The human genome has been sequenced; “race” is a fictitious social construct and twisted perceptual reality that arose very late in hominid evolution as a means or attempt at justification for the genocide and subjugation of some by others. Preadatory capitalism and a perverted corrupt political system have reinforced the sham.
There are on the order of ~30,000 some odd genes in our shared genome. The three traits by which “race” is determined; skin tone/hue, hair texture, and facial features, are under the direction of 6 genes total. Out of ~30,000 some odd genes. No molecular biologist or genenticist researchers have ever found a genetic basis for the concept of “race”, nor has any connection ever been shown linking “race” in any way to intellect, criminality, behavior or any of the other “attributes” some folks have been indoctrinated to believe in.
All hominid life arose in Africa, some of us would just rather trace out family trees back to a comfortable predetermined stop along the human family journey and sit under a nice shade tree with an ice cold glass of denial.
That being said, some “racially” defined groups in american society are clearly much more apt to be enslaved into our corporate for profit prison system with forced convict labor leasing or murdered in the streets by our corporate state police with impunity. Thankfully having been now accepted by the american public, this is now being ramped up to include other citizens as well, including white folk.