Rape: Do victims of rape share any responsibility?

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@Darla I'm not advocating anything. I just made a thread then you decided to attack me without even getting the gist of it, then you make it about race when this thread wasn't even about it. I see the true colors coming out and I'm actually glad that you're saying the stuff you're saying. I tried elaborating in PM but obviously you decided to block me which is fine. As far as me advocating rape or protecting rapist I don't. I think rape is a horrible crime and I echo the same sentiments as everyone when I say there is no excuse for rape whether male or female. But like I said in a perfect world we all would agree on a universal moral principle. But if you break down and respond in anger and hatred like you're doing now you would then fail to excel at regular dialogue.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say I haven't seen this type of reaction since a classmate of mine in undergrad who snapped in class because she was an actual rape victim. I'm not sure if you are, but from your reaction it seems like it, and if you were I'm sincerely sorry that such a horrible incident happened to you. This thread was not intended to be harmful in anyway nor make light of the situation. If you choose to hate me fine, but its a shame that you took what I said which was with good intent, and twisted around to make it seem like I'm saying rape is ok.
@Darla I'm not advocating anything. I just made a thread then you decided to attack me without even getting the gist of it, then you make it about race when this thread wasn't even about it. I see the true colors coming out and I'm actually glad that you're saying the stuff you're saying. I tried elaborating in PM but obviously you decided to block me which is fine. As far as me advocating rape or protecting rapist I don't. I think rape is a horrible crime and I echo the same sentiments when I say there is no excuse for rape whether male or female. But like I said in a perfect world we all would agree on a universal moral principle. But if you break down and respond in anger and hatred like you're doing now you would then fail to excel at regular dialogue.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say I haven't seen this type of reaction since a classmate of mine in undergrad who snapped in class because she was an actual rape victim. I'm not sure if you are, but from your reaction it seems like it, and if you were I'm sincerely sorry that such a horrible incident happened to you. This thread was not intended to be harmful in anyway nor make light of the situation. If you choose to hate me fine, but its a shame that you took what I said which was with good intent, and twisted around to make it seem like I'm saying rape is ok.

No, she isn't. She is a self proclaimed activist who espouses divisive gender feminism at every opportunity. I told you when you iirst came here what a nasty piece of work she is, so now you've seen it at first hand.
No, she isn't. She is a self proclaimed activist who espouses divisive gender feminism at every opportunity. I told you when you iirst came here what a nasty piece of work she is, so now you've seen it at first hand.

You know I'm still going to reserve judgment, like I said in another thread there is a method behind the madness and we all have personal stories to tell. All I can say is damn, I can't even put disclaimers up....
You know I'm still going to reserve judgment, like I said in another thread there is a method behind the madness and we all have personal stories to tell. All I can say is damn, I can't even put disclaimers up....

Suit yourself, but you are wasting your time in my opinion. Actually good job, I am not sure if anybody else has managed to piss off both USF and Darla, who are implacable enemies, at the same time!
They're just jealous of your coolness. You can hang out with the other cool Millennials.


Hilarious that Grind accuses me of 'feels" on the same thread where a man has a complete meltdown and threatens to Leave The Internet Forever, cause a bitch stepped out of line... followed closely by a bunch of men running on here to hold him.

I stand on my own. And will continue that way. Bet on it.
I definitely don't condone hitting women but since I've been labeled a rape sympathizer I thought I'd seal the deal with this funny ass video

I did finally break though and put all rapists, rapist wannabees, rape glorifiers, etc on ignore. That includes Tom. A few real men showed themselves on this thread, and I've already said everything I've had to say over the years. Tom gets off on rape, and will continue to post on it and others will continue to play pattycake with him. But I'm done with this rape filth. You guys can jerk off on someone else. Jerk off on the people who continue to engage you, close their eyes, and pretend they don't see. Maybe they won't see the come you leave on their clothes either. For me, this is over. Thank God Tom is England's problem, and as for the American rape lovers, there are always guys out there who will kill you, and eventually you'll rape the wrong girl. Also, none of you are having even the most minute effect against feminism and sexual assault victim advocates. Time, and women, march on.

Hilarious that Grind accuses me of 'feels" on the same thread where a man has a complete meltdown and threatens to Leave The Internet Forever, cause a bitch stepped out of line... followed closely by a bunch of men running on here to hold him.

I stand on my own. And will continue that way. Bet on it.

Never said I'd leave the internet forever. That is near impossible when you're in graduate school. But look at Darla gettin gangsta calling someone a bitch lol trust Darla you may be cute but I doubt in real life i'd allow you call me a bitch to my face. not saying I'd put hands on you, but I check women real quick on calling me a bitch stuff.
Never said I'd leave the internet forever. That is near impossible when you're in graduate school. But look at Darla gettin gangsta calling someone a bitch lol trust Darla you may be cute but I doubt in real life i'd allow you call me a bitch to my face. not saying I'd put hands on you, but I check women real quick on calling me a bitch stuff.

Don't forget her bagman Dantes, she gets him to do most of the heavy lifting these days.
You seem to want to have trouble. A woman is free to dress sexually or slutty. But those that do don't get go complain when men react sexually. Note I'm not talking rape, only referring to the sexual come on. I also never mentioned any particular environment. Seriously, it was not a complicated statement.

You seem to have trouble answering direct questions that might not show you in the best light. One, where do you draw the line between sexual teasing v. flirting; where do you draw the line between sexy and slutty in women's clothing? I'm asking these questions because some of the men here apparently have a mental standard about these things but don't spell it out. This could be a teachable moment for you guys and a dialogue if you'd stop with the snark.
Absolutely not her fault that somebody else takes advantage of her being in a bad situation. Rape isn't okay simply because a woman finds herself vulnerable. Especially not so IMO. I can't imagine a situation where I would leave behind my humanity enough to think it was okay to do something because some girl was at a party and her "friends" left, nor would I allow a "friend" of mine to do so. Anybody who would, is not deserving of my attention let alone loyalty based on some supposed friendship.
He didn't say she was at fault. He asked if she shared responsibility. There's a big difference. A very close friend of mine was raped by a motorist who picked him up hitch hiking. Was he at fault for being raped due to what he knew was a high risk behavior? Absolutely not. Was he responsible for putting himself into that high risk circumstance that led to the rape? Yes he was.
No they don't! No women looks better drunk than sober, except possibly to another drunk. I have gone to plenty of clubs and spent the night drinking coffee and talking to the bar tender or dancing and I can say without a doubt that I have never once seen a drunken woman at the end of the night who looked better than she did earlier in the night before she started drinking! A staggering drunk is to be pitied not taken advantage of. Believe it or not, I once had an incredibly beautiful woman, who I had celebrated a particular occasion with with dinner and some champaign knock on my door the next morning and ask me, "Why didn't you take advantage of me last night"? I was speechless! I guess I am just that fucking stupid, but I don't "take advantage" of women who have had a little alcohol.

Learn to read, moron. I did not say that women look better because they are drinking (which wouldn't make sense, anyway). I joked that they look better doing it, meaning better than men. Fuck.
You seem to have trouble answering direct questions that might not show you in the best light. One, where do you draw the line between sexual teasing v. flirting; where do you draw the line between sexy and slutty in women's clothing? I'm asking these questions because some of the men here apparently have a mental standard about these things but don't spell it out. This could be a teachable moment for you guys and a dialogue if you'd stop with the snark.

No, I think like a number of posters in this thread, you are choosing to be argumentative.

I was clear and specific about the woman I described.
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