Racism or Bigotry, Should JPP Ban Both?

The difficulty with banning things is that some of the nastiest bullies in the world just love to pretend that they are being persecuted, like the 'Christian' extremists in the 'States or the Nazi racists of 'Israel', who are always woofling about anti-Semitism as they murder (semitic) children. Best let them show themselves up.

You left out the prosecution the Welsh have had to endure and how years of being subjugated by the
English have turned them into a country of drunkards and lay-abouts.
I think you're taking that too personally.

He didn't say, "Believing in god is a stupid belief" or "Not believing in god is a stupid belief." He just said "stupid beliefs." That's widely open to interpretation.

And beliefs are what debates are based on. If you believe A and the other person believes B, then the debate is an attempt to, if not make the other person change their beliefs, to at least get them to think about what you're saying in a different way.

But the salient point is that people can change their minds, their religions and their hair color, but they can't change the color of the skin (unless they're Michael Jackson), the country they were born in, the sex they were born, etc.

But he tied his comment of "beliefs" in with religion; because that's what the discussion was about.
If he wanted his comment, regarding beliefs, to be about something other then religion, he should have stated it; because he apparently doesn't believe racism has anything to do with beliefs. :dunno:
Racism and bigotry should be prohibited by law. The far right should be brutally suppressed with lethal force, the more dead racists, the better.
trayvon is dead because he criminally assaulted someone who was breaking no laws. Trayvon was the one that first broke the law that night, and he paid for it.

According to whom? Oh wait, the one guy who stood to benefit from claiming such. That guys testimony is biased and should be disregarded entirely. He should be in front of a firing squad right now, ready to meet justice. Zimmerman deserves to die, he's not a human. I will piss on his grave.
The right doesn't believe in law any more, they just believe in thugs roaming around and killing any black person they see. Well the American people should kill the killers. The American people should take justice into their own hands, because the justice system refuses to deliver it itself. It is only correct.
But he tied his comment of "beliefs" in with religion; because that's what the discussion was about.
If he wanted his comment, regarding beliefs, to be about something other then religion, he should have stated it; because he apparently doesn't believe racism has anything to do with beliefs. :dunno:

The point is that one can change their beliefs, but one cannot change who and what they are. And the person being treated unfairly in a racist situation is not the one, by any intelligent estimation, who needs to change those beliefs (depending, of course, upon whom you ask).

More to the point, religion was actually referenced in the post he responded to, so it makes sense he'd referencing what he responded to. Referencing something else would be kind of like this exchange:

Hank: "I love you, Myrtle."

Myrtle: "Fish."

It just wouldn't make sense.
According to whom? Oh wait, the one guy who stood to benefit from claiming such. That guys testimony is biased and should be disregarded entirely. He should be in front of a firing squad right now, ready to meet justice. Zimmerman deserves to die, he's not a human. I will piss on his grave.

No you won't; because that would mean that you had the money to take the trip and everyone knows that you're so broke, that you give poor people hope to be better then you.
The point is that one can change their beliefs, but one cannot change who and what they are. And the person being treated unfairly in a racist situation is not the one, by any intelligent estimation, who needs to change those beliefs (depending, of course, upon whom you ask).

More to the point, religion was actually referenced in the post he responded to, so it makes sense he'd referencing what he responded to. Referencing something else would be kind of like this exchange:

Hank: "I love you, Myrtle."

Myrtle: "Fish."

It just wouldn't make sense.

You just made my point.
I never said the recipient of the hatred, is the one that needs to change; but instead the hater is the one who needs to reassess his beliefs.

This has nothing to do with the one who is being hated and instead is about the hater and his beliefs.
I don't care if the hater has racist beliefs or anti religion beliefs.
My contention is that both decisions to "hate" comes from personal beliefs and even Grind has admitted that beliefs can be changed.
No, you can not compare the two...
Racism is very, very different.
Your contention is way fucking wrong asshole... Racism is not a fucking opinion...
That is how you apologize for, and excuse your racism.
Fuck you...
You are wrong.
No, you can not compare the two...
Racism is very, very different.
Your contention is way fucking wrong asshole... Racism is not a fucking opinion...
That is how you apologize for, and excuse your racism.
Fuck you...
You are wrong.

Do you approve of bigotry?
No, you can not compare the two...
Racism is very, very different.
Your contention is way fucking wrong asshole... Racism is not a fucking opinion...
That is how you apologize for, and excuse your racism.
Fuck you...
You are wrong.

The word "opinion", is of your own making and not mine.
I said beliefs.

So take your racism accusation, shine it up really nice, turn it sideways, and shove it up Leon's ass. :D
if I don't believe in your Christian religion and say out loud that its myth you want WHAT done to me?

how Jesusy of you

maybe people would like Christianity more if you were not so fucking evil in how you "represent" it .

Jesus would have the whip ready for you

I want you incapable of placing me in a prison camp by voting against leftism.
According to whom? Oh wait, the one guy who stood to benefit from claiming such. That guys testimony is biased and should be disregarded entirely. He should be in front of a firing squad right now, ready to meet justice. Zimmerman deserves to die, he's not a human. I will piss on his grave.
