question for Olw thing

As a city kid who hated being in the army, I'm not much on tents, Owl.

But I saw awesome tigers at the Mirage in Vegas and then lions at the MGM Grand up the street. They let me take pictures. Absolutely beautiful.
In other words, there's more than one way to NOT skin a cat.

Is this the part where I'm supposed to call you a wimp or a soy-boy? lol

I dunno, this "luxurious lodge" thing I could get used to!
As a city kid who hated being in the army, I'm not much on tents, Owl.

But I saw awesome tigers at the Mirage in Vegas and then lions at the MGM Grand up the street. They let me take pictures. Absolutely beautiful.
In other words, there's more than one way to NOT skin a cat.

I have pictures of my son and his friend holding a white tiger cub

Las Vegas is nutty
first I am not hunting cape buffalo at point blank ranges , second you must not know much about hem they are dam dangerous and getting at point blank is not a smart thing, next mt ass isnt fat im not a democrat.

You are getting your fat ass driven around by Africans (who you hold in contempt) to shoot at large mammals.

That is not honorable or respectable hunting.

Spare me the tales about how much danger you are putting yourself in. These safari companies who cater to self-styled Great White Hunters would not stay in business if they did not make safety, comfort, preparation, and logistics their top priority for their client's trophy hunt experience.
You are getting your fat ass driven around by Africans (who you hold in contempt) to shoot at large mammals.

That is not honorable or respectable hunting.

Spare me the tales about how much danger you are putting yourself in. These safari companies who cater to self-styled Great White Hunters would not stay in business if they did not make safety, comfort, preparation, and logistics their top priority for their client's trophy hunt experience.

really to bad last time I was in CABBIE FROM CHICAGO DROVE ME AROUND , and I think cChicago is a shit hole city , he didt seem to mind and liked the tip i gave him.

My cousin married a woman from there and their family has a manufacturing business there , he now run it they would agree Chicago is a shit hole.

and frankly bI could care less what you think .

here is a link to rural Africa and it has a pic wonderful place , I think its a shit hole in that picture what do you think it is a paradise
Because you say racist shit all the time on this site idiot

awwww its butt hurt to bad . Yea I know if your a republican your automatically a raciest even if your black Asian Hispanic or mixed race and even if you tell the truth. I didn't know telling the truth was raciest .
Oh Boob, I'm sorry you stupidly misunderstood me; I never said a word about your diet, did I? You just made that bit up, just like you made up the scheiss about me being a "slut" and a "whore" for going back to college in my 60s. You're a Reichtard; it's what you do.

It's just fine if you want to eat meat. I love meat myself. I hope that you dine on pork, bacon, large greasy burgers, and brats oozing with fat every single breakfast, lunch, and supper! After all, our farmers need the income. Pig out, Boob, pig out! It's for America! :usflag::usflag::usflag:

no you didnt you complained about me hunting and I asked if you ate meat . seems you have a double standard and its ok for the poor dumb bastard that married you and dutch the arrogant asshole to shoot pigs with a ak 47 but its bad when I hunt according to you.
sob whine natter natter me the victim here me so oppressed me so attacked sob snot whine cry whimper gurgle

Poor Boob. Here, let me help you over to the swooning couch. There, there. It's okay for you to eat meat, really it is. Here, I fixed you this fat juicy 45% fat burger covered with bacon, cheese, lard, sausage, and butter, with a cholesterol bun. Eat up, Boob!

Love, Olw
no you didnt you complained about me hunting and I asked if you ate meat . seems you have a double standard and its ok for the poor dumb bastard that married you and dutch the arrogant asshole to shoot pigs with a ak 47 but its bad when I hunt according to you.

Being driven out on the Savannah in a Range Rover to shoot water buffalo at short range is not hunting.

It is recreational and ritual slaughter of large mammals.
really to bad last time I was in CABBIE FROM CHICAGO DROVE ME AROUND , and I think cChicago is a shit hole city , he didt seem to mind and liked the tip i gave him.

My cousin married a woman from there and their family has a manufacturing business there , he now run it they would agree Chicago is a shit hole.

and frankly bI could care less what you think .

here is a link to rural Africa and it has a pic wonderful place , I think its a shit hole in that picture what do you think it is a paradise

Naturally you strive to paint Africa in the worst light possible, you hold Africans in contempt, and believe their nations are shitholes.

