APP - Pro-choicer kills anti-abortionist

Awww, Pre-modern. It's OK. There have always been folks like you down through history. Crucifying those who didn't believe the earth was flat. Burning those who said the stars weren't LEDs poking through a canvas roof.

As for progress through death it's ironic you mention that. Imagine if people never died. We'd probably still have leaders believing the aforementioned.

Hey, if you are modern (1800-1950), then you have some serious catching up of your own to do there!!!
But why would a low have to be adjusted to compensate for a fetus; ie. a mass of cells??

What would make the difference if she was 3 months or 8 months, as long as she didn't suffer from being struck??.

As I mentioned the "victim impact" would be completely different for a woman at 8 months who is looking forward to having a baby as compared to someone who had an abortion scheduled the following week.

Why would "Intent" be considered??
Mabye the intent was to rid the woman of the "fetus"..

Precisely! Remember Tonya Harding hiring someone to assault her competitor so she could win the figure skating competition? I see a difference between assaulting someone in anger and assaulting someone for a purpose.

Since you've danced around this, for so long; it appears that you and your wife would just move on, with no sadness.

Of course there would be sadness but it's not a murder. That's the point.
As I mentioned the "victim impact" would be completely different for a woman at 8 months who is looking forward to having a baby as compared to someone who had an abortion scheduled the following week.

Precisely! Remember Tonya Harding hiring someone to assault her competitor so she could win the figure skating competition? I see a difference between assaulting someone in anger and assaulting someone for a purpose.

Of course there would be sadness but it's not a murder. That's the point.

Why would there be sadness?
Actually the sick fuck is he/she who knowingly supports/brings a severely defective child into the world to endure a lifetime of suffering. Or brings a child into the world knowing the child will be neglected and the resultant poor education which leads to a life of poverty and/or prison. Irresponsibility, bordering on the criminal, IMO.

straw-fucking-man.....I suppose your claim is that the 47 million killed since 1972 were all severely defective?......would have all led a life of poverty and imprisonment?.....
Precisely! Remember Tonya Harding hiring someone to assault her competitor so she could win the figure skating competition? I see a difference between assaulting someone in anger and assaulting someone for a purpose.

the law has always distinguished criminal activity based upon the intent of the is something new to suggest distinguishing criminal activity based upon the intent of the victim.....
Why would there be sadness?

because, as always, the way the left views the value of a fetus depends simply on whether they want it to live or they want it to die.....they mourn the loss of an unborn child if they wanted it to live, they rejoice in the exercise of their rights when the unborn child they did not want is killed.....the unborn child has no value except in their own minds.....
because, as always, the way the left views the value of a fetus depends simply on whether they want it to live or they want it to die.....they mourn the loss of an unborn child if they wanted it to live, they rejoice in the exercise of their rights when the unborn child they did not want is killed.....the unborn child has no value except in their own minds.....

Exactly. A humans value is dictated by the collective. this is the sinister 'utilitarian view' of human life that's so popular in elite circles these days.
straw-fucking-man.....I suppose your claim is that the 47 million killed since 1972 were all severely defective?......would have all led a life of poverty and imprisonment?.....

It's not a straw man at all and that's what you can't grasp. Either one classifies a fetus as a human being with ALL the rights and privileges of a human being or they don't classify it as a human being. There is no 1/2 way measure. There is no killing an innocent human being because of the defective body of another human being (problem pregnancy). There is no killing a human being even if genetic testing shows the fetus is so malformed or severely damaged it will never leave an institution and will suffer painful medical procedures and be left alone rather than have it's mother to hold and feed it.

Try and wrap your mind around the reality and stop the nonsense of "well, this case is different" or "in that case the mother's health comes first" or some other exception.

There are no exceptions when it comes to human beings. Either fetuses, once classified as human beings, will have the same rights as everyone else or we go back on the path society has taken too many times before.

What are you having a problem with? Have you ever read a history book? Once exceptions are made for a group of human beings, in this case fetuses, all hell breaks loose.

For the love of God educate yourself. If you can't understand the imminent danger in what you propose, classifying fetuses as human beings while suggesting the defective mother's life ALWAYS comes first, you set a precedent. A very dangerous precedent that has been used concerning other human beings down through history. Nothing good ever came of it. In fact, it always turned out bad. Very bad.

I suggest you start by a visit to a hospital for sick children. Go there. Soak up the cries and screams. Immerse yourself in the suffering brought on by those who didn't believe in abortion.

You have no idea what you're talking about or proposing or the inevitable consequences. Talk about a sick fuck.
As I mentioned the "victim impact" would be completely different for a woman at 8 months who is looking forward to having a baby as compared to someone who had an abortion scheduled the following week.

Precisely! Remember Tonya Harding hiring someone to assault her competitor so she could win the figure skating competition? I see a difference between assaulting someone in anger and assaulting someone for a purpose.

