Questions for survivalists

Nope. But you asked if I thought an unarmed, starving pregnant woman was a threat. I don't. Why do you?

Apparently you think a woman being pregnant makes her helpless? lol

Let me assist in your education yet again. A woman will lose a little mobility in the last weeks of her pregnancy, but she is far from helpless. If she was fit and able to hurt you before she was pregnant, she is still able when she is pregnant. And if she is armed she is as dangerous as anyone.

Your sexist attitude is showing.
Apparently you think a woman being pregnant makes her helpless? lol Let me assist in your education yet again. A woman will lose a little mobility in the last weeks of her pregnancy, but she is far from helpless. If she was fit and able to hurt you before she was pregnant, she is still able when she is pregnant. And if she is armed she is as dangerous as anyone. Your sexist attitude is showing.

Did I say that?

I asked why you view a starving, unarmed pregnant woman as a threat to a big, strong, armed Christian survivalist like you.

It's OK to admit your fears.
any news article with a crime victim that relied on an order of protection to be safe from a violent ex. any crime victim that still fights for strict gun control any idiot that doesn't wear their seat belt while on the highway. your posts.


BTW, if, as you said, the constitutionality of taxation and foreign aid subsidies are topics for another thread...

all topics for another thread. this one way off tangeant.

Then why did you previously bring up the topic in this thread?

short term, yes. it's the government taking of it that is criminal. there's billions available for public assistance already if foreign aid to certain countries was cut off.

Still waiting for that list.

Which nations should get aid?

Which should not?
Did I say that?

I asked why you view a starving, unarmed pregnant woman as a threat to a big, strong, armed Christian survivalist like you.

It's OK to admit your fears.

No, first you asked about a pregnant beggar. Then it was a starving pregnant woman. And finally it was an unarmed, starving, pregnant women.

Why not ask about a crippled, starving, unarmed, pregnant woman?
I don't worry about things that have never happened. I know you do, though.

This is not answering the question. In fact, you even dodged when I asked if you were saying you have never thought about what you would do if you were attacked.
No, first you asked about a pregnant beggar. Then it was a starving pregnant woman. And finally it was an unarmed, starving, pregnant women. Why not ask about a crippled, starving, unarmed, pregnant woman?

Do they frighten you, too?
This is not answering the question. In fact, you even dodged when I asked if you were saying you have never thought about what you would do if you were attacked.

Post 391 too complex?

I don't worry about things that have never happened to me. Just as you don't worry about things that have happened to you, like lusting.
So what are you going to do when you come out of your hole after 6 months? Join groups and collect resources like SmarterThanYou plans on doing? What will have changed? All the bad people will have died and only the good ones remain? Don't you realize you'll be faced with the same situation whether you face it right away or in six months?

The groups who faced the problem at the beginning had a 6 month head start. They have the granaries and the meat packing plants and the guns and ammunition and....they've gathered up the resources while you and others like you stayed holed up. What reception do you expect to receive when you show up? Are they going to share with self-centered, don't-give-a-damn-about-anyone -but-me people who show up six months later? How do you think they'll deal with a bunch of rag-tag, survivalist squatters who show up on their land? They'll remember having run into similar folks who wouldn't share. And as a group they'll take whatever you have managed to gather and share it among themselves. The survivalist will be the outcast, viewed as the capitalistic, greedy, self-centered people who caused the crisis and to be eradicated like a blight on humanity.
Yes, yes, we get it. People who take it on themselves to prepare for bad times, prepare for disasters, they are the selfish bad guys. People who sit on their pillows of blubber laughingly called asses doing nothing in case something goes wrong, who plan on big mommy government bailing them out should something happen (you know, like government was there for them after Katrina?), the ones who will be out there murdering others for a few bites of food and burning survivalists' houses to the ground out of sheer spite, those are the good guys.

Got it.

Your concepts are beyond despicable. YOU are the blight on humanity.
Yes, yes, we get it. People who take it on themselves to prepare for bad times, prepare for disasters, they are the selfish bad guys. People who sit on their pillows of blubber laughingly called asses doing nothing in case something goes wrong, who plan on big mommy government bailing them out should something happen (you know, like government was there for them after Katrina?), the ones who will be out there murdering others for a few bites of food and burning survivalists' houses to the ground out of sheer spite, those are the good guys. Got it. Your concepts are beyond despicable. YOU are the blight on humanity.


