
You have no point of reference to any of this.

Neither does Loyal.

So why don't you both just STFU.

"..admitted black-out binging drunk"?

That's a huge leap. What I admitted to was the truth and this is not even close to it.

But you go ahead and believe everything you're told. As long as your conscience is clear about not being a gossip, spreading lies about me that you've only heard, not witnessed, then that is all that matters.

I'm sure your God forgives you. Mine doesn't.

Someday, hopefully, you'll realize how badly you have been used.

Liz, take some advice and just give it up. You are wasting your time conversing with them especially Dumbfuck.
I didn't realize how sensitive Tom is about his affinity for Pole Dancing Trannies! You would think he wouldn't bring it to the internet where virtually anyone can read about it.

Sheesh! He brings it up and then has a tizzy fit!


You are about as funny as a necrophilic undertaker.
You are about as funny as a necrophilic undertaker.

That Parseltongued viper never quits, does she? Every word she types is a venomous snakebite.

You are about as funny as a necrophilic undertaker.

Now now Loyal, there ya go pointing out the fact that it is TOM who has always been obsessed with sexual inuendo and is the one who brings it into play first and then sulks because he sucks at the come backs...LOL

And our poor lil chris whose snarling angst is always waiting on the sidelines to strike? Well, it must suck to have so many supporters who can't do a good set-up for her deliveries.
That Parseltongued viper never quits, does she? Every word she types is a venomous snakebite.


I watched that film Freaky Friday over the weekend or at least the first part where the mother and daughter swapped roles. It's not a very good film, but it occured to me that Jamie Lee Curtis role personifies their characters namely teenagers trapped in adult bodies.

By the bye, my sixteen year son Josh went skydiving over the weekend, he was just amazing. I paid for a video as well, which they will send me next week.
It's true. Remember the kinky sites he posted?

Now now Loyal, there ya go pointing out the fact that it is TOM who has always been obsessed with sexual inuendo and is the one who brings it into play first and then sulks because he sucks at the come backs...LOL

And our poor lil chris whose snarling angst is always waiting on the sidelines to strike? Well, it must suck to have so many supporters who can't do a good set-up for her deliveries.
I've seen worse coming from your side lady. I can't blame loyal with all the trashing she has gotten from the left over the years. Payback is a bitch.

Who gives a shit? You lot have never stopped whining for years now, we have all got tired of your spurious accusations. You are all such drama queens, it is just pathetic really.
I've seen worse coming from your side lady. I can't blame loyal with all the trashing she has gotten from the left over the years. Payback is a bitch.

Well, cry me a river. :viol:

Her very first post was a nasty slam, and her most current post is also. Not to mention everything in between. She hasn't posted a single on-topic comment, and all her posts contain personal slams. She certainly hasn't gotten anywhere near what the left has gotten from rabid righties, especially back when people like her and the rest of the RW had such high hopes for the war and were accusing liberals of being un-American, anti-patriotic terrorist supporters.

I hope your "payback" comment isn't supposed to be a threat. :mad:
I see Liz has responded twice to the same post of Alec's. That Liz! She's so damned predictable!

Alec owes me $20!!!!

Cheers Lizzie! We will be waiting for you to buy the next round!! :clink:

LOL...I think Liz jumped her gun when she said she was done with her bi-annual dramatic performance oh let's see...15 posts ago or so?
I might, Tom. You keep being a friend and asking me to do that. You're correct. It is a waste of time. Or it would be if I really expected a different response from any of them. But I don't. Never have.

It is just amusing to see how the three of them always jump when I do it. I guess that will stop now. That will be disappointing. But sometimes I just get bored and decide to poke at them.

If it bothers you, I will quit. But don't let it bother you if you think it bothers me. It doesn't. Life is good.

You're a dear. And so are Froggie, Nurcats and Christifan. My other friends know who they are. You are who are important to me.

Liz, take some advice and just give it up. You are wasting your time conversing with them especially Dumbfuck.
I might, Tom. You keep being a friend and asking me to do that. You're correct. It is a waste of time. Or it would be if I really expected a different response from any of them. But I don't. Never have.

It is just amusing to see how the three of them always jump when I do it. I guess that will stop now. That will be disappointing. But sometimes I just get bored and decide to poke at them.

If it bothers you, I will quit. But don't let it bother you if you think it bothers me. It doesn't. Life is good.

You're a dear. And so are Froggie, Nurcats and Christifan. My other friends know who they are. You are who are important to me.

Their responses are almost Pavlovian in nature, it's like feeding time at the zoo.