Question for Liberals


This coming from the fuckhead that calls Darla a cunt every chance he gets?

Well, if you think I'm going to let this slide and not this touch after your disgusting display lately you can kiss my ass.

Beefy is nice. But I've never claimed to be. Its on bitch.

You want some fries with your shake asswipe?


But wait, what is this about shaking? Thor has a condition? It sounds like a spaz thing?
Nah, he was just VERY nervous at being given the profound opportunity to meet and be in the presence of Beefy.
My God is Jewish and has a historical relationship with the Jews since Abraham. I'm pretty certain Jesus and I were talking about the same God. I mean, He is often referred to as the God of Abraham...

Yeah and Allah is also the God of Abraham.
Yeah and Allah is also the God of Abraham.
The concept of Allah is that of the Jewish God, but the name does not translate the way Deo does for example, because Allah was the name of the moon god from ancient Arabian polytheism. Muhammad simply coapted three of them (moon, sword, and war) while abolishing the rest when Islam triumphed in 630 over the polytheists.