Rape: Do victims of rape share any responsibility?

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The point here is to not point the finger but to determine whether or not, NOT taking precautions may in fact make you at least partially responsible. I'm sorry but I've seen far too many college women that get plastered wear short skirts and act like men who are also plastered are supposed to be on their best behavior. People don't realize that alcohol inhibits the frontal lobe of your brain, the center that deals with logic and compartmentalization of thoughts and behaviors. People often think if one suggests partial responsibility people immediately think "oh you're blaming the victim" no, but if you don't take steps in being safe then not only the risk factors increase, but also in retrospect you cannot blame your surroundings for your failures.

So you aren't playing the "Devil's Advocate" at all are you? This really is your ignorant position isn't it? When you start writing or posting shit about rape victims that tommy the turd thanks you for, you are writing fucked up shit, and no one who thinks so has to apologize to you for anything. If would be like me coming on here and playing the "Devil's Advocate" and arguing for second class citizenship for Black people and Like Booker T. Washington claiming that slavery was a good thing and BLack people should still be called by the "n" word. And then claiming I didn't really mean it I was just playing "Devil's Advocate." Only a fucking idiot or someone who really believed that shit would do such a thing. And if I did it it would piss you off and you would say who is this crazy fucking cracker or something close to it! I know if I saw anyone doing that I sure would!
The point here is to not point the finger but to determine whether or not, NOT taking precautions may in fact make you at least partially responsible. I'm sorry but I've seen far too many college women that get plastered wear short skirts and act like men who are also plastered are supposed to be on their best behavior. People don't realize that alcohol inhibits the frontal lobe of your brain, the center that deals with logic and compartmentalization of thoughts and behaviors. People often think if one suggests partial responsibility people immediately think "oh you're blaming the victim" no, but if you don't take steps in being safe then not only the risk factors increase, but also in retrospect you cannot blame your surroundings for your failures.

If a bank is robbed is the bank responsible for that because they have all that money just laying around tempting people! Why don't we blame bank managers for bank robberies? Well, why don't we? If a man is drunk when he robs a bank do we say oh he was teased by all that money and he just couldn't control himself because he was drunk so it was partially the bank manager's fault. Horseshit!

That's as stupid as the shit you're writing here! But tommy the turd and rape apologist thanks you for it!
I believe someone here owes me an apology.....

(Meltdown Alert!)

For Fuck sake people! Did I not fucking say in the above paragraph that I'm playing the unpopular role of Motherfucking "Devil's Advocate?" If I truly believed in all the Bullshit I wrote thus far I'd have no problem saying it. Obviously people ought to know me well enough around here that I have no problem speaking my mind. But if Darla, Christie, Zapp, and the rest whom I thought were my friends agreed on every fucking thing conversation would be motherfucking dull and boring that is why I always make the disclaimer of "HEY,I'm playing DEVIL'S ADVOCATE!"

As far as people telling me to grow up, look I'm 32 years old today (well on April 15th) and I've made many steps here to try to bridge the gap between myself and others because I understand we are all different with different views but I try to remain respectful to people even among those that annoy me. As long as I've been here I have no insulted anyone's heritage, their culture, race, religion, or gender. But the fact that some of you overlook that vital piece of the disclaimer I made and immediately went to race, is very disappointing.

This is the very reason why African-Americans will continue to have certain animosity because WE know that if we get to that sport where we piss you off enough either you call us "Nigger" or you'll make some racial based comment. Outside of my rag tag back and forth with USF, at the end of the day I have nothing against the man (even though some of his views are idiotic). I made the disclaimer because I wanted to remain clear that whatever I say here are not my views but I want people to get a perspective and learn to argue against unpopular views. But if people are too emotional to where you cannot read vital pieces of information then you don't need to be on a chat board.

Funny, I'm here at the USC library writing this and everyone here is looking at me like I'm a goddamn robot because I'm typing so fast. That usually happens when I'm pissed off. I'm disappointed and in that I think it's time for me to retire.

