Question for Liberals

Only for the purpose of preventing disease or birth defects. Anything else should be illegal. So now are you going to answer my question?

sure, but is gay a birth defect ? I don't think children should be aborted for having a "Gay Gene".

God must have made them that way ?
There you go thinking again. Seems like you would eventually learn.

So, let me get this straight. You believe abortion should be legal for ANY reason, UNLESS the baby will turn out gay? You believe a woman should be free to walk into a clinic and get an abortion on demand, but if they discover the baby will be gay when they grow up, suddenly that baby is entitled to legal protections?

Wow. This thread is working better than I could have predicted.

You are an unbelievable hypocrite.
THor, why should anyone have to go through the agony of living their life genetically predispositioned to be obese when it's a problem that would've been easily solvable? Or horrendously ugly? Or ridiculously stupid?
So, let me get this straight. You believe abortion should be legal for ANY reason, UNLESS the baby will turn out gay? You believe a woman should be free to walk into a clinic and get an abortion on demand, but if they discover the baby will be gay when they grow up, suddenly that baby is entitled to legal protections?

Wow. This thread is working better than I could have predicted.

You are an unbelievable hypocrite.

Well clearly the logic behind that Thor is that the reasons for your abortion should be something to do with you personally and not a future human beings personality.
So, let me get this straight. You believe abortion should be legal for ANY reason, UNLESS the baby will turn out gay? You believe a woman should be free to walk into a clinic and get an abortion on demand, but if they discover the baby will be gay when they grow up, suddenly that baby is entitled to legal protections?

Wow. This thread is working better than I could have predicted.

You are an unbelievable hypocrite.

HUH ? You sure don't have it straight. Please reread, you have it pretty much 180 out of phase.
THor, why should anyone have to go through the agony of living their life genetically predispositioned to be obese when it's a problem that would've been easily solvable? Or horrendously ugly? Or ridiculously stupid?

Why should anyone have the power to make that decision for someone else?

Are you really THAT fucked up in the head? :mad:
HUH ? You sure don't have it straight. Please reread, you have it pretty much 180 out of phase.

OK, usc. Please state your views on abortion, including what you believe should be legal/illegal. Do you believe abortion-on-demand should be legal? If a woman becomes pregnant, should she be free to walk into a clinic and get an abortion for any reason? Don't you support Roe v. Wade?
Why should anyone have the power to make that decision for someone else?

Are you really THAT fucked up in the head? :mad:

No I'm just playing devil's advocate, and you are responding with ad hominems. Keep on truckin.

Why should anyone have the power to make the decision that someone doesn't have depression or bipolar disorder for someone else? Many great artists had bipolar disorder. Why do you hate art?
USC, do you or do you not support Roe v. Wade?

The ruling permits abortion for ANY reason in the first trimester.
I do not fully support RvW.

But I do not support totally banning abortions either.

I only support aborting Republican fetuses.

If only there were some sort of invitro testing possible.

Post term abortions is probably the fairest way. Liberals can come from con matings. It does happen and I would hate to abort an innocent fetus.

but if there is a gay gene, I suppose there is a con gene too ?
Well, I guess that's how liberals are. You people have a long, long history of killing those you don't like. Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, Castro,...need I continue?
Well, I guess that's how liberals are. You people have a long, long history of killing those you don't like. Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, Castro,...need I continue?

We killed Castro and Stalin ?
We must have been the ones that killed Sadam as well ?

those in your list seemed to be conservatives of one type or another.
Not republicans, but conservatives, radical or not they did not allow dissention.

Liberals are always dissenting all over the place.
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We killed Castro and Stalin ?
We must have been the ones that killed Sadam as well ?

those in your list seemed to be conservatives of one type or another.
Not republicans, but conservatives, radical or not they did not allow dissention.

Liberals are always dissenting all over the place.

If liberals had their way, communism would be thriving, and Saddam would still be alive. Liberals have NO guts. It's the conservatives who have historically taken a stand against evil.
If liberals had their way, communism would be thriving, and Saddam would still be alive. Liberals have NO guts. It's the conservatives who have historically taken a stand against evil.

Like the America First committee that kept us out of WWII and were directly responsible for the deaths of 2000 Americans in Pearl Harbor?