Rape: Do victims of rape share any responsibility?

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@Patrick (Sorry I can't quote you for some reason my job has filtered the subsequent responses as "adult material)

I'm pretty much over the fiasco. It was my mistake for making this thread. I didn't realize I was going to be insulted even after I put the fucking disclaimer. All Dante and Darla had to do was PM me and say "hey Sun why did you make that thread, that is not cool?" I'm a reasonable dude. I'm not some nutjob that wants to piss people off. I'd rather come here and discuss and learn from other people not argue, argue takes the fun out of learning. I'm cool, after I get off of work I'll probably take me 5 or 6 shots and I'll be good. But you're right, I shouldn't take it so personal but I guess when you have respect for people you do. That has all change now dude. Anyway I'll take my leave, but most likely when I come back after finals I'll probably be more of an observer than an active poster.

I am not going to sit here and judge Abraxas for any opinion he has made which has made people here upset. I may greatly disagree with his views regarding rape or anything else for that matter and yes I saw your signature. But let me make up my own mind about people. Just because he shares views that you greatly disagree doesn't mean I have to follow suit and dislike him too! I find it also hypocritical of the board to sit here and jump on Abraxas when StormX spends his time posting low key indirect racist bullshit. Oh wait, I guess that's different since the targeted group is not you. Like I said, touchy topics are indeed touchy and it would be a dull environment if everyone agreed with each other. In fact, in a perfect world that would be ideal but it isn't. Look, I'm past the threshold where I greatly don't give a shit if you think what I did was stupid. I know my reasons why I did it and my reasons were harmless. My intent was to be the devil's advocate because in the motherfucking real world, you have individuals who make statements like I made.

That is the real world.

In the real world there are people who hate gays and try to justify their homophobia using religion, science or whatever they find on Google. In the real world you have people try to justify racism using religion and science. My whole intent in discussing views was to ignite debate not sit here and fucking be insulted who I thought I befriend. Bridges are indeed burned and regardless whether an apology is said or not all it takes is one time for someone to make an accusation without looking at what I wrote. Why did you think I got on USF case? If anyone is going to accuse me of anything they fucking better have proof. I do not believe in accusing someone and not have evidence to back it up which is why I took Darla's comment to heart, not because I thought she and I were cool, but because she allowed her emotions to get the best of her and then made this about race....If you side with her fine, I personally don't give a shit anymore. Now I'll really become the asshole people will really dislike. But I'll most likely go to another forum before I do.

In "the motherfucking real world" you have tommy the turd and other's with his same attitude toward women making statements like you made here on this very same forum every damn day! Too bad you haven't seen them or the times I and other's here have called out Storm X (and other's here) for his racism. This was a stupid damn idea and you should just admit it and move on! In fact, reading most of your posts after the initial one shows that you actually believe this shit just like tommy the turd does, and it would be highly hypocritical of me if I gave you a pass while condemning him for the same shit on a daily basis for the same ignorant shit! You posted this shit! Own it!
@Patrick (Sorry I can't quote you for some reason my job has filtered the subsequent responses as "adult material)