Of course there would be sadness but it's not a murder. That's the point.

What "victim impact"?? Accordiong to you, it's just a mass of cells.
An assault is an assault. Even anger has a purpose and how can you assault someone if you're not angry?

Why would there be sadness?? According to you, it's just a mass of cells. You're wife should just suck it up and move on. It's not like she lost anything, according to you.
Exactly. A humans value is dictated by the collective. this is the sinister 'utilitarian view' of human life that's so popular in elite circles these days.

I wonder if the next movement, will be to barge into hospitals and unplug all the life support devices and incubaters.
Seeing as how they're not viable.

And then, there's all those nursing homes that have those suffering from dementia and mental wards of those that will never leave.
Exactly. A humans value is dictated by the collective. this is the sinister 'utilitarian view' of human life that's so popular in elite circles these days.

Why don't you pack a lunch and join Prophet for a day at a hospital for sick children. I'm willing to bet you've never been to one. Have you? Go and see what an anti-abortionist has put another human being through and let me know what you would have done if you had a choice. Deal?
It's not a straw man at all and that's what you can't grasp. Either one classifies a fetus as a human being with ALL the rights and privileges of a human being or they don't classify it as a human being. There is no 1/2 way measure. There is no killing an innocent human being because of the defective body of another human being (problem pregnancy). There is no killing a human being even if genetic testing shows the fetus is so malformed or severely damaged it will never leave an institution and will suffer painful medical procedures and be left alone rather than have it's mother to hold and feed it.

Try and wrap your mind around the reality and stop the nonsense of "well, this case is different" or "in that case the mother's health comes first" or some other exception.

There are no exceptions when it comes to human beings. Either fetuses, once classified as human beings, will have the same rights as everyone else or we go back on the path society has taken too many times before.

What are you having a problem with? Have you ever read a history book? Once exceptions are made for a group of human beings, in this case fetuses, all hell breaks loose.

For the love of God educate yourself. If you can't understand the imminent danger in what you propose, classifying fetuses as human beings while suggesting the defective mother's life ALWAYS comes first, you set a precedent. A very dangerous precedent that has been used concerning other human beings down through history. Nothing good ever came of it. In fact, it always turned out bad. Very bad.

I suggest you start by a visit to a hospital for sick children. Go there. Soak up the cries and screams. Immerse yourself in the suffering brought on by those who didn't believe in abortion.

You have no idea what you're talking about or proposing or the inevitable consequences. Talk about a sick fuck.

Since you're so big on absolutes and refuse to see anything past those, answer me this.

Someone breaks into your home, has your entire family at gunpoint, tells you to choose who's going to die, your wife or your child, and if you don't choose, he's gong to kill everyone.

Who do you choose??

No BS spins, no asking for clarifications, no straw men arguments, WHO DO YOU CHOOSE??
I There is no killing an innocent human being because of the defective body of another human being (problem pregnancy).

yes there is....and there has been....for hundreds of years...society has never had difficulty dealing with this conflict before and there is no reason to have trouble dealing with it in the future....
Why don't you pack a lunch and join Prophet for a day at a hospital for sick children. I'm willing to bet you've never been to one. Have you? Go and see what an anti-abortionist has put another human being through and let me know what you would have done if you had a choice. Deal?
another fucking straw man.....the 47 million children killed in the US since 1972 weren't sick and wouldn't have ended up in a hospital for sick children.....why won't you deal honestly with this issue.....
another fucking straw man.....the 47 million children killed in the US since 1972 weren't sick and wouldn't have ended up in a hospital for sick children.....why won't you deal honestly with this issue.....

But it makes them feel better, when they just put them all under one blanket statement like that.

That way they can come back and tell someone else to prove how many of them WEREN'T "defective".

It stops them from questioning themselves.
Why don't you pack a lunch and join Prophet for a day at a hospital for sick children. I'm willing to bet you've never been to one. Have you? Go and see what an anti-abortionist has put another human being through and let me know what you would have done if you had a choice. Deal?

What's that have to do with collectivists determining human value based on usefullness to the collective?
But it makes them feel better, when they just put them all under one blanket statement like that.

That way they can come back and tell someone else to prove how many of them WEREN'T "defective".

It stops them from questioning themselves.

Oh shoot Free! You know Apple. The only thing he's really interested in is the act that makes the baby. The actual infant is just collateral damage.
Since you're so big on absolutes and refuse to see anything past those, answer me this.

Someone breaks into your home, has your entire family at gunpoint, tells you to choose who's going to die, your wife or your child, and if you don't choose, he's gong to kill everyone.

Who do you choose??

No BS spins, no asking for clarifications, no straw men arguments, WHO DO YOU CHOOSE??

I do not choose. Why would I trust a nut case to honor their word? They are just as likely to kill the one I didn't choose.