
The voice of the run-on and on and on and on argument speaks....

Can you say "understatement"?

I'll bet'cha can....:rolleyes:

You really are the most miserable creature, aren't you? You must be quite unhappy in your private life. You just want to blame anyone and everyone for your own failings.
Your arguments are non existent, there is never a point worthy of discussion, indeed, you are so similar to the idiot van driver that you might be the same sad person.
For goodness sake go find a man.
Don't bother with the return insults, dear. You are not funny and you don't hurt.
Nope. You're an ass. You've made this claim before and never substantiated it and you puppets have taken up the mantra.

What is it about me that scares you so much? I'm not that attractive and I'm not that smart. But I have a heart. Maybe that's it! You're jealous because none of you do!

I see you're now in memory failure.
You've played the vicitm since day 1.
I see that now that the old boards are gone, you're now trying to reinvent yourself; seeing as how there's no way for anyone to bring anything forward.

The rest of your posting, is just you hoping and dreaming.
I'll ask again. How have I presented myself as a victim?

And, again. You're an ass.

And once again, now that the old boards are gone and anything is unable to be brought forward, you are just trying to reinvent yourself.

Just keep playiing the vicitm; because you've had so much practice at it.
You saw the pictures that were sent didn't you????

Talk about putting the "ank" in "SKANK".

And the children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??? :(

Hit with both ends of the UGLY stick ~ no less!!~!! :eek:

She got bent because you said the WOT folks can beat a dead thread back to life? I think maybe her skin is a tad too thin after asshats spanking.