I'm pretty much over the fiasco. It was my mistake for making this thread. I didn't realize I was going to be insulted even after I put the fucking disclaimer. All Dante and Darla had to do was PM me and say "hey Sun why did you make that thread, that is not cool?" I'm a reasonable dude. I'm not some nutjob that wants to piss people off. I'd rather come here and discuss and learn from other people not argue, argue takes the fun out of learning. I'm cool, after I get off of work I'll probably take me 5 or 6 shots and I'll be good. But you're right, I shouldn't take it so personal but I guess when you have respect for people you do. That has all change now dude. Anyway I'll take my leave, but most likely when I come back after finals I'll probably be more of an observer than an active poster.
You know you won't quit us. We're too cool. Just use a big beefy ignore list like I do. There isn't a thread on this board that doesn't have SOMEONE I can't read.
In "the motherfucking real world" you have tommy the turd and other's with his same attitude toward women making statements like you made here on this very same forum every damn day! Too bad you haven't seen them or the times I and other's here have called out Storm X (and other's here) for his racism. This was a stupid damn idea and you should just admit it and move on! In fact, reading most of your posts after the initial one shows that you actually believe this shit just like tommy the turd does, and it would be highly hypocritical of me if I gave you a pass while condemning him for the same shit on a daily basis for the same ignorant shit! You posted this shit! Own it!
You are the biggest cunt on this forum, I reserve the use of that word for you. SD is a great poster and he doesn't deserve a bastard like you and that piece of filth that you think so much of, denigrating him. You are an odious fucker without any redeeming qualities.
@Patrick (Sorry I can't quote you for some reason my job has filtered the subsequent responses as "adult material) I'm pretty much over the fiasco. It was my mistake for making this thread. I didn't realize I was going to be insulted even after I put the fucking disclaimer. All Dante and Darla had to do was PM me and say "hey Sun why did you make that thread, that is not cool?" I'm a reasonable dude. I'm not some nutjob that wants to piss people off. I'd rather come here and discuss and learn from other people not argue, argue takes the fun out of learning. I'm cool, after I get off of work I'll probably take me 5 or 6 shots and I'll be good. But you're right, I shouldn't take it so personal but I guess when you have respect for people you do. That has all change now dude. Anyway I'll take my leave, but most likely when I come back after finals I'll probably be more of an observer than an active poster.
Dantes is a total bastard, just ignore him. I know what he is like but you didn't.
There definitely seems to be a 'team' type atmosphere here (and other political boards I've visited) where there isn't a whole of discussion/disagreement among those who share similar beliefs. I know I've caught myself falling victim to that. I hope you stick around and keep posting man (if by retire you meant for the board for good as opposed to just tonight). Happy Birthday as well. Fight On.

Yes I'm such a bitch about being "Team Rapist is 100% Responsible for the Rape".
Women drink to excess plenty. They just look better doing it. It's still not their intention for it to be used against them.

No they don't! No women looks better drunk than sober, except possibly to another drunk. I have gone to plenty of clubs and spent the night drinking coffee and talking to the bar tender or dancing and I can say without a doubt that I have never once seen a drunken woman at the end of the night who looked better than she did earlier in the night before she started drinking! A staggering drunk is to be pitied not taken advantage of. Believe it or not, I once had an incredibly beautiful woman, who I had celebrated a particular occasion with with dinner and some champaign knock on my door the next morning and ask me, "Why didn't you take advantage of me last night"? I was speechless! I guess I am just that fucking stupid, but I don't "take advantage" of women who have had a little alcohol.
Yeah Devil's Advocate is a bunch of bs.

I don't enable rapists or rape apologists...not even when they're black. Crying "poor black me" doesn't cut it with me either. A lot of lefties won't know whether to shit or wind their watches in a case like this, and you'll see them run for the hills. But not me. Because I don't give a crap. Black women are raped too, and I put gender solidarity over racial solidarity. Anyone attempting to shut me up using race is in for a big surprise.
sun you are one of the coolest new dudes here. You just have to remember that some people here have a bad case of the feels and can't even consider the concept of a mere discussion without a million asterisks all over the place.

Advocating the position that rape victims are partially responsible for their own rapes is not about my "feels". You get on Tom when he does it, but are comforting a black guy for doing the same thing. Sounds like racial PC to me. A lot of white people are afraid to wade into that water. If you can't take it, you should stay in the kiddie pool.
You are a poisonous and ignorant son of a bitch, you and that slapper from NY think that you can browbeat and intimidate. Leave Sun Devil alone, you ignorant bastard. I can take it because I've dealt with scum like you for years but SD takes it to heart.

Note to SD: Dantes is just an ignorant arsehole, just ignore him.


I am thrilled that you think so. I would be stunned and insulted if a rape apologist felt any different about me, and if by some chance they did I would do everything in my power to change that dynamic!
If you want to advocate for rapists, and then come on here and have a meltdown and do the internet flounce because some bitch had the nerve to tell you to STFU about the poor misunderstood rapists...then yeah, you don't belong on a message board. You sound like a very delicate flower...when it's your ox being gored of course. Anyway, best to take no chances and leave the internet forever. It's not just this message board. In nearly every place on the internet you will find a woman who won't kiss your ass or look the other way when you defend rapists. Yeah, even if you're defending rapists while being black. There's always that one bitch who won't stfu. Don't you hate that? It's just not fair!
"At University of Pittsburgh, with 14,800 female students, four sexual assaults were reported."