Yes well now you know what they are really like with some of the muppets especially Darla. She sets the tone and her flock follow meekly. Just ignore them and stay, I think that you are a valuable addition to the forum.
This is not to be an answer to rape but to determine whether or not there is some partial responsibility. I live in Los Angeles where it is known as the epicenter and originator of Bloods and Crips. If I know that these particular gangs operate based on colors and MLB hat logos yet I continue to wear opposing colors (along with the signature hats) and I'm accosted, who is responsible?

The people who beat you! If a person is talking on his cell phone and someone tries to take it and then shoots them for their cell phone is the person talking on their cell phone partially responsible for their own death? Stupid fucking question isn't it? You would never ask such a question about this case. Nor would anyone think you were very smart if you played "Devil's Advocate" to ask such a question.
I think it would be refreshing if someone actually stole a loaft of bread. Thievery these days is so often just electronics and valuables. If someone breaks into your home and actually raids your pantry, it's to grab baking soda and other drug-related additives. Grocery stores primarily just lose wine and liquor.

Piaying the "Devil's Advocate" isn't the grocery store partially to blame and don't they share the responsibility for the theft of these goods for having wine and liquor where people can steal it? And shouldn't judges and juries take this into consideration when trying people for such thefts? The store is just asking for these thefts by carrying these products and tempting people to steal them.
sun you are one of the coolest new dudes here. You just have to remember that some people here have a bad case of the feels and can't even consider the concept of a mere discussion without a million asterisks all over the place.
Playing the "Devil's Advocate" on this topic is pure stupidity! Especially since there are already plenty of ignorant bastard's here who already blame the victims for their rapes and write constantly about how 13 year old's deserve to be raped because they weren't virgin's and so on. Haven't you read my fucking signature? You should really have better sense than this!

You are a poisonous and ignorant son of a bitch, you and that slapper from NY think that you can browbeat and intimidate. Leave Sun Devil alone, you ignorant bastard. I can take it because I've dealt with scum like you for years but SD takes it to heart.

Note to SD: Dantes is just an ignorant arsehole, just ignore him.
Alcohol is the most used date rape drug. Women do not usually drink to excess but men will urge them to drink to excess and will encourage them to drink to excess. I can see why women would find you repulsive and I simply can't conceive of any woman who wouldn't!

I don't give a fuck what you think, stick to your books old man.
Women drink to excess plenty. They just look better doing it. It's still not their intention for it to be used against them.

This just goes to show how ignorant he really is, women do not need to be helped to get drunk. A common practice over here is pre-load on cheap supermarket booze before going out.
The people who beat you! If a person is talking on his cell phone and someone tries to take it and then shoots them for their cell phone is the person talking on their cell phone partially responsible for their own death? Stupid fucking question isn't it? You would never ask such a question about this case. Nor would anyone think you were very smart if you played "Devil's Advocate" to ask such a question.

If you were shot, the shooter should be congratulated and rewarded.
Really, so both parties are drunk, sex happens without any coercion yet you say that the man is the only one culpable and responsible for their actions.

If both parties are drunk the man probably got her drunk so he could rape her! Plenty of men use cocaine, marijuana, reds and other forms of coercion for rape as well! But a man who coerces a woman into sex has raped her! And Darla is right about you; you have probably raped more than one woman in your short unhappy life tommy and your sons will probably rape a few women before they go to their graves too, because you obviously haven't taught them that rape is wrong. But how could you, you really don't believe it yourself. You think that when both people are drunk and the woman can't say no, she means yes! I don't generally have sex with drunk women. I don't drink to excess and I don't find women who do attractive. I have slept plenty of night's with women and not had sex with them because I felt that they were not in any condition to make that decision. Too bad you never had the will power to do the same thing tommy! Taking advantage of a drunken women is not even manly let alone gentlemanly and neither is coercing a woman to have sex for any reason whatsoever!
Really, so both parties are drunk, sex happens without any coercion yet you say that the man is the only one culpable and responsible for their actions.

Hey turd, when both parties are drunk, they are generally drunk so sex will happen! I bet you have had to get every woman who had sex with you drunk didn't you tommy? That is why men get women drunk in the first place! Stop apologizing for rapists tommy, why don't you start carrying the torch for bank robbers or jewel thieves. Those jewelry stores are just asking for a robbery having all that jewelry laying around for people to see and tempting them to steal. Some drunk sees that jewelry and what is he supposed to do? Don't the stores share some of the responsibility for those robberies?

