Rape: Do victims of rape share any responsibility?

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This just goes to show how ignorant he really is, women do not need to be helped to get drunk. A common practice over here is pre-load on cheap supermarket booze before going out.

What about Ladies Nights?
Women get in free and their drinks are specially priced.
All to use the women to get the guys to come in and spend their money.

I am not going to sit here and judge Abraxas for any opinion he has made which has made people here upset. I may greatly disagree with his views regarding rape or anything else for that matter and yes I saw your signature. But let me make up my own mind about people. Just because he shares views that you greatly disagree doesn't mean I have to follow suit and dislike him too! I find it also hypocritical of the board to sit here and jump on Abraxas when StormX spends his time posting low key indirect racist bullshit. Oh wait, I guess that's different since the targeted group is not you. Like I said, touchy topics are indeed touchy and it would be a dull environment if everyone agreed with each other. In fact, in a perfect world that would be ideal but it isn't. Look, I'm past the threshold where I greatly don't give a shit if you think what I did was stupid. I know my reasons why I did it and my reasons were harmless. My intent was to be the devil's advocate because in the motherfucking real world, you have individuals who make statements like I made.

That is the real world.

In the real world there are people who hate gays and try to justify their homophobia using religion, science or whatever they find on Google. In the real world you have people try to justify racism using religion and science. My whole intent in discussing views was to ignite debate not sit here and fucking be insulted who I thought I befriend. Bridges are indeed burned and regardless whether an apology is said or not all it takes is one time for someone to make an accusation without looking at what I wrote. Why did you think I got on USF case? If anyone is going to accuse me of anything they fucking better have proof. I do not believe in accusing someone and not have evidence to back it up which is why I took Darla's comment to heart, not because I thought she and I were cool, but because she allowed her emotions to get the best of her and then made this about race....If you side with her fine, I personally don't give a shit anymore. Now I'll really become the asshole people will really dislike. But I'll most likely go to another forum before I do.

Let give you some help.
The "line in the sand", regarding rape, was drawn some time ago, on this forum, and now even DARING to suggest anything other then what will allow, will bring down their wrath and distain.
Honestly; it's apparent that certain individuals completely skipped over your "Devil's advocate" comment and just read what they wanted to and then passed judgment on you.

By the way; Dantes (Prak) is Darla's lap dog and he's going to snarl and anyone she sics him on.
Suit yourself, but you are wasting your time in my opinion. Actually good job, I am not sure if anybody else has managed to piss off both USF and Darla, who are implacable enemies, at the same time!

I was no where near being pissed off and you know it. :D
Never said I'd leave the internet forever. That is near impossible when you're in graduate school. But look at Darla gettin gangsta calling someone a bitch lol trust Darla you may be cute but I doubt in real life i'd allow you call me a bitch to my face. not saying I'd put hands on you, but I check women real quick on calling me a bitch stuff.

This is how Darla envisions herself:

When in reality, this is her true nature:
Learn to read, moron. I did not say that women look better because they are drinking (which wouldn't make sense, anyway). I joked that they look better doing it, meaning better than men. Fuck.

Maybe Dante's needs to make sure Darla reads the post you were responding to; because back on AOL every picture she posted was one of her drinking and in most of them, it was apparent that she was already drunk.
What do you men by react sexually? Cat calls, or are you violating her space with contact? A woman expects your looks, but touching or unwanted advances are inappropriate.

So when a woman shows a great deal of cleavage, is she flirting with the guys or is she in competition with other women?

Again, I was speaking to those women who seem shocked or put off by the reaction of men based on their purposefully choosing to dress in something sexually provocative.

Seriously people, how difficult is to just read something without needing to give it a close shave?

It would appear that way to many posters are wearing their "OMG" glasses.
If they want us to know we're doing something wrong it would be helpful to have it spelled out, not that we have to agree with them. But at least we wouldn't be left with ambiguous comments and no way of decoding them.

So are you suggesting that women should wear signs that allow men to know if they're just flirting and have no plans on it going any farther or if they're open for suggestions?
As long as you don't use it as a reason it makes her "partially responsible" for her own rape, I really don't give a shit. But your post here is only acceptable coming from Tom or Sun Devil. Take my advice and run your ass off this thread. You're the only acceptable target on it, and you will pay through the teeth for anything you post.

OH-OH; this sounds like a possible rules violation. :dunno:
tom just says fucked up shit, sun was inviting discussion i don't think he was actually taking a stance one way or the other. you should want sun to post because if you think he is wrong he is the type of person that would probably read your arguments in earnest.

I said that I agree with several feminists on the subject including Camille Paglia, if you don't like that then tough. I don't like you saying that you wouldn't mind several thousand babies dying for your precious right to own rocket launchers. That is seriously fucked up shit as was changing your name to Adam Lanza, only someone seriously warped would do something like that.

Now, the reason I'm getting so much attention: I think it's pretty obvious that we're in a time where there's a kind of impasse in contemporary thinking. And what I represent is independent thought. What I represent is the essence of the Sixties, which is free thought and free speech. And a lot of people don't like it. A lot of people who are well-meaning on both sides of the political spectrum want to shut down free speech. And my mission is to be absolutely as painful as possible in every situation.

So I've been attacking what I regard as the ideology of date rape. At the same time as I consider rape an outrage, I consider the propaganda and hysteria about date rape equally outrageous from the Sixties point of view, utterly reactionary from a Sixties point of view. And I will continue to attack it. And I will continue to attack the well-meaning people who think they're protecting women and in fact are infantilizing them. Right now in the current SPIN, I'm going after a few other things, like battered women and snuff films. And I'm going to be as painful as possible, until Gloria Steinem screams!

