Questions for survivalists


People whose lives are ruled by fear are pitiable.

Are you certain you're entitled to display the emblem of the USMC?

Perhaps we should just let you post for everyone? Your assumptions are so far off what has actually been said as to be laughable.
:lol::lol: And you people call survivalists paranoid.

If your objections to survivalists using their stores to keep their families alive, which you call "selfish" (tell me, how is a parent keeping their kids alive for as long as possible "selfish"? - your very notion is nothing less than obscene.) because it will cause all of Central America to invade the U.S., you can only be described as truly insane. Delusional beyond all belief. What a pathetic moron.

Ever hear the saying, "There's strength in numbers"?

Hide in your basement, Good Luck. It will be your final resting place.
Ever hear the saying, "There's strength in numbers"? Hide in your basement, Good Luck. It will be your final resting place.

I wonder what Good Suck and his fellow fear-filled frighteners will do with their hoarded supplies when the long-feared apocalypse never happens?

Their heirs will put it out out with the trash after they die, probably.
why is it always all or nothing with you? I've got 4 neighbors. One is a single grandmother barely making ends meet but she knows how to budget well. she knows if SHTF, she's welcome over here. The neighbor on the other side of me is also single grandmother but runs a hospice out of her home. She's stocked for a week for 6 people. She knows that my stepson and I are here for protection until her daughter and son in law show up. they only live 30 minutes away by vehicle. The two neighbors across the street already followed my advice and are prepared for 6 months worth. They also know that together, the 5 of us can band together if need be. There's no community outside that survival net. That's how it should be.

You're really into this, aren't you?

how can you not see the need to stock up for months when you use these examples?

Because a dozen people are going to take the corner store.

Do you not watch riots on TV? The store owners get the hell out of the store. They know one person can not defend a place against a dozen people or two dozen people.

The mobs we see on TV are mostly there for the excitement. Add thirst and hunger to the picture and one or two people hiding in their basement trying to defend themselves is a lost cause. Whether good or bad the mob will burn the house down if they can't get to the supplies.
I wonder what Good Suck and his fellow fear-filled frighteners will do with their hoarded supplies when the long-feared apocalypse never happens?

Their heirs will put it out out with the trash after they die, probably.

It must be a hell of a way to live. That's all I can say.
I signed up just so I could post a reply. I have been following the argument between apple and good luck.
Both of you have valid points. However, apple, I strongly disagree that those who have stockpiles should share it out of the goodness of their heart. I wouldn't.

I wonder has anyone on here been through any type of a disaster?

After katrina, we were out of power for 11 days, businesses were damaged, destroyed, or shut down. There was no way to get supplies. I live in a rural area in Mississippi, about 30 miles north of the gulf. Apparently, many people do not realize that we actually got hit harder here in MS than they did in New Orleans, but anyway. After a few days some gas stations opened up. Let me remind you that I live in a rural area - pretty much everyone knows everyone, we grew up together, people are friendly here and watch out for each other. Once word of mouth about gas traveled, the lines started forming - long lines. There was a limit on how much gas you could get. People were mad, people were not talking to each other. People were mumbling about them running out of gas. Nothing in the air but tension - people had wild animal looks in their eyes. It was very, very, very creepy. I am not exxagerating. We went back home and stayed.

