Question for Liberals


God Bless America
Let's pretend that gay activists are correct - that there is indeed a "gay gene." Let's also pretend that in the distant future it will be possible to detect the gay gene in utero, just as they detect Down's Syndrome, birth defects, etc.

If you liberals are correct, BOTH of these assumptions are quite plausible. Here is the question: should women be free to kill their baby based on their future sexual preference?
Let's pretend that gay activists are correct - that there is indeed a "gay gene." Let's also pretend that in the distant future it will be possible to detect the gay gene in utero, just as they detect Down's Syndrome, birth defects, etc.

If you liberals are correct, BOTH of these assumptions are quite plausible. Here is the question: should women be free to kill their baby based on their future sexual preference?

What if there was a weird, skinny, shaky Jesus freak gene? Then what?

I am opposed to abortion-on-demand. It should be illegal.

Abortion based on what sort of person the baby will supposedly become is disgusting and morally unacceptable. That would include the "gay gene" if there were such a thing.

In China, the vast majority of aborted babies are female. Where are the feminists on that one?
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I am opposed to abortion-on-demand. It should be illegal.

Abortion based on what sort of person the baby will supposedly become is disgusting and morally unacceptable. That would include the "gay gene" if there were such a thing.

In China, the vast majority of aborted babies are female. Where are the feminists on that one?

Off getting abortions.
I hear they're coming up with a pill that women take that will keep their baby straight. What about that? Certainly less morally reprehensible to just form your baby to your expectations than to keep trying until you get one you like.
I am opposed to abortion-on-demand. It should be illegal.

Abortion based on what sort of person the baby will supposedly become is disgusting and morally unacceptable. That would include the "gay gene" if there were such a thing.

In China, the vast majority of aborted babies are female. Where are the feminists on that one?

What if scientists isolated an Anti-Christ gene? Would it be okay then?
What if there was a weird, skinny, shaky Jesus freak gene? Then what?

Weird by who's standard? Yours? LOL

Skinny? It has been well over 3 years since you saw me - I'm quite different physically. If I remember you correctly, I estimate there is a fairly good chance that I could kick your ass.


Fuck off, you asshole. :mad:
Weird by who's standard? Yours? LOL

Skinny? It has been well over 3 years since you saw me - I'm quite different physically. If I remember you correctly, I estimate there is a fairly good chance that I could kick your ass.


Fuck off, you asshole. :mad:


Now, What if scientists isolated an Anti-Christ gene? Would it be okay then?

Now, What if scientists isolated an Anti-Christ gene? Would it be okay then?

PLAUSIBLE circumstances only, please.

Either return to topic, or fuck off.

On a side note, apparently until now I was under the impression that you were a nice person, and that when setting aside all the bullshit coming from both sides on this forum, you and I were on good terms. Now it seems that, in the end, you're an asshole just like the rest of them. How sad.

I'm fucking sick of this site.

Fuck it.
You know, Matt, you're not immune to deeply personal attacks yourself.

The difference between you and I is that I'm too nice to resort to such cruel pettiness.

Sure, I'll attack people online based on what they say, but I'd NEVER attack someone based on their appearance. That's just fucked up.
You know, Matt, you're not immune to deeply personal attacks yourself.

The difference between you and I is that I'm too nice to resort to such cruel pettiness.

Sure, I'll attack people online based on what they say, but I'd NEVER attack someone based on their appearance. That's just fucked up.

Alright, I apologize. For the record, I'm just throwing stones. I haven't really meant anything I've said here in years.

So, sorry bdw. Didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
You know, Matt, you're not immune to deeply personal attacks yourself.

The difference between you and I is that I'm too nice to resort to such cruel pettiness.

Sure, I'll attack people online based on what they say, but I'd NEVER attack someone based on their appearance. That's just fucked up.

Wait a minute! Aren't you the guy running around calling women the C-word?
what's this about shakiness that seemed to have stung a nerve? does brent have parkinsons or something?
The question will become genetic manipulation of the fetus in the womb.

Where do you stand on that Brent ?
what's this about shakiness that seemed to have stung a nerve? does brent have parkinsons or something?

No, it was caused by a deficiency.

Altering my diet and taking Vitamin B-12 daily has corrected the issue. Still, it's hard to forget the years of being teased. Most of you have no fucking clue what I've been through in my life. But then, I doubt any of you give a fuck.

I do find it offensive that I should have to explain such deeply personal aspects of my life. That's the last time I meet any of the asswipes from this site. Fuck it.
The question will become genetic manipulation of the fetus in the womb.

Where do you stand on that Brent ?

Only for the purpose of preventing disease or birth defects. Anything else should be illegal. So now are you going to answer my question?
Only for the purpose of preventing disease or birth defects. Anything else should be illegal. So now are you going to answer my question?

What if we could eliminate mental illness, give everyone an IQ of 1000, and make everyone look like supermodels?