Questions for survivalists

What do you think you lied about?

Is there a chronological sliding scale for lies?

How long did you lie?

Is avoiding a truthful answer when you know you're lying a sin of omission?

All good questions.

Are you claiming that Dumb Yankee and Webby are lifelong members of the KKK?

Just dancing up a storm, huh?

So would you care to prove me wrong and bet?
Just dancing up a storm, huh? So would you care to prove me wrong and bet?

Nope, I'm laughing up a storm, though.

We're making progress. You admitted that you are a liar. Now we're defining the scope of the lie, time-wise.
Nope, I'm laughing up a storm, though.

We're making progress. You admitted that you are a liar. Now we're defining the scope of the lie, time-wise.

So you are admitting you don't have any evidence that I lied for years, as you claimed?

My admitting to lying about being Solitary is not news. I did that quite a while ago. So nothing has changed. I lied for a very good reason.

I asked if you wanted for me to find a neutral party. I was (and still am) prepared to bet $100 that you are not one of my contractors, which you kept asking if I was sure you weren't. The "metal box and a bridge" was simply a dodge.

Would you like to bet?
So you are admitting you don't have any evidence that I lied for years, as you claimed? My admitting to lying about being Solitary is not news. I did that quite a while ago. So nothing has changed. I lied for a very good reason.

Who said it was "news"?

How long did you lie?

Does lying "for a very good reason" have some relevance?
Yours is, without a doubt, the most dangerous, anti-freedom, pro mommy government, totalitarian bullshit this side of eternity. My ASS belongs to ME, as do any and all products of my lands. And the products of my neighbors lands belong to my neighbor. If our government ever starts to act as you describe, emergency or no, there WILL be civil war, with even the vast majority of liberal democrats fighting against the totalitarianism you so love.

You quote the Constitution without a foggy fucking clue what it means or why it was written. You are like a 4-year-old trying to apply the general theory of relativity. The entire concept of freedom is obviously way outside your ability to comprehend. You truly are without ANYTHING resembling a real, self-aware brain. You are pitiful in the way you look to government for all your answers. My youngest granddaughter shows more cognizance of personal responsibility than you do.

And, yes, if the worst happens, you WILL be among the first to die, because you haven't the cognitive ability to recognize that no one owes you help just because you exist. And it probably won't even be a survivalist who kills your sorry useless ass, but rather someone - or several someones - who are part of the roving mobs preying on the weak.

You just don't get it. Priority number one is holding the country together. Are Armed Service Personnel going to keep fighting in Iraq or Iran if their family are here starving? Are Law Enforcement Personnel going to patrol the borders if their spouse and children are starving? Who is going to protect National Treasures like museums and libraries?

The only solution would be to gather the people together and share what is available. If everyone knows they're getting their share, regardless of how little that may be, they will continue to protect their country. What do you think is going to happen when they come across a person who has barricaded themselves in their home and says "to hell with you and the country. It's me first."

I hope if that time ever comes you make the right decision for your family. And remember, there is enough food in the country. The hungry masses will find the food.
I get the feeling that the only National Treasures that matter to Christian survivalists are their own skins.
We're making good progress here. You confessed that you are a liar. Now, how long did you lie? Think back.

And we can both make good progress. Have you ever lied?

Do you expect to always be able to avoid answering questions, and at the same time ask questions of others?