Good Luck is right, get your supplies so you can stay in your house if something happens, you are not going to want to be going anywhere. I believe (at least where I live) it would take at least a few weeks for people to start trying to obtain food forcefully. And probably even more to do it door to door. They are going to go to businesses first. If something happened bad enough for the whole country to shut down for more than a few weeks, then I think apple is right, people are going to try to get food and supplies in any way they can. (probably not as dramatically as apple pointed out but they will)
so you have 2 choices, do you want to be the one inside with the food or the one outside trying to get the food? I'd rather be the one inside.
for those of you who live in big cities, god help ya if anything happens.
I signed up just so I could post a reply. I have been following the argument between apple and good luck.
Both of you have valid points. However, apple, I strongly disagree that those who have stockpiles should share it out of the goodness of their heart. I wouldn't. I wonder has anyone on here been through any type of a disaster? After katrina, we were out of power for 11 days, businesses were damaged, destroyed, or shut down. There was no way to get supplies. I live in a rural area in Mississippi, about 30 miles north of the gulf. Apparently, many people do not realize that we actually got hit harder here in MS than they did in New Orleans, but anyway. After a few days some gas stations opened up. Let me remind you that I live in a rural area - pretty much everyone knows everyone, we grew up together, people are friendly here and watch out for each other. Once word of mouth about gas traveled, the lines started forming - long lines. There was a limit on how much gas you could get. People were mad, people were not talking to each other. People were mumbling about them running out of gas. Nothing in the air but tension - people had wild animal looks in their eyes. It was very, very, very creepy. I am not exxagerating. We went back home and stayed. Good Luck is right, get your supplies so you can stay in your house if something happens, you are not going to want to be going anywhere. I believe (at least where I live) it would take at least a few weeks for people to start trying to obtain food forcefully. And probably even more to do it door to door. They are going to go to businesses first. If something happened bad enough for the whole country to shut down for more than a few weeks, then I think apple is right, people are going to try to get food and supplies in any way they can. (probably not as dramatically as apple pointed out but they will)
so you have 2 choices, do you want to be the one inside with the food or the one outside trying to get the food? I'd rather be the one inside.
for those of you who live in big cities, god help ya if anything happens.

How many of your neighbors did you shoot?
I signed up just so I could post a reply. I have been following the argument between apple and good luck.
Both of you have valid points. However, apple, I strongly disagree that those who have stockpiles should share it out of the goodness of their heart. I wouldn't.

I wonder has anyone on here been through any type of a disaster?

After katrina, we were out of power for 11 days, businesses were damaged, destroyed, or shut down. There was no way to get supplies. I live in a rural area in Mississippi, about 30 miles north of the gulf. Apparently, many people do not realize that we actually got hit harder here in MS than they did in New Orleans, but anyway. After a few days some gas stations opened up. Let me remind you that I live in a rural area - pretty much everyone knows everyone, we grew up together, people are friendly here and watch out for each other. Once word of mouth about gas traveled, the lines started forming - long lines. There was a limit on how much gas you could get. People were mad, people were not talking to each other. People were mumbling about them running out of gas. Nothing in the air but tension - people had wild animal looks in their eyes. It was very, very, very creepy. I am not exxagerating. We went back home and stayed.

Good Luck is right, get your supplies so you can stay in your house if something happens, you are not going to want to be going anywhere. I believe (at least where I live) it would take at least a few weeks for people to start trying to obtain food forcefully. And probably even more to do it door to door. They are going to go to businesses first. If something happened bad enough for the whole country to shut down for more than a few weeks, then I think apple is right, people are going to try to get food and supplies in any way they can. (probably not as dramatically as apple pointed out but they will)
so you have 2 choices, do you want to be the one inside with the food or the one outside trying to get the food? I'd rather be the one inside.
for those of you who live in big cities, god help ya if anything happens.

It looks like we agree, for the most part. Having supplies for a week or two is a good idea. My point is if the government can not get help to the people within a couple of weeks then the situation is critical.

It is not only a matter of sharing out of the goodness of ones heart. People will not become savage if they believe it's temporary. Once they realize there is no law, they will not have to answer for their crimes, people will group together and have a common enemy; those who refuse to share.

The survivalist who holds out for months will not be welcome back into the group, what remains of society, as they'll be known as people who do not share. Who would trust them? That's assuming they do survive and the mob does not destroy them. My bet is the mob will destroy them if for no other reason than hate/rage.
It looks like we agree, for the most part. Having supplies for a week or two is a good idea. My point is if the government can not get help to the people within a couple of weeks then the situation is critical.

It is not only a matter of sharing out of the goodness of ones heart. People will not become savage if they believe it's temporary. Once they realize there is no law, they will not have to answer for their crimes, people will group together and have a common enemy; those who refuse to share.

The survivalist who holds out for months will not be welcome back into the group, what remains of society, as they'll be known as people who do not share. Who would trust them? That's assuming they do survive and the mob does not destroy them. My bet is the mob will destroy them if for no other reason than hate/rage.