The problem of the last twenty years is that people think that "liberal" and "conservative" mean something. The liberal and conservative dichotomy is dead. The last time it was authentic was in the Fifties, when there really was an adversarial voice coming out of people I really respected, the New York Jewish intellectuals like Lionel Trilling and the people of Partisan Review. There was an authentic liberal versus conservative dichotomy at that time. But my generation of the Sixties, with all of our great ideals, destroyed liberalism, because of our excesses. We have to face that. And we have to look for something new right now.

The situation right now is that we have on one side people who consider themselves leftists but to me, as far as academe is concerned, are phonies, people who have absolutely no credentials for political thinking, have no training in history, whose basic claim to politics is simply that nothing has happened to them in their lives. A lot of these people have money. I'm sick and tired of these New Historicists with trust funds. I'm so sick and tired of it. And because they're pampered, their whole lives have been comfortable, because they've kissed asses all the way to the top, they have to show they're authentic by pretending sympathy for the poor lower classes, the poor victims.
The whole thing is nothing but a literary game. I'm exposing it. And I'm exposing it from the inside. I attended a public university, Harpur College of the State University of New York at Binghamton, which was sort of like Berkeley East at that time, seething with real radicals. I know what real radicals look like--and they did not go on to graduate school. When I got to Yale for graduate school--I spent four years there and barely survived that experience--it was the last point that scholarship in literary studies was authentic, when it was solid. And it began to wander away from that base in the last twenty years. It's something I'm trying to reform at the present time.

What we have right now is this ridiculous situation where if you criticize liberals, people say, "She's a conservative!" Now, what kind of a lack of information is this about intellectual history? Liberalism is only 200 years old. There are other points of view on the world besides that of liberalism in its present decayed condition. We of the Sixties were often in revolt against liberals. Lenny Bruce, when he recited all those dirty words, was trying to offend liberals, not conservatives. So in the present situation I don't know what to call myself. I would maybe say "libertarian" or something like that. I'm trying to create a new system--I call it "Italian pagan Catholicism." But that may be too esoteric! I'm thinking that I want to bring about an enlightened center. I would like to call it, maybe, "pragmatic liberalism," that is, a liberalism that has learned the political lessons of the past twenty-five years.

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tom just says fucked up shit, sun was inviting discussion i don't think he was actually taking a stance one way or the other. you should want sun to post because if you think he is wrong he is the type of person that would probably read your arguments in earnest.

1) How do you know Tom just says fucked up shit and doesn't do fucked up shit?

2) I disagree about SD

3) Anyone reading SD's latest 3 threads he began about women, including this one, has to engage in magical thinking to believe he's just starting a discussion.

4) I don't need another discussion how the bitches have it coming.

5) If you do, please, do read his posts and the posts of every other rapist, rape lover, rape supporter on here and in fact, on the entire internet.

6) I'm done with the JPP rape club. They're all on IA, and I will continue to add them as they come up. Please feel free to continue enjoying your daily rape updates from the rape club. It's a free country.
Listen to me you're just a piece of shit, just like Tom, just like Sun Devil. But I'm not going to go after you and leave the others be so they can live to contribute to a climate and culture where a woman can be raped and be unable to press charges because the sex police are there to punish and control any woman who thinks she can wear what she wants and go where she wants like she was some kind of man or something. You know, a real human being.

This thread makes me sick. Most people on it make me sick. You make me sick. But not as sick as Tom who is very dedicated to supporting that culture. Or SD who puts up woman-bashing thread after woman-bashing thread and expects and gets a pass on it because he's a liberal...and maybe even because he's black I don't know.

But you're not someone I'd leave my female family members alone with either, make no mistake of that.

Your response is ridiculously over the top. It ignores reason and makes the case for irrational hyperbole as if it settles a point.

You are the only apologist I've read in this thread. Its not OK to dress up sex and then pretend it does not have an effect. That's all I was saying, get a grip!
Your response is ridiculously over the top. It ignores reason and makes the case for irrational hyperbole as if it settles a point.

You are the only apologist I've read in this thread. Its not OK to dress up sex and then pretend it does not have an effect. That's all I was saying, get a grip!

It's not OK to dress up sex? And then pretend it does not have an effect???? WTF?

How old are you? What are you 10 and a 1/2?
It's not OK to dress up sex? And then pretend it does not have an effect???? WTF?
over reaction tos spit

How old are you? What are you 10 and a 1/2?

WTF are you having trouble with? Maybe you should go back and just try reading what I've posted
Based on your responses it seems like major over reaction on your part.
It's not OK to dress up sex? And then pretend it does not have an effect???? WTF?
over reaction tos spit

How old are you? What are you 10 and a 1/2?

WTF are you having trouble with? Maybe you should go back and just try reading what I've posted
Based on your responses it seems like major over reaction on your part.
WTF are you having trouble with? Maybe you should go back and just try reading what I've posted
Based on your responses it seems like major over reaction on your part.

You haven't been here very long, she has always been like this. Her bagman Dantes will be along presently to do the morning shift. He usually starts at around midnight Pacific time.
You were making such a good point, right up until you played the race card.
In my opinion, this has nothing to do with race; because those who act in a criminal behavior, cover the entire gamut of color.
I'm more concerned with your references to race; because what would be your response to a similar post, made by someone who wasn't Black?

Damn. You are halfway their. Your concerns shouldn't concern you. Any facts he said about any aspect of anything racial are just facts and nothing to be concerned about.
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