question for Olw thing

you going to answer the questions or just run your mouth

Bob. One of my strict policies is not to take sides or make suggestions, but ... at this point you may have convinced a number of forum members that you probably can't find Africa on a Map, along with being way out of your league here. (Keep up the good work though, at least Owl hasn't put you on 'Ignore')
Bob. One of my strict policies is not to take sides or make suggestions, but ... at this point you may have convinced a number of forum members that you probably can't find Africa on a Map, along with being way out of your league here. (Keep up the good work though, at least Owl hasn't put you on 'Ignore')
No problem finding africa on a map jack.

Ots as easy to find as a criminal democrt . o it would be f8ne with me if owl thing put me on ignore . but she likes the attention I think.
Any attention good bad inbetween it all makes it happy.
Yes Im out of my league here to many lying scum bag democrats who dont want to hear the truth.
Yes, sure thing, bubba. :laugh:
Really owl thing that the best you can do. Change my posts. I guess you think no one knows you do it and think it makes you look smart or something .
If you cant answer a couple simple questions that's fine.
Expecting a honest answer out of you was clearly to much .
you eat meat im sure , and you could care less if your buddy dutch the arrogant asshole as he calls himself hunts and kills pigs with a ak 47. you have a double standard .
I guess most liberals do just like the Biden family .
you will now be on my ban list as I want nothing more to do with assholes like you and dutch
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natter natter whine sob cry natter natter incoherent illiterate rubbish natter natter
you will now be on my ban list as I want nothing more to do with assholes like you and dutch

Starts a thread about someone he's obsessed with.

Threatens to thread-ban said someone when they post on it.


:laugh: :rofl2: :laugh: :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh: :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh: :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh: :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh: :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh: :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh: :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:
Starts a thread about someone he's obsessed with.

Threatens to thread-ban said someone when they post on it.


:laugh: :rofl2: :laugh: :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh: :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh: :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh: :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh: :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh: :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh: :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

Tell me, "Olw thing,"
if you want me to help negotiate some kind of peace between you and BBBrain.

As you know, he regards me as a revered mentor.
Really owl thing that the best you can do. Change my posts. I guess you think no one knows you do it and think it makes you look smart or something .
If you cant answer a couple simple questions that's fine.
Expecting a honest answer out of you was clearly to much .
you eat meat im sure , and you could care less if your buddy dutch the arrogant asshole as he calls himself hunts and kills pigs with a ak 47. you have a double standard .
I guess most liberals do just like the Biden family .
you will now be on my ban list as I want nothing more to do with assholes like you and dutch
I have zero problem with traditional hunting.

But there is no honor or respectability for a dude who holds Africans in contempt, considers their nations to be shitholes, but expects them to provide hospitality and drive his fat ass around in a Range Rover to blast away point blank at their water buffalo.
Tell me, "Olw thing,"
if you want me to help negotiate some kind of peace between you and BBBrain.

As you know, he regards me as a revered mentor.


Nah, don't worry about him. He's not even as annoying as your average just-hatched-and-about-to-starve-to-death June mosquito. His obsession with me is amusing, actually. If you feel compelled to help, maybe you could send me a coupon for a shrink visit so I could discover why it gives me so much delight to mock the stupid clod. lol
I have zero problem with traditional hunting.

But there is no honor or respectability for a dude who holds Africans in contempt, considers their nations to be shitholes, but expects them to provide hospitality and drive his fat ass around in a Range Rover to blast away point blank at their water buffalo.

If Boob was a *REAL* man, he would do what Mr. Owl did some years ago. He went wild boar hunting in Tennessee with a friend. The friend was like Boob -- he took great delight in killing things. When he wasn't legally hunting, he shot squirrels just for fun from his deck. At any rate, the friend brought along a high-power rifle that cost a mint, and bagged his boar from a safe distance. This seems eminently sane to me; have you SEEN those things, how fast they can move? Mr. Owl is not a hunter; he is a marksman. He took along a single-shot, custom-made pistol loaded with one .454 Casull. Obviously he had to get much, much closer. He got his boar with one shot.

