Kid, when you grow up, maybe you'll grow a sense of humor too.
its not funny
Kid, when you grow up, maybe you'll grow a sense of humor too.
Wimmen are human? You ain't married, are you? At least not to a wimmen.
Kid, when you grow up, maybe you'll grow a sense of humor too.
its not funny
Says the hateful little troll who only has the most vile insults for everyone. Hypocrite.
Your answer surpasses mine. Bravo.
I find racists who parse the meaning of the word racism to be boorish and ignorant.
I find lefties who use the word "racist" to be ignorant. I find lefties who imply that race is the same as gender or nationality to be ignorant and offensive.
its hard to feel sorry for your inability to make your wife happy
yes I come down really hard on liars
I tried being nice for years
you lying shits never honored nice
in fact your shits USED nice
I never liked Hee Haw.
Like you, the show celebrated ignorance, stupidity and misogyny.
It is obvious that TV show is where, what you think is a sense of humor, comes from.
Poor Countryboy.
Which of one of the following is a race?
A. Muslims
B Mexicans
C Blacks
D Women
Wiminz...the answer is wiminz.
I suspect you don't like much of anything. It's obvious you are a hateful, miserable little piece of shit.
I find lefties who use the word "racist" to be ignorant. I find lefties who imply that race is the same as gender or nationality to be ignorant and offensive.
I know I don't hate "wimmen", as you call them. That's for ignorant boorish hillbillies like you.
Poor Country Boy's wife.
Has to live with a misogynist with a Hee Haw sense of humor .
No one has implied that except you.. You are raising a strawman argument where none exists.
Lol, you'll understand when you grow up kid. If you ever do
Gonna hafta callIt's obvious you've been an asshole your entire life. Probably from about 13 on, like a lot of wimmen.