I am not going to sit here and judge Abraxas for any opinion he has made which has made people here upset. I may greatly disagree with his views regarding rape or anything else for that matter and yes I saw your signature. But let me make up my own mind about people. Just because he shares views that you greatly disagree doesn't mean I have to follow suit and dislike him too! I find it also hypocritical of the board to sit here and jump on Abraxas when StormX spends his time posting low key indirect racist bullshit. Oh wait, I guess that's different since the targeted group is not you. Like I said, touchy topics are indeed touchy and it would be a dull environment if everyone agreed with each other. In fact, in a perfect world that would be ideal but it isn't. Look, I'm past the threshold where I greatly don't give a shit if you think what I did was stupid. I know my reasons why I did it and my reasons were harmless. My intent was to be the devil's advocate because in the motherfucking real world, you have individuals who make statements like I made.

That is the real world.

In the real world there are people who hate gays and try to justify their homophobia using religion, science or whatever they find on Google. In the real world you have people try to justify racism using religion and science. My whole intent in discussing views was to ignite debate not sit here and fucking be insulted who I thought I befriend. Bridges are indeed burned and regardless whether an apology is said or not all it takes is one time for someone to make an accusation without looking at what I wrote. Why did you think I got on USF case? If anyone is going to accuse me of anything they fucking better have proof. I do not believe in accusing someone and not have evidence to back it up which is why I took Darla's comment to heart, not because I thought she and I were cool, but because she allowed her emotions to get the best of her and then made this about race....If you side with her fine, I personally don't give a shit anymore. Now I'll really become the asshole people will really dislike. But I'll most likely go to another forum before I do.
If both parties are drunk the man probably got her drunk so he could rape her! Plenty of men use cocaine, marijuana, reds and other forms of coercion for rape as well! But a man who coerces a woman into sex has raped her! And Darla is right about you; you have probably raped more than one woman in your short unhappy life tommy and your sons will probably rape a few women before they go to their graves too, because you obviously haven't taught them that rape is wrong. But how could you, you really don't believe it yourself. You think that when both people are drunk and the woman can't say no, she means yes! I don't generally have sex with drunk women. I don't drink to excess and I don't find women who do attractive. I have slept plenty of night's with women and not had sex with them because I felt that they were not in any condition to make that decision. Too bad you never had the will power to do the same thing tommy! Taking advantage of a drunken women is not even manly let alone gentlemanly and neither is coercing a woman to have sex for any reason whatsoever!

It is plainly obvious that you are so decrepit that you can't remember what it was like to be young. Here is a Canadian woman who actually knows what she is talking about on this issue rather than the Marxist clap trap about patriarchy and rape culture that you constantly bang on about.

My name is Alison and I am a survivor of rape hysteria

October 16, 2013 By Alison Tieman (Typhonblue) 21 Comments

What makes rape a special kind of violence? It’s not the physical damage, which can be very minimal; it’s the emotional damage, which can be catastrophic.
Rape makes you afraid; it taints your trust in the world and twists how you see it. It drives you into a prison of fear.

But all other violence does that as well. What’s truly special about rape is simple. It takes a bludgeon to your ability to bond with others in the most intimate way.

Rape robs you of your ability to see innocence.

“Get rid of men and you get rid of rape.”

The sexual exploitation of women by men is the greatest taboo in our society; there is nothing more stigmatized than being a rapist of women. Rape is a call to action; today it’s dressed up in new terms but it still harkens back to that primitive urge to protect female sexuality from foreign interlopers. Modern gynocentrists did not invent rape hysteria; they inherited it and they are using it the way everyone throughout history has—as a tool to grind away at things they don’t like.

For the woman on the street, rape hysteria is shoved down her throat over and over till she vomits it up without thinking, all over herself and her life. It seeps into every interaction, every step she takes into the outer world. ‘Is this man going to rape me? All men are guilty! I’m never safe and it’s their fault!’ That’s where rape hysteria wants all women to be. Frightened, helpless… impotent. Calling upon a higher authority to save them. And, of course, robbing the men around them of their innocence.