Now *that's* hunting. Wild pigs are not protected by law in the U.S.; most states have unlimited hunting for them where they are a problem. Plus they are delicious.
If Boob was a *REAL* man, he would do what Mr. Owl did some years ago. He went wild boar hunting in Tennessee with a friend. The friend was like Boob -- he took great delight in killing things. When he wasn't legally hunting, he shot squirrels just for fun from his deck. At any rate, the friend brought along a high-power rifle that cost a mint, and bagged his boar from a safe distance. This seems eminently sane to me; have you SEEN those things, how fast they can move? Mr. Owl is not a hunter; he is a marksman. He took along a single-shot, custom-made pistol loaded with one .454 Casull. Obviously he had to get much, much closer. He got his boar with one shot.

Now *that's* hunting. Wild pigs are not protected by law in the U.S.; most states have unlimited hunting for them where they are a problem. Plus they are delicious.

Thanks for sharing that!

Traditional hunting is more humane than the stockyards and slaughterhouses our domestic livestock are relegated to.

On the flipside, being driven around in a Range Rover to shoot point blank at large African mammals does not seem respectable or honorable.
I have zero problem with traditional hunting.

But there is no honor or respectability for a dude who holds Africans in contempt, considers their nations to be shitholes, but expects them to provide hospitality and drive his fat ass around in a Range Rover to blast away point blank at their water buffalo.

first I am not hunting cape buffalo at point blank ranges , second you must not know much about hem they are dam dangerous and getting at point blank is not a smart thing, next mt ass isnt fat im not a democrat.
I never said that Africans people are inferior or sub standard, that in your little delusional mind or a outright lie. I did say many of the nations there are shit holes and they are.

Africa is plagued by Hunger, poverty, terrorism from groups such as al-Qaeda-affiliated Al-Shabaab terrorist group. local ethnic and religious conflicts, corruption and bribery, disease outbreaks , poor living conditions , crime , poor medical system , Poaching of wild life ,. lack of modern farming eqt and clean drinking water Aids is rampant. Many people still live without electricity. , its a long list of issues.
Many people still live without electricity.
Thats the very short list , I could go on and on as it is plagued by problems So nations are very unsafe to go to.

I'm being honest about it if you don't like the truth and want to ignore it that's fine with me, but that wont change anything.

When I go there it has nothing to do with hospitality , no ones giving me anything, Im not a invited guest . I'm paying for it. As a matter of fact I'm budgeting 20,000.00 for a hunt More if the old lady want to go along , and more if she wants to hunt also. this wont include a taxidermist or air fare. I plan on stating at a luxury . I will be buying a second rile probably a .300 win mag unless the outfitter will provide a back up rifle if needed. Also I will be buying a sat phone as telephone service is limited in Africa .
The money I spend there and the meat that I donate will help a lot of people .

but regardless you can cry and wine all you want and be butt hurt but I told the truth many of the nations there are shit holes , just as some in the middle east are and south Aerica, and just as some city's here in America are such as Detroit and Chicago are.

Dont expect me to sugar coat the truth , about the world. You can all you want Phantasmal too.
The simple fact is when we ignore the truth and reality we become complacent in the problem, sticking your heads up your ass and pretending everything is all nice and sweet and all is good don't help a thing except make part of the problem.

Fucking racist scum

You racists are the most hated people on the planet

Get your ass into the sewer before the boot comes for your worthless flabby arse
If Boob was a *REAL* man, he would do what Mr. Owl did some years ago. He went wild boar hunting in Tennessee with a friend. The friend was like Boob -- he took great delight in killing things. When he wasn't legally hunting, he shot squirrels just for fun from his deck. At any rate, the friend brought along a high-power rifle that cost a mint, and bagged his boar from a safe distance. This seems eminently sane to me; have you SEEN those things, how fast they can move? Mr. Owl is not a hunter; he is a marksman. He took along a single-shot, custom-made pistol loaded with one .454 Casull. Obviously he had to get much, much closer. He got his boar with one shot.