The idea is that we (those who plan and are prepared) are hedging our bets. I would much prefer my supplies are never used. But should something happen, like Katrina or worse, I will not be a victim waiting for the gov't to save me. I will be able to provide for and protect my family.

I will hold out for as long as it takes. If it turns out to not be temporary, I will have saved my family. If it does turn out to be temporary, the people will rant against the gov't for taking so long. Either way, I will have taken care of my family. Those who did not are not my concern.

If they feel they CAN take my stores,they are welcome to try.
It is not only a matter of sharing out of the goodness of ones heart. People will not become savage if they believe it's temporary. Once they realize there is no law, they will not have to answer for their crimes, people will group together and have a common enemy; those who refuse to share.
and the people killing and looting those who did stock are not criminals or the common enemy????

The survivalist who holds out for months will not be welcome back into the group, what remains of society, as they'll be known as people who do not share. Who would trust them? That's assuming they do survive and the mob does not destroy them. My bet is the mob will destroy them if for no other reason than hate/rage.
i truly hope you never find yourself in such a scenario. your world will never be the same.
Not that I must, but its a slow day at work. Yes, I do post to call you on your bullshit. What you post is far from what was actually said.

Your compulsion is duly noted.

You seem to have a lot of 'slow days at work'. I'm sure your employer appreciates the productive use you make of your time.

What have I posted that's "far from what was actually said"?
Your compulsion is duly noted.

You seem to have a lot of 'slow days at work'. I'm sure your employer appreciates the productive use you make of your time.

What have I posted that's "far from what was actually said"?

Some are slower than others. My employer is pleased with my work. Our safety record has steadily improved since I was promoted. Its great being one of the best at what we do.

As for what you have posted that is far from what was actually said, how many times have you asked about or mentioned "shooting neighbors"? How many times have you tried to make it look as thought we are willing to shoot people for asking for food or just for our own entertainment? Do you think you have portrayed what we have said accurately?
Some are slower than others. My employer is pleased with my work. Our safety record has steadily improved since I was promoted. Its great being one of the best at what we do. As for what you have posted that is far from what was actually said, how many times have you asked about or mentioned "shooting neighbors"? How many times have you tried to make it look as thought we are willing to shoot people for asking for food or just for our own entertainment? Do you think you have portrayed what we have said accurately?

I'm sure your only work-related risk factors are possibly hemorrhoids from sitting on your ass all day and maybe carpal tunnel syndrome from typing JPP posts.

Maybe there's some risk of heart disease because you seem to get very little physical exercise.

You just stated - with what seems to be barely-contained eagerness - that anyone wanting food from you would be "welcome to try". An implicit threat.

You're sick.
I'm sure your only work-related risk factors are possibly hemorrhoids from sitting on your ass all day and maybe carpal tunnel syndrome from typing JPP posts.

Maybe there's some risk of heart disease because you seem to get very little physical exercise.

You just stated - with what seems to be barely-contained eagerness - that anyone wanting food from you would be "welcome to try". An implicit threat.

You're sick.

lol If you knew what my workday was about you might be able to make a statement beyond sad insults. But you don't, so you can't.

I just stated? So what I said in the last 30 mins is justification for your nonsense for the last week? Nice idea. I am not implying a threat. I will make an open threat to anyone who tries to attack my family or invade our home. You call that sick?
and the people killing and looting those who did stock are not criminals or the common enemy????

i truly hope you never find yourself in such a scenario. your world will never be the same.

If such a scenario comes to pass the world never will be he same, at least not in my lifetime. I'll take my chances in a group. Hiding in a basement, stressing at every sound, undergoing attacks, is not a life for me.
If such a scenario comes to pass the world never will be he same, at least not in my lifetime. I'll take my chances in a group. Hiding in a basement, stressing at every sound, undergoing attacks, is not a life for me.

"Hiding in a basement, stressing at every sound, undergoing attacks, is not a life for me."

You will need to seek shelter somewhere. With no law enforcement to speak of, there will be plenty of people who attack your group. Also, you include "undergoing attacks" in your dismal description. Isn't your group the one that will be attacking?