
Credibility with you, no thanks it would never matter if I fessed up or not.

Why don't you save face and admit that you are meme and Aabba, I mean, talk about an All About Eve(l) person! You have had more names than I could ever keep up with, so please, you first with the confessions...or it doesn't matter, which is it?
Speaking of liars, why don't you fess up and tell everyone you are the meme troll? That might give you a little credibility, what little you have left. Talk about an evil person.

Frog has always been a liar and has openly admitted to that fact. It became pretty obvious she was the meme-me troll after she kept up the same insipd moronic tone and comments. One thing you can say about darla is that at least she is creative, frog is just dull-witted and sloppy.
Yeah, Liz, Ice Dancer is the Queen Bitch and there can only be one on this message board!
So Heil To the Queen!

The Drama Queens, here, there and everywhere!
You are right, it would never happen after all the lies you have told.

Are you going to deny you spread the vicious gossip to your gullible friends saying I was meme?

Yes, you are an evil person, rotten to the core.

Credibility with you, no thanks it would never matter if I fessed up or not.

Why don't you save face and admit that you are meme and Aabba, I mean, talk about an All About Eve(l) person! You have had more names than I could ever keep up with, so please, you first with the confessions...or it doesn't matter, which is it?
I didn't lie about a suicide attempt. It never happened.

If memory serves me correctly, I posted something to the effect that I should probably take all my son's Ritalyn and end it all. What you seem to forget, or maybe you didn't know, is that I had in my possession an FDA adverse reaction report that proved that Ritalyn had never killed anyone. And you know why I had purchased that report.

It was a joke. Morose, poorly stated, and obviously sent to the wrong people. For that I am very sorry. That you people choose to lie about being concerned and/or trying to do something about it is much more damning than anything that I did. Maybe I shouldn't say "you people" because you are the only one present now who was involved. So, Alec and Loyal, if you feel you have a right to any input into this, please provide a justification which includes how you were involved.

If I haven't addressed my own behaviour immediately following this, maybe you should. Please let me know how I backstabbed anyone.

A little warning: you will be incorrect.

I hope God forgives you, because it is becoming increasingly difficult for me to.

You lie about the suicide attempt.
I saw the comment you made and it was no joke; but then I guess as long as your God forgives you for lying, that it makes it OK for you.
I noticed that you didn't address your behavior, immediately following this, and how you backstabbed all those that tried to befriend you.
But then, drinking does cause forgetfulness.
So, Alec and Loyal, if you feel you have a right to any input into this, please provide a justification which includes how you were involved.

Your REPEATED and annoying attempts to embroil me in this by random and unsolicited IM's through AIM, and endless attempts to do so On the boards caused me to be involved. It would have all gone away if you had chosen to LET it go away, but you keep/kept dragging it out of the basement and beating it to smithereens, and here we are a 'effin'gain'.

This has established and underscored my firmly held belief this brings you some kind of satisfaction since YOU never can let it go and ALWAYS bring it up.

Now to the ignore list!
Funny. I never suspected you suffered from hallucinations.

But that explains a lot.

Your REPEATED and annoying attempts to embroil me in this by random and unsolicited IM's through AIM, and endless attempts to do so On the boards caused me to be involved. It would have all gone away if you had chosen to LET it go away, but you keep/kept dragging it out of the basement and beating it to smithereens, and here we are a 'effin'gain'.

This has established and underscored my firmly held belief this brings you some kind of satisfaction since YOU never can let it go and ALWAYS bring it up.

Now to the ignore list!
Your REPEATED and annoying attempts to embroil me in this by random and unsolicited IM's through AIM, and endless attempts to do so On the boards caused me to be involved. It would have all gone away if you had chosen to LET it go away, but you keep/kept dragging it out of the basement and beating it to smithereens, and here we are a 'effin'gain'.

This has established and underscored my firmly held belief this brings you some kind of satisfaction since YOU never can let it go and ALWAYS bring it up.

Now to the ignore list!

Yep. I got the IM's too and the "so tell me what you were told" beggings as well. I'd tell her, she'd say it was lies. I'd say 3 people all had the same story, 3 people I respect. The issue would fade and then the whole stage would be re-propped and out would come the drama again...Free stepped into it this time, but he caught on.
Yep. I got the IM's too and the "so tell me what you were told" beggings as well. I'd tell her, she'd say it was lies. I'd say 3 people all had the same story, 3 people I respect. The issue would fade and then the whole stage would be re-propped and out would come the drama again...Free stepped into it this time, but he caught on.

Liz was in a chronic stage of black out I am sure. I venture to say there's huge chunks of time she lost in those days.

Liz will reinvent this story if it's the last thing she does.
Stupid ass, I will repeat, you were revealed on the AOL board or are you that dense we have to keep repeating it.

I thought it hilarious you chose to be from Alaska!

