their childish comments. They live for them and the drama they can bring.
The man is a total bastard who uses any weakness or human foible as a rod for their back. With Liz, it was her drinking, Shoot his divorce. I wouldn't piss on him even if his teeth were on fire. JUst ignore the fucker and have done with it.

He is a coward, always has been, always will be. He picks on women, always has and always will. The girls tell lies, always have and always will, it is a good thing no one believes them but themselves and this is evidence once again that they know you better than you know yourself. They know that you really meant. Always have and always will.
He has no interest in clearing this up, never has and never will and their memories are so distorted, I don't even borther trying to clear the air with these fucked up people who lie so much they don't even know what is true anymore!
Why bother, I don't want them as friends and I can't imagine that you would either.
Anyone who ridicules people for their illnesses and faults isn't a person who has any class in my books.
He did the same thing to Sweetshru. They tormented her. They are evil, pure evil and I don't think you should give them the time of day when they make their childish comments and they will continue to make their childish comments. They live for them and the drama they can bring.
He is a coward, always has been, always will be. He picks on women, always has and always will. The girls tell lies, always have and always will, it is a good thing no one believes them but themselves and this is evidence once again that they know you better than you know yourself. They know that you really meant. Always have and always will.
He has no interest in clearing this up, never has and never will and their memories are so distorted, I don't even borther trying to clear the air with these fucked up people who lie so much they don't even know what is true anymore!
Why bother, I don't want them as friends and I can't imagine that you would either.
Anyone who ridicules people for their illnesses and faults isn't a person who has any class in my books.
He did the same thing to Sweetshru. They tormented her. They are evil, pure evil and I don't think you should give them the time of day when they make their childish comments and they will continue to make their childish comments. They live for them and the drama they can bring.

That's it, you hypocritical bitch, continue to throw stones; seeing as how you're without sin.

But then, you were going to let this stay on the other board.
The man is a total bastard who uses any weakness or human foible as a rod for their back. With Liz, it was her drinking, Shoot his divorce. I wouldn't piss on him even if his teeth were on fire. JUst ignore the fucker and have done with it.

DAMN, the IM's must have been flying.
Well, I'm glad to see that the remaining members of the Kennel Klub Kabal have been able to find something to rally around.

By the way, you ole sperm bucket; how did your sex tour of Thailand go??
Were you able to pay enough, to keep those young boys quiet??
Speaking of liars, why don't you fess up and tell everyone you are the meme troll? That might give you a little credibility, what little you have left. Talk about an evil person.

He is a coward, always has been, always will be. He picks on women, always has and always will. The girls tell lies, always have and always will, it is a good thing no one believes them but themselves and this is evidence once again that they know you better than you know yourself. They know that you really meant. Always have and always will.
He has no interest in clearing this up, never has and never will and their memories are so distorted, I don't even borther trying to clear the air with these fucked up people who lie so much they don't even know what is true anymore!
Why bother, I don't want them as friends and I can't imagine that you would either.
Anyone who ridicules people for their illnesses and faults isn't a person who has any class in my books.
He did the same thing to Sweetshru. They tormented her. They are evil, pure evil and I don't think you should give them the time of day when they make their childish comments and they will continue to make their childish comments. They live for them and the drama they can bring.
He is a coward, always has been, always will be. He picks on women, always has and always will. The girls tell lies, always have and always will, it is a good thing no one believes them but themselves and this is evidence once again that they know you better than you know yourself. They know that you really meant. Always have and always will.
He has no interest in clearing this up, never has and never will and their memories are so distorted, I don't even borther trying to clear the air with these fucked up people who lie so much they don't even know what is true anymore!
Why bother, I don't want them as friends and I can't imagine that you would either.
Anyone who ridicules people for their illnesses and faults isn't a person who has any class in my books.
He did the same thing to Sweetshru. They tormented her. They are evil, pure evil and I don't think you should give them the time of day when they make their childish comments and they will continue to make their childish comments. They live for them and the drama they can bring.

ALL HEAR: The trollish voice of froggie stupidity has spoken. <eye-roll>
That's it, you hypocritical bitch, continue to throw stones; seeing as how you're without sin.

But then, you were going to let this stay on the other board.

She made first allusions usual. And just as usual no one was supposed to rebut it. You forgot her/they get to make-up the rules and change them midstep if they so choose.