People whose lives are ruled by fear are pitiable.

Are you certain you're entitled to display the emblem of the USMC?
Yes, yes, we get it. People who take it on themselves to prepare for bad times, prepare for disasters, they are the selfish bad guys. People who sit on their pillows of blubber laughingly called asses doing nothing in case something goes wrong, who plan on big mommy government bailing them out should something happen (you know, like government was there for them after Katrina?), the ones who will be out there murdering others for a few bites of food and burning survivalists' houses to the ground out of sheer spite, those are the good guys.

Got it.

Your concepts are beyond despicable. YOU are the blight on humanity.

I see you have difficulty with comprehension. Preparing is not bad. The refusal to share is bad. Do you know if the person who didn't prepare was in a financial situation to prepare? Single moms living from paycheck to paycheck are going to store extra food when they can't even afford to eat properly now? How do you expect people to store 6 months worth of food when they can't even afford a week's worth of groceries?

You keep bringing up Katrina. A weeks worth of food would have been plenty.

And what about the people who were selling water and other supplies for ridiculous prices? Vultures.
Yes, yes, we get it. People who take it on themselves to prepare for bad times, prepare for disasters, they are the selfish bad guys. People who sit on their pillows of blubber laughingly called asses doing nothing in case something goes wrong, who plan on big mommy government bailing them out should something happen (you know, like government was there for them after Katrina?), the ones who will be out there murdering others for a few bites of food and burning survivalists' houses to the ground out of sheer spite, those are the good guys.

Got it.

Your concepts are beyond despicable. YOU are the blight on humanity.

And regarding Katrina one major problem was the infighting between the Feds and the States and who was responsible for what. If you think the border is a problem today watch what would happen if the government didn't show up for a month or so if there was a crisis in California or other border States. Half of Central America would be in the country. Do you think those folks would give a damn if you're holed up with food and supplies? You'll be cursing you didn't help your countryman when you're alone and the illegal aliens show up.
I doubt that any Central Americans want to come here these days.

Now that the Teabaggers have ruined the economy, consumer demand is down so much that there aren't many jobs.
And regarding Katrina one major problem was the infighting between the Feds and the States and who was responsible for what. If you think the border is a problem today watch what would happen if the government didn't show up for a month or so if there was a crisis in California or other border States. Half of Central America would be in the country. Do you think those folks would give a damn if you're holed up with food and supplies? You'll be cursing you didn't help your countryman when you're alone and the illegal aliens show up.
:lol::lol: And you people call survivalists paranoid.

If your objections to survivalists using their stores to keep their families alive, which you call "selfish" (tell me, how is a parent keeping their kids alive for as long as possible "selfish"? - your very notion is nothing less than obscene.) because it will cause all of Central America to invade the U.S., you can only be described as truly insane. Delusional beyond all belief. What a pathetic moron.
I see you have difficulty with comprehension. Preparing is not bad. The refusal to share is bad. Do you know if the person who didn't prepare was in a financial situation to prepare? Single moms living from paycheck to paycheck are going to store extra food when they can't even afford to eat properly now? How do you expect people to store 6 months worth of food when they can't even afford a week's worth of groceries?
why is it always all or nothing with you? I've got 4 neighbors. One is a single grandmother barely making ends meet but she knows how to budget well. she knows if SHTF, she's welcome over here. The neighbor on the other side of me is also single grandmother but runs a hospice out of her home. She's stocked for a week for 6 people. She knows that my stepson and I are here for protection until her daughter and son in law show up. they only live 30 minutes away by vehicle. The two neighbors across the street already followed my advice and are prepared for 6 months worth. They also know that together, the 5 of us can band together if need be. There's no community outside that survival net. That's how it should be.

You keep bringing up Katrina. A weeks worth of food would have been plenty.

And what about the people who were selling water and other supplies for ridiculous prices? Vultures.
how can you not see the need to stock up for months when you use these examples?