Now *that's* hunting. Wild pigs are not protected by law in the U.S.; most states have unlimited hunting for them where they are a problem. Plus they are delicious.

well if it isnt owl thing running her mouth. first my rifle didnt cost a mint its a Remington 3006 I hace had sense the 1970s . cost a lot less them you morons husbands custom pistol. second I have hunted wild pigs in 2 states along with at least 150 deer 1 elk hunt and may oter creatures , from a young age .

I doubt you bird man is a real man after all he married a dumb slut like you so he must be pretty Desperate.
Next none of the species I have planned to hunt are protected they are common species in Africa mostly in the antelope family except for the african wild boar or bush pig.
Fucking racist scum

You racists are the most hated people on the planet

Get your ass into the sewer before the boot comes for your worthless flabby arse

Im raciest lol how am I raciest when I am part black lol your standard left wing moron answer hes raciest . lol how lame. Russia a shit hole nation also and china and Iran , fact is Im telling the truth and my opinion and it has nothing to with with any of those living in those nations skin color but the conditions there .
so get over it . if the truth annoys you too bad I could care less
I like how owl thing was critical of me hunting and eating meat but its fine for dutch to kill pigs with a ak 47 and eat meat and fine for owl things husband to kill and eat meat but not for me.
but its wrong for me to.
Thanks for sharing that!

Traditional hunting is more humane than the stockyards and slaughterhouses our domestic livestock are relegated to.

On the flipside, being driven around in a Range Rover to shoot point blank at large African mammals does not seem respectable or honorable.

It's not honorable at all. It's more like hunting from a helicopter. Which, btw, is banned even in red and backwards Alaska.

A real man would use that money to take his beloved on a photo safari. Imagine the wonderful memories -- camping out in the bush, dining on exotic fare, listening to the sounds of the savannah and brush at night, looking at the strange constellations of another part of the planet. Being able to take home photos and video of your adventures among wild creatures living their lives, knowing that even when you are 8,000 miles away back home, they are still living as their kind has for thousands of years. Your visit would give employment to dozens of local people, as well as pay for conservation efforts that would ensure this kind of once-in-a-lifetime vacation could be enjoyed by many others after you are gone.
I like how owl thing was critical of me hunting and eating meat but its fine for dutch to kill pigs with a ak 47 and eat meat and fine for owl things husband to kill and eat meat but not for me.
but its wrong for me to.

Oh Boob, I'm sorry you stupidly misunderstood me; I never said a word about your diet, did I? You just made that bit up, just like you made up the scheiss about me being a "slut" and a "whore" for going back to college in my 60s. You're a Reichtard; it's what you do.

It's just fine if you want to eat meat. I love meat myself. I hope that you dine on pork, bacon, large greasy burgers, and brats oozing with fat every single breakfast, lunch, and supper! After all, our farmers need the income. Pig out, Boob, pig out! It's for America! :usflag::usflag::usflag:
It's not honorable at all. It's more like hunting from a helicopter. Which, btw, is banned even in red and backwards Alaska.

A real man would use that money to take his beloved on a photo safari. Imagine the wonderful memories -- camping out in the bush, dining on exotic fare, listening to the sounds of the savannah and brush at night, looking at the strange constellations of another part of the planet. Being able to take home photos and video of your adventures among wild creatures living their lives, knowing that even when you are 8,000 miles away back home, they are still living as their kind has for thousands of years. Your visit would give employment to dozens of local people, as well as pay for conservation efforts that would ensure this kind of once-in-a-lifetime vacation could be enjoyed by many others after you are gone.

As a city kid who hated being in the army, I'm not much on tents, Owl.

But I saw awesome tigers at the Mirage in Vegas and then lions at the MGM Grand up the street. They let me take pictures. Absolutely beautiful.
In other words, there's more than one way to NOT skin a cat.
Im raciest lol how am I raciest when I am part black lol your standard left wing moron answer hes raciest . lol how lame. Russia a shit hole nation also and china and Iran , fact is Im telling the truth and my opinion and it has nothing to with with any of those living in those nations skin color but the conditions there .
so get over it . if the truth annoys you too bad I could care less

Because you say racist shit all the time on this site idiot