Racism knowledge test

For as long as I have been on this forum, I have watched lefties confuse race with Mexicans, Muslims, and women. I happen to be in a multi racial multi nationality family, so it can be offensive at times. Here is a thread that clearly demonstrates that leftie are as ignorant about race as I claim:


I haven't been here very long, but you sure seem preoccupied with race to me.. How many threads have you started making claims about "lefties and race"?
The human genome has been sequenced; “race” is a fictitious social construct and twisted perceptual reality that arose very late in hominid evolution as a means or attempt at justification for the genocide and subjugation of some by others. Preadatory capitalism and a perverted corrupt political system have reinforced the sham.

There are on the order of ~30,000 some odd genes in our shared genome. The three traits by which “race” is determined; skin tone/hue, hair texture, and facial features, are under the direction of 6 genes total. Out of ~30,000 some odd genes. No molecular biologist or genenticist researchers have ever found a genetic basis for the concept of “race”, nor has any connection ever been shown linking “race” in any way to intellect, criminality, behavior or any of the other “attributes” some folks have been indoctrinated to believe in.

All hominid life arose in Africa, some of us would just rather trace out family trees back to a comfortable predetermined stop along the human family journey and sit under a nice shade tree with an ice cold glass of denial.

That being said, some “racially” defined groups in american society are clearly much more apt to be enslaved into our corporate for profit prison system with forced convict labor leasing or murdered in the streets by our corporate state police with impunity. Thankfully having been now accepted by the american public, this is now being ramped up to include other citizens as well, including white folk.

I haven't been here very long, but you sure seem preoccupied with race to me.. How many threads have you started making claims about "lefties and race"?

I can't count them all. It's kinda like asking how many anti Trump or anti Hillary threads have been started here. I will persist as long as lefties persist in referring to Mexicans, Muslims, and women as races.
I can't count them all. It's kinda like asking how many anti Trump or anti Hillary threads have been started here. I will persist as long as lefties persist in referring to Mexicans, Muslims, and women as races.

Trump has a long legal history of racial discrimination in housing.. His racism is undeniable. I don't care frankly, because he is such a total creep in all aspects of his personality and behavior.
The poor woman probably cries herself to sleep every night.
Trapped in a abusive relationship with a hateful misogynist.
I feel bad for Countryboy's wife. Constantly feeling the sting of a Hee Haw sense of humor where she is the victim of his sick hateful, demeaning jokes.

No crying allowed in my house.
Trump has a long legal history of racial discrimination in housing.. His racism is undeniable. I don't care frankly, because he is such a total creep in all aspects of his personality and behavior.

He is a pretty good embodiment of the pathology of this society at the moment however, and we always have a cabal of Goldman Sachs exec in the white house regardless of electoral outcomes. So the power structure if fine with whatever so long as it does not interfere with the societal wealth extraction, concentration and redistribution. The more chaos to hide all the behind the better.
He is a pretty good embodiment of the pathology of this society at the moment however, and we always have a cabal of Goldman Sachs exec in the white house regardless of electoral outcomes. So the power structure if fine with whatever so long as it does not interfere with the societal wealth extraction, concentration and redistribution. The more chaos to hide all the behind the better.

Well, I think we have hit a new low.. Trump's cabinet is an ethics cesspool.
Well, I think we have hit a new low.. Trump's cabinet is an ethics cesspool.

Personally I'm finished with the corporate state's divide-and-conquer partisanshithead paradigm. Corruption is bipartisan, the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class always has it covered "both" ways. Look into the Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama cabinets. Hillary would have been no different, only the outward presentation to the public would be altered; bidness as per usual.
Trump has a long legal history of racial discrimination in housing.. His racism is undeniable. I don't care frankly, because he is such a total creep in all aspects of his personality and behavior.

There is no evidence of this, or it would have been posted on that thread that you have failed to post evidence on. I'd request a link for evidence here, but I already know that lefties will just dump NON evidence allegations or dismissed court cases instead. This is why these threads persist. What you have done here is "asserted" that he is a racist, that's all.
I know I don't hate "wimmen", as you call them. That's for ignorant boorish hillbillies like you.
Poor Country Boy's wife.
Has to live with a misogynist with a Hee Haw sense of humor .

No sense of humor i see.
Also, save your name calling for someone else.
Damn kids. Now stay off my lawn.
Really only one race, the human race. the DNA of people is almost identical, no matter where they come from. What we refer to as race is a intellectual construct. We divide people for our own purposes. So what we define as race is a minor distinction which we create and emphasize. Move a bunch of whites into a hot area like Africa and in a couple thousand years they would become much darker. Race is environmental more than DNA. Hate black people and you hate yourself.

So you got five likes on this post where you committed a microaggression. Is that because white people who profess their progressive bonafides don't really fully support them?

Again, your are the one who said all racists are republicans. Everyone who likes your post is either a democrat or liberal (or both). So are committing microaggressions ok?
I find racists who parse the meaning of the word racism to be boorish and ignorant.

I find that people who obscure the meaning of racist are harming victims of real racism. Victims of real racism need to have racism isolated from other forms of bigotry, otherwise racism is marginalized as general bigotry.
I find that people who obscure the meaning of racist are harming victims of real racism. Victims of real racism need to have racism isolated from other forms of bigotry, otherwise racism is marginalized as general bigotry.

Racism is part of a perverted mindset based on the notion that anyone different must be feared, marginalized and annihilated.
It is a symptom of a much bigger problem within the republican party.
Republicans can not afford to call out racism or any kind of prejudicial bigotry within their party.
Their numbers are rapidly dwindling.
There is no evidence of this, or it would have been posted on that thread that you have failed to post evidence on. I'd request a link for evidence here, but I already know that lefties will just dump NON evidence allegations or dismissed court cases instead. This is why these threads persist. What you have done here is "asserted" that he is a racist, that's all.

"There is no evidence of this or I would have looked for it myself, so there!"


And he's still at it:


Racism is part of a perverted mindset based on the notion that anyone different must be feared, marginalized and annihilated.

Wrong. Racism is a very specific type of bigotry. You are harming victims of real racism when you try to consolidate all bigotry under the term "racism "
Wrong. Racism is a very specific type of bigotry. You are harming victims of real racism when you try to consolidate all bigotry under the term "racism "

Semantics, people are dying in the streets. The "law" is murdering them. Sometimes it's wannabe law.