“All men are responsible for rape culture.”

But rape isn’t something that happens to women; it isn’t something done to women by men. It’s a human problem and it’s a human problem that does not know gender. More men are raped in prison a year than women in the general population. More boys in juvenile facilities are raped than girls. And they are raped by women. There are surveys that show just as many men are raped in romantic relationships—date-raped—as women. That leaves stranger rape; 26% of all non-institutional rape. It may well be that most stranger-rapists are men; but it does not follow that a vast majority of their victims are women. An argument can be made that men under-report; and studies have shown that rapists who are heterosexual in their consenting relationships will rape based on vulnerability not sex. Statically women are not more vulnerable to rape.

And there is something else; in reading about the victimization of men by women, another story emerges.

Female potency.

Male victims, teens and adults, are changed by having been raped by a woman—they are suicidal, addicted, dysfunctional, unhinged, helpless, hurting. In the background of many male rapists of adult women is sexual abuse done to them by women. The vagina employed as a weapon can carve and twist a man so badly he defies society’s most fundamental taboo—male on female rape. The vagina is a weapon every bit as potent as a penis.

It can steal innocence.

“All sex is rape.”

A child does not see innocence. To a child the world is good and bad; the good pleases the child, the bad displeases her. The world is made of good and bad people. Good people benefit the child; bad people do not. Innocence, to a child, if it is seen is seen as weakness and a threat. Someone else’s weakness threatens the child’s absolute claim to the attention and effort of adults. In the child’s calculus need equals worth and other’s needs lessen the child’s worth. The only eyes that can see innocence are those that know they can take it away. Or protect it.

Innocence is inspiration. A call to protect and provide, to be strong. It may be passive but it is powerful. It’s why someone will brave flames—literal or metaphorical—to save another. Like children, many women expect men to fill them with passion. But passion only exists in those who can bear the sight of innocence.

“The personal is political.”

Before I started to read about men’s rights I was, like every other woman, bound by rape hysteria. Men in my eyes bore their burden of guilt and I, in turn, bore my burden of fear.

But I was lucky.

I stumbled upon the men’s rights movement and saw things—statistics, studies—they pulled up from the depths of our society’s subconscious—things that would silently slip down into the deep if it weren’t for them. All the evidence I’ve seen against rape hysteria is not good enough for those who profit from keeping women in a prison of fear; but it’s good enough for me to question my obligation to stay. I realized women have sexual potency. And if women are equally responsible for rape, then they have an equal responsibility to be responsible. Because women can take away men’s—and boy’s—innocence. There was no need for men to carry a burden of guilt; nor was there a need for me to carry a burden of fear. A weight lifted from me in that moment; a weight I never knew I carried till it was gone. Before I had always seen my husband—and every other man—as either a good man or a bad man; but never innocent. His actions were always deliberate, if he did me harm he was a villain with the blackest heart; if he did me good, he was a knight-in-shining armor.

After, he became innocent.

“The fear of rape limits women’s potential.”

Women infected by rape hysteria will meet bad men, creepy men, evil men. And they’ll meet good men, real men, strong men. But they will never meet an innocent man. They are poorer for it.

My name is Alison and I am a survivor of rape hysteria.


About Alison Tieman (Typhonblue)

Alison Tieman (aka Typhonblue) is a Canadian writer and social observer. She is a Senior Editor to A Voice for Men, penning superlative works that analyse gender related behavior in men and women. Her youtube channel can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/user/Genderratic and her other favorite web site is http://www.genderratic.com
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Yes well good luck with that, If two people get shitfaced, have sex and one party regrets it in the morning that's not rape. Why should they have to be subjected to the vagaries of a court, the expense, damage to career and the 'no smoke without fire' allegations. I think this article in Time really sums up quite succinctly how paranoid and unhinged much of the debate on this subject has been taken over by the thought police of the feminist blogosphere. I have highlighted one paragraph for you, does it sound familiar?

