
yes and i know george bush too it was when i was an accountant in Calimexifornia and those dittle darn immagrants showed up

i had to enlist in the marine corp to save face

sarah liked my style at the marine base in wainwright and she wanted me to parade around for her in my uniform she kept moaning i love a guy in uniform it kind of made me uncomfortable but i kept marching she is my commander in state
You are stretching it dear, trying to protect your stooge friends.

Sorry, wrong again. Stirring the pot was started by dumbkis way back on April 3, thread title: Will she implode?, starting post 148.

"Darla and frog are buds; she probably has frog convinced you are aabba too. This of course means frog will gossip to the others fresh over from the WOT and they'll all think you are her as well. When this gang of rabid dogs think they have an aabba scent you may as well forget about being meme anymore"

This was only the 1st or 2nd day we were here. Wish you guys would just own up to the fact that you were ticked off we all signed up. :(
Whatever you say, Loyal.


The best part about Liz is she falls for anything. You could tell her that we took pictures the other day of Tom Prendergast in the shower and they have been passed to everyone here on this site, and she would shriek in outrage over the inhumanity of it all!

She makes "over easy" look too hard. :pke:
Wow that's pretty strong stuff! I'm a bitch? Self-centered I'll give you. Just what do you think I want to appear innocent about? And what do you think I am being hypocritical about?

You and your ilk have refused to answer these questions for years. Can you man up and do it now?

I invited you to go for it before. I am inviting you again.

And I get to indicate that you're nothing but a self-centered bitch, who just wants to appear to be innocent and really is just about stirring up shit.

No your comment didn't hurt my feelings, it just added weight to the fact that your a hypocrite. Why, did my outing you as the enternal victim hurt what few human feelings you have left?? :321:
Wow that's pretty strong stuff! I'm a bitch? Self-centered I'll give you. Just what do you think I want to appear innocent about? And what do you think I am being hypocritical about?

You and your ilk have refused to answer these questions for years. Can you man up and do it now?

I invited you to go for it before. I am inviting you again.

Are you telling me that you want me to resurrect all the things that occured on the AOL boards??

I haven't referred to one of them yet; but if that's what you want, just say so and we can discuss each one of them.
Or is this your way of getting me to bring them up, so once again you can continue this latest bout of a pity party??
You are stretching it dear, trying to protect your stooge friends.

That's what Chris does. This threads snarky remarks indicates who started what and when. My comments to meme were soley about why they would think she was aabba because meme had been discussing it with me.

Chris and Liz need the drama to continue, it's where they get their worth.
Are you telling me that you want me to resurrect all the things that occured on the AOL boards??

I haven't referred to one of them yet; but if that's what you want, just say so and we can discuss each one of them.
Or is this your way of getting me to bring them up, so once again you can continue this latest bout of a pity party??

Cry Me A River....
I remember that. Meme jumped all over me because she thought I was one of them. What they did to her sucks big time. Sick people.

That's what Chris does. This threads snarky remarks indicates who started what and when. My comments to meme were soley about why they would think she was aabba because meme had been discussing it with me.

Chris and Liz need the drama to continue, it's where they get their worth.
I sure am! Maybe then we will be able to tell the difference between fact and fiction. There are a few things that I regret having said on that board, but your over-the-top dislike for me is not supported by any of them.

So, go ahead. Have at it.

Are you telling me that you want me to resurrect all the things that occured on the AOL boards??

I haven't referred to one of them yet; but if that's what you want, just say so and we can discuss each one of them.
Or is this your way of getting me to bring them up, so once again you can continue this latest bout of a pity party??
I sure am! Maybe then we will be able to tell the difference between fact and fiction. There are a few things that I regret having said on that board, but your over-the-top dislike for me is not supported by any of them.

So, go ahead. Have at it.

I have no dislike for you; because that would mean that I hold out hope for you to change and I don't see it happening.
What I feel is pity; but pity doesn't give you the right to act like the "pure as driven snow hypocrite" that you do.

Shall we start with your drinking continue with the night that many of us, on the AOL board thought you were going to commit suicide, and then end it with yoiur behavior towards those that cared enough about you to care about you?

Now let's see how your hypocrisy spins this away.
Well, I can't speak for Chris, but it is certainly a giggle for me when you pee all over yourself when we even post.

From where do you derive your worth, Ice Dancer? Mine comes from within and from my God.

That's what Chris does. This threads snarky remarks indicates who started what and when. My comments to meme were soley about why they would think she was aabba because meme had been discussing it with me.

Chris and Liz need the drama to continue, it's where they get their worth.
Well, that gives me something to work with.

Yes. I am a recovering alcoholic who has hit some bumps along the way, all self-inflicted, but I am doing fine at the moment and have been for quite a while. Thank you for asking.

I knew you were going to bring up that suicide threat fiasco. Someone misinterpreted a joke that I made in a rather morose moment. Subsequently all hell broke lose (in private conversations that were not open to me) that resulted in a claim that I was about to attempt suicide and that you people tried to contact my husband to warn him.

All lies. I did not threaten suicide, no one tried to contact my husband, and the woman who initiated this claim subsequently dropped from the boards.


I have no dislike for you; because that would mean that I hold out hope for you to change and I don't see it happening.
What I feel is pity; but pity doesn't give you the right to act like the "pure as driven snow hypocrite" that you do.

Shall we start with your drinking continue with the night that many of us, on the AOL board thought you were going to commit suicide, and then end it with yoiur behavior towards those that cared enough about you to care about you?

Now let's see how your hypocrisy spins this away.