But you do not have the courage to say that to the faces of the Africans who will provide you hospitality and who will drive your fat ass around in a Range Rover to blast away at their water buffalo.
Naturally you strive to paint Africa in the worst light possible, you hold Africans in contempt, and believe their nations are shitholes.

But you do not have the courage to say that to the faces of the Africans who will provide you hospitality and who will drive your fat ass around in a Range Rover to blast away at their water buffalo.

I'm sure that his Ugly American I'm-better-than-you attitude will come across loud and clear to the people he encounters there. He will be treated commensurately. That is, if he ever goes. If he doesn't get his bitterness and rage under control, he''ll be pushing up daisies rather than slaughtering defenseless animals from far away. Not that there's anything wrong with the former. lol
really to bad last time I was in CABBIE FROM CHICAGO DROVE ME AROUND , and I think cChicago is a shit hole city , he didt seem to mind and liked the tip i gave him.

My cousin married a woman from there and their family has a manufacturing business there , he now run it they would agree Chicago is a shit hole.

and frankly bI could care less what you think .

here is a link to rural Africa and it has a pic wonderful place , I think its a shit hole in that picture what do you think it is a paradise

Do you speak as illiterate as you write?
I'm sure that his Ugly American I'm-better-than-you attitude will come across loud and clear to the people he encounters there. He will be treated commensurately. That is, if he ever goes. If he doesn't get his bitterness and rage under control, he''ll be pushing up daisies rather than slaughtering defenseless animals from far away. Not that there's anything wrong with the former. lol

This Great White Hunter act, fearlessly sallying forth to face the dangerous African water buffalo, just does not cut the mustard!
This Great White Hunter act, fearlessly sallying forth to face the dangerous African water buffalo, just does not cut the mustard!

I see you dont know anything about cape buffalo

Also known as Black Death, the Cape Buffalo can be extremely dangerous, and is said to have killed more big game hunters than any other animal in Africa. An impressive creature, males can reach heights of 6ft and weigh a hefty 1, 750 lbs. A record-sized savannah-type male actually weighed 2,200 lb!

Since the average shooting distance on a Cape buffalo is between 20 and 60 yards, be prepared to run like hell if your shot doesn’t bring it down.

An angry buffalo will circle and stalk its prey, waiting for the perfect moment to tear apart its opponent with its massive, thick horns. Cape Buffalo are also known to engage in mobbing behavior when fighting off predators.

Now, think about an angry mob of Cape Buffaloes charging at you at speeds of up to 35 mph. When you’re this scary, they call you Black Death
This Great White Hunter act, fearlessly sallying forth to face the dangerous African water buffalo, just does not cut the mustard!

In embarking on his African safari, the well-known white nationalist the late BullshitBob, did not realize that his guides were recruited from the headhunter village of Gombia. :laugh:

Naturally you strive to paint Africa in the worst light possible, you hold Africans in contempt, and believe their nations are shitholes.

But you do not have the courage to say that to the faces of the Africans who will provide you hospitality and who will drive your fat ass around in a Range Rover to blast away at their water buffalo.

well as I said I am not hunting a cape buffalo this trip and yes if the subject comes up about Africa I would be honest about it. while Im sure you would lie
I'm sure that his Ugly American I'm-better-than-you attitude will come across loud and clear to the people he encounters there. He will be treated commensurately. That is, if he ever goes. If he doesn't get his bitterness and rage under control, he''ll be pushing up daisies rather than slaughtering defenseless animals from far away. Not that there's anything wrong with the former. lol

slaughtering defenseless animals , odd when dutch said he was shooting pigs with a ak 47 you didnt complain and you bragged about mr owl slut shooting defenseless animals , and you dont seem to mind eating defenseless animals who are slaughtered for your food that you eat. seems your double standard of hes a republican so its bad when he has done it but ok for me to do it.

now owl idiot if I was to hunt cape buffalo they are not some defenseless tame creature . you stand on the ground and shoot them at a average distance of 20 to 60 yards .
They call them them, black death in Africa because of the amount of people that have killed, they are considered one of the toughest meanness most deadly creatures on earth and will hunt humans .