Question for Liberals

If liberals had their way, communism would be thriving, and Saddam would still be alive. Liberals have NO guts. It's the conservatives who have historically taken a stand against evil.

Depends on were you are in the scheme of things in your part of the world as to whether you are a liberal or conservative. The church that had Jesus crucified was conservative, and Jesus was a liberal.

Your view is far to limited.
Depends on were you are in the scheme of things in your part of the world as to whether you are a liberal or conservative. The church that had Jesus crucified was conservative, and Jesus was a liberal.

Your view is far to limited.
If Jesus was a liberal, why was he pious rather than indecent?
He was also a liberal he let the little children come unto him, dealt with women and lepers, said to help the poor, etc.
Again, all of that is radical change not necessarily liberal change. Christ never said to force the rich to pay for pet programs. That is liberal.
Again, all of that is radical change not necessarily liberal change. Christ never said to force the rich to pay for pet programs. That is liberal.

Jesus said to help the poor.

Jesus never said a lot of things, but his actions speak loudly. He was a humanist.

that is of course if he ever existed, which I figure he did, but the son of god thing and such I don't believe.
Jesus said to help the poor.

Jesus never said a lot of things, but his actions speak loudly. He was a humanist.

that is of course if he ever existed, which I figure he did, but the son of god thing and such I don't believe.
The republicans say to help the poor as well, the difference is in the vehicle. His actions never said that government was the vehicle whereby to force others to follow your personal responsibility. Again, radical in the change he wished, radical in that he worked to make other people change in the same way, not liberal in the government is not the vehicle whereby the change was to be made.
The republicans say to help the poor as well, the difference is in the vehicle. His actions never said that government was the vehicle whereby to force others to follow your personal responsibility. Again, radical in the change he wished, radical in that he worked to make other people change in the same way, not liberal in the government is not the vehicle whereby the change was to be made.

In the time of jesus the church was the government.
the bible does say to give 10% to the church.
I am sorry that the bible does not speak of Republicans and liberals ;)
In the time of jesus the church was the government.
the bible does say to give 10% to the church.
I am sorry that the bible does not speak of Republicans and liberals ;)
No, it wasn't. In the time of Jesus the Emperor was the government.

The reality is it isn't a political philosophy, it is a religious philosophy and not once does Christ teach that you must take from others to give to charity, he tells YOU to give and YOU will if you believe...
No, it wasn't. In the time of Jesus the Emperor was the government.

The reality is it isn't a political philosophy, it is a religious philosophy and not once does Christ teach that you must take from others to give to charity, he tells YOU to give and YOU will if you believe...

Hmm well the church was the local govt operating under the roman empire.

they held the "trial" that got Jesus crucified.
Hmm well the church was the local govt operating under the roman empire.

they held the "trial" that got Jesus crucified.
Yet had to get the nod of the actual government. They let them have their religion, but they had no power for self-government.

Again you reach, desperate for some logic. Jesus never told anybody to take from another in replacement of personal responsibility to do so. Pretending that the religion is a political philosophy is pretense.

There was a King of Israel, he was the nominal local government, he refused so Pilate decided that rather than have a riot to go ahead and let them have their day.

The religious leaders were not the government.
Yet had to get the nod of the actual government. They let them have their religion, but they had no power for self-government.

Again you reach, desperate for some logic. Jesus never told anybody to take from another in replacement of personal responsibility to do so. Pretending that the religion is a political philosophy is pretense.

There was a King of Israel, he was the nominal local government, he refused so Pilate decided that rather than have a riot to go ahead and let them have their day.

The religious leaders were not the government.

How many buckets of nits do you have ?
How many buckets of nits do you have ?
How many different ways do I have to be accurate? Well only one. How many buckets of spin do you carry in an attempt to make a religion you don't even believe in fit into your political philosophy?
I think he was a radical. I thought that was clear. Maybe because I pointedly remarked that you mistook radical for liberal. They are not the same thing.

Professors of religious thology at a seminary near here seem to think he was a liberal. I guess that trumps what a Conservative Buddist thinks ?
No, it was caused by a deficiency.

Altering my diet and taking Vitamin B-12 daily has corrected the issue. Still, it's hard to forget the years of being teased. Most of you have no fucking clue what I've been through in my life. But then, I doubt any of you give a fuck.

I do find it offensive that I should have to explain such deeply personal aspects of my life. That's the last time I meet any of the asswipes from this site. Fuck it.

So how do/did you shake? How does beefy know you shake? Were you shaking when he showed up or something?