APP - Pro-choicer kills anti-abortionist

Okay people, let's cut the crap.

For years, the anti-abortion rights folk were not only against abortion for any reason, but against any sex education in our public schools. The mantra use to be that sex education promotes promiscuity....which was just fucking dumb, given that the whole abortion issue came about because a whole lot of teens were getting knocked up BEFORE sex ed was ever an issue. And the kicker was/is that the same anti-abortion folk wail like banshees about any form of social welfare, or legalization of contraceptives for teens of driving age.

So the anti-abortion folk just don't give a damn about real people....just as long as their personal ideology and religious beliefs are not disturbed when they open the morning paper or watch/listen to the news.
Babies aren't real people?
.you can't expect to be able to kill your children forever...folks used to argue that Jews and blacks weren't human as well.....someday we will look back on abortion the way we currently look at slavery and the Holocaust.....

We'll look back on abortion as the intermediate step between a society that improved on almost everything but left reproduction to chance/fate/a roll of the dice and a society that brought forth healthy, planned offspring.

We'll look back on the opponents of abortion like we look back on those who imprisoned scientists and astronomers. We'll look back on those who knowingly brought forth genetically damaged offspring the same way we view those who believed illness and disease were caused by an upset deity.

We'll look back on abortion as the threshold entering a new age. Maybe the impetus that results in the development of new birth control drugs/vaccines. Imagine a vaccine that prevents pregnancy. The need for abortions would be greatly reduced. (I think they currently have something similar. Birth control injections.)

Maybe the in vitro process will become common place. Fertilized eggs screened for genetic defects. Just imagine the suffering that will be prevented, the suffering that currently takes place in hospitals specially designed for the care of genetically damaged children.

Legal and accepted abortions is just a step to a better society. Slowly, there will be a paradigm shift. Rather than pull out our hair trying to stop abortions, trying to change nature and young people's urges, we will take a completely different approach.

As a society we can encourage proper reproduction. To paraphrase Tabasco, "Young people copulate."
So if she was 8 months and 2 weeks along and the punch resulted in the fetus in being something no longer viable, you would have no problem with him just being charged with punching your wife.
As long as she didn't suffer any other injuries.

The law could be adjusted to compensate for how far along the woman was.

We have assault and we have hate crimes. Both are assault but there is a difference in sentencing. Obviously a person would know a woman was pregnant if she was 8 months along. Perhaps not so if she was three months.

Consideration also has to be given to "intent". Assault with intent not simple assault. Again, we come back to why I asked you the definition of "assault".
No, they are not. Just like a tomato seed is not a real tomato and an acorn will not provide a hell of a lot of shade on a hot summer's day. :)
So we should be allowed to kill anyone who doesn't carry their weight in society when they become inconvenient to the people who support them.
We sure as hell don't look back positively on any other crimes against humanity. This too shall pass, although I fear scores of millions more will perish at the hands of liberals first.
Yeah but they are the children of liberals, and since they would probably have grown up to be like their whiny parents, the world is better off. I have therefore decided to support abortion.
progress through death....put's a whole new meaning on "Progressive" doesn't it.....nothing personal, apple, but I consider you a sickfuck.....

Awww, Pre-modern. It's OK. There have always been folks like you down through history. Crucifying those who didn't believe the earth was flat. Burning those who said the stars weren't LEDs poking through a canvas roof.

As for progress through death it's ironic you mention that. Imagine if people never died. We'd probably still have leaders believing the aforementioned.
ALRIGHT !!!!!! You're a gentleman and a scholar.
Thank you. Hey I have a great idea- let's starting killing kids after they start showing liberal tendencies as well. Any kid who cries too much, or insists on his mother picking up after him. We'll drill holes in their skulls and suck their little brains out. And of course, no anesthesia, because they won't remember the pain. We'll all pretend the wailing is screams of joy. :)
Thank you. Hey I have a great idea- let's starting killing kids after they start showing liberal tendencies as well. Any kid who cries too much, or insists on his mother picking up after him. We'll drill holes in their skulls and suck their little brains out. And of course, no anesthesia, because they won't remember the pain. We'll all pretend the wailing is screams of joy. :)

But it's the ones who show Liberal tendencies who will grow up and change the world. That's what's needed.

It's unfortunate the 60s were so short a decade. People rising up and confronting their government saying they refuse to go to war! Unheard of in the annals of history. Nothing less than a paradigm shift.

The start of equality among colors and sexes and the commencement to kick the government out of the bedrooms of the nation.

Truly a great time to live and experience.
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Awww, Pre-modern. It's OK. There have always been folks like you down through history. Crucifying those who didn't believe the earth was flat. Burning those who said the stars weren't LEDs poking through a canvas roof.

shucks, you want to kill them just because you want least they had reasons....anyone that thinks killing at will is opening a "new age" is a sick fuck.....
But it's the ones who show Liberal tendencies who will grow up and change the world. That's what's needed.

It's unfortunate the 60s were so short a decade. People rising up and confronting their government saying they refuse to go to war! Unheard of in the annals of history. Nothing less than a paradigm shift.

The start of quality among colors and sexes and the commencement to kick the government out of the bedrooms of the nation.

Truly a great time to live and experience.
You want to change the world? Better to do it the old fashioned way: war. It's also responsible for more freedom than any decade long sit-in. That's why the WW2 generation will always be called "The Greatest Generation": because they killed fascists like Obama aspires to.
shucks, you want to kill them just because you want least they had reasons....anyone that thinks killing at will is opening a "new age" is a sick fuck.....

Actually the sick fuck is he/she who knowingly supports/brings a severely defective child into the world to endure a lifetime of suffering. Or brings a child into the world knowing the child will be neglected and the resultant poor education which leads to a life of poverty and/or prison. Irresponsibility, bordering on the criminal, IMO.
You want to change the world? Better to do it the old fashioned way: war. It's also responsible for more freedom than any decade long sit-in. That's why the WW2 generation will always be called "The Greatest Generation": because they killed fascists like Obama aspires to.

I always had the impression conservatives, if not being overly religious, prescribed to Biblical principals such as not being loud and aggressive and their wanting to help others. When Obama tries to bring civility to government or attempts to make medical services available to all the Conservatives fight against it to the point of yelling "Liar" and talk about fascism and communism.

It's most peculiar and definately an eye-opener. Maybe it's all good. Maybe it's time to see what the Conservative really stands for.
The law could be adjusted to compensate for how far along the woman was.

We have assault and we have hate crimes. Both are assault but there is a difference in sentencing. Obviously a person would know a woman was pregnant if she was 8 months along. Perhaps not so if she was three months.

Consideration also has to be given to "intent". Assault with intent not simple assault. Again, we come back to why I asked you the definition of "assault".

But why would a low have to be adjusted to compensate for a fetus; ie. a mass of cells??

What would make the difference if she was 3 months or 8 months, as long as she didn't suffer from being struck??

Why would "Intent" be considered??
Mabye the intent was to rid the woman of the "fetus".

Since you've danced around this, for so long; it appears that you and your wife would just move on, with no sadness.