It’s Time to End ‘Rape Culture’ Hysteria

March 20, 2014

The nation's largest and most influential anti-sexual-violence organization is rejecting the idea that culture — as opposed to the actions of individuals — is responsible for rape.

“Rape is as American as apple pie,” says blogger Jessica Valenti. She and her sisters-in-arms describe our society as a “rape culture” where violence against women is so normal, it’s almost invisible. Films, magazines, fashion, books, music, humor, even Barbie — according to the activists — cooperate in conveying the message that women are there to be used, abused and exploited. Recently, rape-culture theory has migrated from the lonely corners of the feminist blogosphere into the mainstream. In January, the White House asserted that we need to combat campus rape by “[changing] a culture of passivity and tolerance in this country, which too often allows this type of violence to persist.”

On college campuses, obsession with eliminating “rape culture” has led to censorship and hysteria. At Boston University, student activists launched a petition demanding the cancellation of a Robin Thicke concert because the lyrics of his hit song “Blurred Lines” allegedly celebrate “systemic patriarchy and sexual oppression.” (The lyrics may not exactly be pleasant to many women, but song lyrics don’t turn men into rapists. Yet, ludicrously, the song has already been banned at more than 20 British universities.) Activists at Wellesley recently demanded that administrators remove a statue of a sleepwalking man: The image of a nearly naked male could “trigger” memories of sexual assault for victims. Meanwhile, a growing number of young men find themselves charged with rape, named publicly and brought before campus judicial panels informed by rape-culture theory. In such courts, due process is practically nonexistent: guilty because accused.

Rape-culture theorists dismiss critics who bring up examples of hysteria and false accusations as “rape denialists” and “rape apologists.” To even suggest that false accusations occur, according to activists, is to engage in “victim blaming.” But now, rape culturalists are confronting a formidable critic that even they will find hard to dismiss. RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) is America’s largest and most influential anti-sexual-violence organization. It’s the leading voice for sexual-assault victim advocacy. Indeed, rape-culture activists routinely cite the authority of RAINN to make their case. But in RAINN’s recent recommendations to the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault, it repudiates the rhetoric of the anti–”rape culture” movement:
In the last few years, there has been an unfortunate trend towards blaming “rape culture” for the extensive problem of sexual violence on campus. While it is helpful to point out the systemic barriers to addressing the problem, it is important not to lose sight of a simple fact: Rape is caused not by cultural factors but by the conscious decisions, of a small percentage of the community, to commit a violent crime.
RAINN urges the White House to “remain focused on the true cause of the problem” and suggests a three-pronged approach for combating rape: empowering community members through bystander intervention education, using “risk-reduction messaging” to encourage students to increase their personal safety and promoting clearer education on “where the ‘consent line’ is.” It also asserts that we should treat rape like the serious crime it is by giving power to trained law enforcement rather than internal campus judicial boards. RAINN is especially critical of the idea that we need to focus on teaching men not to rape — the hallmark of rape-culture activism. Since rape exists because our culture condones and normalizes it, activists say, we can end the epidemic of sexual violence only by teaching boys not to rape.

No one would deny that we should teach boys to respect women. But by and large, this is already happening. By the time men reach college, RAINN explains, “most students have been exposed to 18 years of prevention messages, in one form or another.” The vast majority of men absorb these messages and view rape as the horrific crime that it is. So efforts to address rape need to focus on the very small portion of the population that “has proven itself immune to years of prevention messages.” They should not vilify the average guy. By blaming so-called rape culture, we implicate all men in a social atrocity, trivialize the experiences of survivors, and deflect blame from the rapists truly responsible for sexual violence. RAINN explains that the trend of focusing on rape culture “has the paradoxical effect of making it harder to stop sexual violence, since it removes the focus from the individual at fault, and seemingly mitigates personal responsibility for his or her own actions.”

Moral panic over “rape culture” helps no one — least of all, survivors of sexual assault. College leaders, women’s groups and the White House have a choice. They can side with the thought police of the feminist blogosphere who are declaring war on Robin Thicke, the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition, male statues and Barbie. Or they can listen to the sane counsel of RAINN.
Caroline Kitchens is a research assistant at the American Enterprise Institute


Te writer is as fucked up as you are tommy. And neither of you can read. Saying that it is "helpful to point out the systemic barriers to addressing the problem" is not repudiating anything it is simply saying this is not enough! That is completely different from repudiating something.

