when you resign yourself to accepting that the 2 party system is what you have and voting for a 3rd party is stupid, that really shows your own weakness, not anyone elses.
This is precisely what I'm talking about when I say that you're fucking stupid and need to grow up.
You literally answered my question with a question of your own. So you broke your own stupid rule. Did you realize you even did that? Or do you just not care about being a hypocrite?
"An question is not an answer"...then why did you answer my question as to how your 3P POTUS' agenda gets advanced in a Congress where their party controls ZERO seats with a question of your own?
I'm convinced you are so old that you have early onset dementia...that is the only explanation for why you act the way you do.'
Grow up.
LV426 3 months
12b violation
3 months
I don't claim to know what I'm talking about.
I ask questions. You don't answer.
I almost never misspell words and my sentences are complete as well as grammatically correct.
I see you're still the biggest fucking crybaby on JPP.
Appears to me LV is on a serious days long drinking binge and out of nowhere he lashes out at the world for perceived injustices done to him.
You got defensive because I pointed out how your 3P vote was stupid and an endorsement of fascism, and you couldn't articulately defend it, so you avoided the question in the OP because you don't have a good answer.
Voting for a 3P candidate for POTUS is an explicit endorsement of fascism because the only way a 3P POTUS can enact their agenda is to do so by executive authority, which is inherently fascist.
So you're a fascist because you want a strongman to circumvent Congress to act as a dictator because you can't advance any of your stupid ideas through Congress.
worst logic ever.
That one is especially stupid.
Disagreed, LV. OTOH, tell me why I should vote for a party, be it Democrat or Republican, that pushes ideas with which I disagree.
I have my opinions, LV: better education for all Americans. More tolerance for new ideas and lifestyles. More respect for science. <--use the Reaganism "Trust but verify". There are many more. I do support the status quo over policies that are wrong such as gun bans over better mental healthcare. Do the mental health care first and see if We, the People, still have a gun problem. Take it from there.
What's "defensive" or "pissy" about my comment, dear?I love it when dudes have totally incoherent beliefs because they insist they don't, but the moment you try to get them to elaborate they get all defensive and pissy like this.
You don't think through the implications of anything because you're lazy.
It's all vague....
....None of this is articulate. How does a 3P POTUS get "more tolerance for new ideas and lifestyles"? And what lifestyles are you talking about that we should have tolerance for?
"More respect for science"? Reagan didn't respect science at all, what the fuck???? Reagan denied there was an AIDS crisis FFS.
You didn't articulate anything that is achievable here. Just diarrhea of the keyboard.
And yes, I know you support the status quo, but it's not because of policies from the left or right, it's because you're lazy and complacent.
Third Option = Third Party. Election math* which erodes the ability of a Senator or Representative to claim they have a vast majority of support in their state or district.
FWIW, a Congress divided by partisan lines is dysfunctional. Our is dysfunction. They've weaponized impeaching the President in an election year simply to let a pedophile win the nomination.
Disagreeing with both major parties is one understandable reason for voting for a peripheral candidate that can't win.
I'm beginning to get it.
If you honestly think that either major party's candidate will be equally bad, then a protest vote does no harm from your perspective.
Things are going to be bad regardless of which one wins.
My situation is completely dissimilar because my core values are completely dissimilar, Oom.
I know that the Democratic candidate for whom I'm voting is a mediocre choice at the very best,
but I also feel
that both the Republican candidate
as well as any fringe candidate
would make a substantially worse president than the Democratic nominee.
As much as I'll gag voting for Biden,
I'd probably vomit voting for anybody else on the ballot.
I don't see the new FDR running as a 3rd, 4th, or 5th party candidate, do you?
I'm not a Libertarian like you. Nothing even close.
I don't even understand your values, much less share them.
You understand that, right?
Even if you can't help yourself from making some subjective crack about my values,
you do understand that they barely overlap yours if at all.
I am a socially conservative fiscal socialist
and while Biden doesn't fit that description very well,
everybody else on the ballot will be even further from it.
I really can't explain it any clearer than that.
Thanks. It's not the man (except in Trump's case) but the party in power that is the problem. Another strategy is to always vote for the challenger regardless of party. Keep switching them out. The problem is most people won't do that.
I'm socially liberal, fiscally conservative. Neither major party fits those parameters.
when you resign yourself to accepting that the 2 party system is what you have and voting for a 3rd party is stupid, that really shows your own weakness, not anyone elses.
Please work on controlling your emotions, old girl. I'd hate to see you gone 6 months.
And you likely hold the record for the most bans.
It's politics. She has to win the nomination before she can actually have a chance of being President.
Let's be honest; who would you rather have as a Republican President: Nikki or Donnie?
worst logic ever.
That one is especially stupid.