Racism or Bigotry, Should JPP Ban Both?

You have demonstrated that you believe white people are genetically superior to other races.
Anyone believing that is wrong. It is not an acceptable belief.
You are wrong. You are a racist.

Bucky - Bucky - Bucky.
Why are you such a liberal lying cunt?? :dunno:

Now of course, you could show proof that I believe white people are genetically superior to other races or you could just provide more of a reason for the other liberal lying cunts to understand that you're a liar also.
over the last 3 years now I still can't think of a night or day I was more elated and happy then the day he was acquitted. Poor joy. The days leading up to it were awesome too knowing vindication was imminent, in spite of all the denial in the media and here on JPP. So many mouthbreathers not realizing they were about to get blown the fuck out. Good good times.

I don't believe in hell, but if it exists, trayvon is definitely there for all the pain and suffering he's caused.
You, ILA and Zimmy would make a great threesome!
Bucky - Bucky - Bucky.
Why are you such a liberal lying cunt?? :dunno:

Now of course, you could show proof that I believe white people are genetically superior to other races or you could just provide more of a reason for the other liberal lying cunts to understand that you're a liar also.

We haven't always got on in the past, as you know, but I can unequivocally state that I've never heard you ever talk about white supremacy. Leon the Twat is just that...a twat!!
my proof is what the witnesses saw, what the detectives determined, what the jury determined, what common sense determines.

idiots on JPP calling me a racist has lost all meaning. The truth is on my side, suck my balls.

What witness? Zimmerman? Zimmerman has no right to testimony. Zimmerman has no right to anything but a firing squad. He's not a human being and should never have been granted a trial, he should have been put down like a dog as soon as the cops found him.
One day, Zimmerman will be put out of his misery by some patriotic American citizen who is just doing their duty. That day should be declared a national holiday. That person should be rewarded with a medal of honor and a lifetime pension for their service to their country. Everyone found not celebrating should be immediately summarily executed with no trial. Then we will be a stronger nation.
Zimmerman is an animal, not a human. Not an American. He deserves no rights. Giving him rights is a disgrace to actual Americans and actual humans. No trial for vigilantes, they denied a trial for their victims, why should they get one? When will Trayvon get his day in court? Never. Because of an inhuman sadistic monster who deserves death, and will one day receive it.
You ARE a fucking racist... and you know it...
That's the difference asswipe.

Only to you who doesn't matter to me. But I know I am not. I have negro friends

And my cleaning lady is a negro so how can I be racist if I trust her to clean my house with money lying around?

Think for a change
Only to you who doesn't matter to me. But I know I am not. I have negro friends

And my cleaning lady is a negro so how can I be racist if I trust her to clean my house with money lying around?

Think for a change

Do you ever let her know that you believe she is genetically inferior because she is black?