
I see several posters on this board call people racist when there really is no racism.

What is racism?

And why do these posters feel the need to cry racism (when at times it doesn't exist) where there really isn't racism?

Doesn't that hurt race issues?

For everything is racism, nothing is.

Once you disagree with a liberals view on anything it is in their mind racism. It isn't complicated
Let's start with you answering this. Which of these statements are false?

Blacks vote overwhelmingly for the democrat party?
Blacks have a higher poverty rate than other demographic groups?
Blacks have a higher illegitimacy rate than other demographic groups?
Blacks have a higher unemployment rate than other demographic groups?

Which one of these are patently false?

All of them are true. However, if you point it out to a Lib during a discussion on those issues, they call it racism.
This why I have put the definition in my signature.
Members here will actually say the believe black people are inferior to other races but then say they are not racists. Two of these members are TDAK and Celticguy.
If everyone reads the definition daily, maybe they will get it. They are most definitely racists, they just don't want to be identified as such.

I'm superior to you but race has nothing to do with it.

Members like you will call anything you don't like related to facts racist when they're not. When it's the first and only response you give, it shows you have no argument.
I suspect American racism and British racism are two different animals. IMO the problems Neil encounter are due to bigotry, not racism. He was beaten for political or religious reasons, not skin color.

Here racists judge people strictly on that one feature, skin color. Then they try to tie every negative about the person into skin color, something that nobody can control. For black on black crime, it's because blacks are intrinsically violent. For black on white crime, it's because blacks hate what whites stand for. For white on black crime, mostly self-defense by the white guy. White on white crime could be anything except skin color.

Take the following quote as an example: "If 95% of blacks want to stay on the plantation, that's their choice. Sad how having been on it hasn't helped their situation. Higher unemployment that all other groups, lower average IQ than all other groups, poverty rates higher than all other groups, an illegitimate birth rate higher than all other groups."

He starts with a stereotype that hasn't been factual for the last 150+ years.Then he follows up with some uncited claims that he lets stand without explanation. He ignores any socioeconomic issues that contribute to unemployment and education. He never admits to discrimination, he just blames the victim. "They" want to take his money. "They" want the government to take care of them. "They" only vote Democratic because Democrats give them stuff. And on and on and on. He looks at blacks as the enemy because of skin color and holds them to a different standard than whites.

It doesn't make sense.

It was one of his family back in Baghdad that was beaten to death ostensibly for working as an interpreter in the Green Zone, ironically Neil had been trying to get him a visa to the USA to live with one of his brothers in Detroit. He has said there have been many murders of Christians in Iraq and not just by Daesh, now whether you call it racism or bigotry it is still means that somebody ends up dead nevertheless. I suspect that we have less overt racism because many people don't really have the luxury of being able to live separately in a form of economic apartheid like you have in the US.

The Labour Party under Tony Blair used to used the racism card as a means to shut down debate about immigration especially from Eastern Europe. Probably in the US that wouldn't even count as racism as immigrants from there are also white. Fortunately that has now gone by the wayside and politicians have at last realised that the argument, for the most part, is about infrastructure, social services, the NHS and schools becoming overwhelmed by the scale of immigration. That's why the Establishment is shitting itself right now fearing that Brexit will win.
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I cannot state enough how abused and misapplied the term is. I have never heard anything racist from any of the candidates. The most devastating thing done to battle actual racism is to misapply it.

Full Definition of racism

  • 1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
  • 2: racial prejudice or discrimination

rac·ist play \-sist also -shist\ noun or adjective
It was one of his family back in Baghdad that was beaten to death ostensibly for working as an interpreter in the Green Zone, ironically Neil had been trying to get him a visa to the USA to live with one of his brothers in Detroit. He has said there have been many murders of Christians in Iraq and not just by Daesh, now whether you call it racism or bigotry it is still means that somebody ends up dead nevertheless. I suspect that we have less overt racism because many people don't really have the luxury of being able to live separately in a form of economic apartheid like you have in the US.

The Labour Party under Tony Blair used to used the racism card as a means to shut down debate about immigration especially from Eastern Europe. Probably in the US that wouldn't even count as racism as immigrants from there are also white. Fortunately that has now gone by the wayside and politicians have at last realised that the argument, for the most part, is about infrastructure, social services, the NHS and schools becoming overwhelmed by the scale of immigration. That's why the Establishment is shitting itself right now fearing that Brexit will win.

These are the reasons the GOP wants border policy to be enforced. But they are shut down by the false cries of racism from the left.
I cannot state enough how abused and misapplied the term is. I have never heard anything racist from any of the candidates. The most devastating thing done to battle actual racism is to misapply it.

Full Definition of racism

  • 1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
  • 2: racial prejudice or discrimination

rac·ist play \-sist also -shist\ noun or adjective

Yes I agree, it seems to me that what was once called prejudice has now become racism.
These are the reasons the GOP wants border policy to be enforced. But they are shut down by the false cries of racism from the left.
They're not false cries and its opposed cause the right wings solution too the problem is stupid beyond belief and does little to address the underlying cause of illegal immigration but you don't want to hear the truth.
For everything is racism, nothing is.

Once you disagree with a liberals view on anything it is in their mind racism. It isn't complicated




They're not false cries and its opposed cause the right wings solution too the problem is stupid beyond belief and does little to address the underlying cause of illegal immigration but you don't want to hear the truth.

I hear the truth all the time. Border Patrol agents support the GOP because they live the truth every day.