"Repudiate is refusing to have anything to do with something or to reject something as not true." Repudiate: "To refuse to have anything to do with; to disown." Repudiate: "to refuse to accept or support (something)"

There is nothing in the statement by RAINN that does this! They say it is "helpful" that is not a repudiation, but right wingers, other liars and rape apologists like to quote something and then say it says the opposite of what it says in order to confuse the gullible and stupid and lead them to believe what ever it is they want to argue. Too bad you're so stupid, gullible or complicit, tommy! More of that great English education I see!
It is plainly obvious that you are so fucking old that you can't remember what it was like to be young. Here is a Canadian woman who actually knows what she is talking about on this issue.

Where tommy, where is she? Sorry tommy, I didn't rape anyone when I was young either? And age is no excuse plenty of men are coercing women to have sex with them or requiring it as a duty! That is rape tommy and plenty of men do it well into their old age!
Yes that was Pisskop I believe. It is hardly surprising that people have sex whilst drunk, most meet in bars and clubs and alcohol is the most used social lubricant.

"social lubricant" is tommy the turd's euphemism for "date rape drug"! I'm sorry tommy that you and a lot of men like you can only get sex when your partner is drunk, I have never had that problem. In fact, I have never wanted sex with a drunk. But I can see why and men like you would find it so desirable!

I am not going to sit here and judge Abraxas for any opinion he has made which has made people here upset. I may greatly disagree with his views regarding rape or anything else for that matter and yes I saw your signature. But let me make up my own mind about people. Just because he shares views that you greatly disagree doesn't mean I have to follow suit and dislike him too! I find it also hypocritical of the board to sit here and jump on Abraxas when StormX spends his time posting low key indirect racist bullshit. Oh wait, I guess that's different since the targeted group is not you. Like I said, touchy topics are indeed touchy and it would be a dull environment if everyone agreed with each other. In fact, in a perfect world that would be ideal but it isn't. Look, I'm past the threshold where I greatly don't give a shit if you think what I did was stupid. I know my reasons why I did it and my reasons were harmless. My intent was to be the devil's advocate because in the motherfucking real world, you have individuals who make statements like I made.

That is the real world.

In the real world there are people who hate gays and try to justify their homophobia using religion, science or whatever they find on Google. In the real world you have people try to justify racism using religion and science. My whole intent in discussing views was to ignite debate not sit here and fucking be insulted who I thought I befriend. Bridges are indeed burned and regardless whether an apology is said or not all it takes is one time for someone to make an accusation without looking at what I wrote. Why did you think I got on USF case? If anyone is going to accuse me of anything they fucking better have proof. I do not believe in accusing someone and not have evidence to back it up which is why I took Darla's comment to heart, not because I thought she and I were cool, but because she allowed her emotions to get the best of her and then made this about race....If you side with her fine, I personally don't give a shit anymore. Now I'll really become the asshole people will really dislike. But I'll most likely go to another forum before I do.
Just ignore him and Darla. Life isn't worth living if Darla or Dantes are in it.
No, you posted that my comment about how a woman dresses was saying she deserved to be raped. My comment was about a specific kind of woman who dresses to elicit a sexual response and then acts shocked by a mans reaction. It was a simple statement no need to muddy it up.

"A specific kind of woman who dresses to elicit a sexual response" So you can read women's minds too, can you? You're wasting your time posting shit here if that is the case. You should be marketing whatever it is you find out because there are some lecherous old coots and according to tommy plenty of young men as well who would pay millions to be able to read women's minds or know the contents.
It is plainly obvious that you are so fucking old that you can't remember what it was like to be young. Here is a Canadian woman who actually knows what she is talking about on this issue. Where tommy, where is she? Sorry tommy, I didn't rape anyone when I was young either? And age is no excuse plenty of men are coercing women to have sex with them or requiring it as a duty! That is rape tommy and plenty of men do it well into their old age!
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