Racism or Bigotry, Should JPP Ban Both?

the right here spend copious amounts of time claiming things are not racism

they spend virtually no time calling out the blatant racism on their side
Is there any possibility that your conclusion is possibly skewed, due to your own dislike of religion; because a lot of the comments haven't just been criticism,.
They have been outright denigrating comments, which would seem to be no different then someone who makes denigrating comments about another race.

Both situations are initially based on ideas and/or beliefs; but they way they are done is what is so distasteful.
Saying that you don't believe in God is one thing; but then to try to denigrate those who do, is no different then someone saying that they don't believe (insert color of your choice) are equal as opposed to making denigrating comments about (insert color of your choice).

You tell me what the difference is, other then racism, of one person saying n****r and another person saying BY-BULL?
Or another person saying that people of (insert color of your choice) are less, then someone else saying that those who believe are less?

He did tell you the difference you flipping idiot.
Damn boy you are a stupid fuck.
Your biases is showing, with your comment of "stup0id beliefs" and explains why you're trying to explain your own bigotry.

But using your own logic; those who have a problem over someone else's skin color, are also able to change their thought patterns.
It's not the skin color that's the problem; but instead it's the thought pattern of the person who has the problem.


In English the word "bigot" refers to a person whose habitual state of mind includes an obstinate, irrational, or unfair intolerance of ideas, opinions, ethnicities, or beliefs that differ from their own, and intolerance of the people who hold them.

Yes the racist could change their thinking you fucking ignorant pile of feces.
That is the whole effing point moron.
the right here spend copious amounts of time claiming things are not racism

they spend virtually no time calling out the blatant racism on their side

Because we know the difference between racism and bias. Get your mom to explain it to you sometime.
you can change your thought patterns, you can change your beliefs. If you have stupid beliefs, then you should be criticized for them. People can't change their skin color, they can't change who they are. Ideas/beliefs are not the same as people

my little boy is growing up

you make your internets mommy proud
Anyway, I believe that curbstomping leftism in America would go a long way toward reducing anti-Christian bigotry. I am aware of no ideology, which, when marginalized, would accomplish much to the end of sharply reducing racism.

if I don't believe in your Christian religion and say out loud that its myth you want WHAT done to me?

how Jesusy of you

maybe people would like Christianity more if you were not so fucking evil in how you "represent" it .

Jesus would have the whip ready for you
The difficulty with banning things is that some of the nastiest bullies in the world just love to pretend that they are being persecuted, like the 'Christian' extremists in the 'States or the Nazi racists of 'Israel', who are always woofling about anti-Semitism as they murder (semitic) children. Best let them show themselves up.
every religion was started as something good for mankind

I truly believe that

the problem is they make great scaffolding for sociopath to climb to power in

that is why the POPE is talking about love instead of rules today
Your biases is showing, with your comment of "stup0id beliefs" and explains why you're trying to explain your own bigotry.

I think you're taking that too personally.

He didn't say, "Believing in god is a stupid belief" or "Not believing in god is a stupid belief." He just said "stupid beliefs." That's widely open to interpretation.

And beliefs are what debates are based on. If you believe A and the other person believes B, then the debate is an attempt to, if not make the other person change their beliefs, to at least get them to think about what you're saying in a different way.

But the salient point is that people can change their minds, their religions and their hair color, but they can't change the color of the skin (unless they're Michael Jackson), the country they were born in, the sex they were born, etc.
One's religion is a belief in an idea...
To hate someone for their religion is to hate an optional belief they chose to harbor...
Ones race is their genetic makeup...
To hate someone for their race is to hate their very being...

You can not compare the two...
They are not even fucking close.

My contention is that both decisions to "hate" comes from personal beliefs and even Grind has admitted that beliefs can be changed.
why did Taymer rice have to be shot?

1 - Acting irresponsible with what others described as a firearm
2 - Pulling it from his waistband when the Police showed up.

Where you unaware of how the circumstances played out; because it was in the news?