The fact is that “rape culture” is a form of popular mania like so many others before it. It does not exist. Or if it does, nobody has yet brought forward evidence of it. What we have seen is ideology attached to a great deal of personal narrative regarding unwanted or regretted sex. Some of those narratives have been compelling, but unsupported by evidence. Some have been compelling and found to be false allegations. Many of the narratives are based in recollection hazed over by alcoholic smog. And most of them would not stand up for two minutes in a criminal court of law.

Many observers have become more, not less skeptical with the mounting hysteria. One such observer has done something useful to validate our skepticism. Chad Hermann, a writer and management communication professor at Carnegie Mellon University’s Tepper School of Business, has published an article in communityvoices.post-gazette.com assessing both the claims and the actual statistical evidence for rape culture, in which he illuminates some glaring contradictions.

Hermann set the typical projected figure of 20-25% of women as victims of forced sex against the reported sexual assault offenses over three years at Pittsburgh’s three largest residential universities: the University of Pittsburgh (UP), Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and Duquesne University (DU). In 2009: At UP, with 14,800 female students, four sexual assaults were reported. At CMU, with about 3,900 female students, six sexual assaults were reported (a three-year high). At DU, with 5,700 females, three were reported.

But wait: We “know” (we don’t really) that 90% of rapes go unreported! Okay, Hermann adjusts the numbers to reflect that, giving UP 40 assaults, CMU 60 and DU 30. Are we at one-in-four yet? Hardly. We’re at one-in-185 (average of the three). That was in 2009. Over three years, 2007-9, women’s chances of being sexually assaulted average out for the reported cases to one in 1,877. If you factor in the 90% allegedly unreported, you get a maximum of only one in 188.

So relax ladies. Although there should never be sexual assaults on any woman on campus, there is no need to panic. Moreover, it is fair comment to observe that those women students who do not drink to excess, who are prudent about the kind of parties they attend, and who are selective about their sexual partners in general will doubtless reduce their odds much further, down to statistically nugatory levels.

If these statistics do not convince you, then I suggest you are in the grip of a serious ideological virus. There is a remedy for it, called critical thinking. If on the other hand, you rather like the febrile effects of delusion, then perhaps I could interest you in some bitcoins going cheap, and sure to make you a fortune!

Barbara Kay: Rape culture and the delusions of the feminist mind

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I think you're getting that impression from someone else here. My argument is about people not taking precaution in a volatile situation. As I made it clear with my Bloods and Crips example. If I know Crips live down my street and I know that wearing the color red despite having no gang affiliations is bad and could cause me harm and despite knowing those dangers I continue to do so and I am accosted and hurt, how am I not at least partially responsible? I'm not responsible for someone harming me because I didn't initiate any danger, but the fact that THEY don't know my intentions but I KNOW the dangers how can I not be culpable at least to me being in that situation?

So men are crips and women shouldn't wear red is that your claim? Because any women who wear red are just asking for those crips to pop a cap in their ass, is that it?
So men are crips and women shouldn't wear red is that your claim? Because any women who wear red are just asking for those crips to pop a cap in their ass, is that it?
Shut the fuck up, you dozy cunt. You know damn well what he is trying to say but you just want to shit stir as usual.
Shut the fuck up, you dozy cunt. You know damn well what he is trying to say but you just want to shit stir as usual.


I know I'm getting to the turd when he starts calling me the "C" WORD.

Go tommy, Go.
"At University of Pittsburgh, with 14,800 female students, four sexual assaults were reported."

Barbara Kay: Rape culture and the delusions of the feminist mind

Yeah, all those stories and convictions of men from sports teams and the coaches who protect them are just illusions. Another ignorant comment from some woman who makes about as much sense as Michelle Malkin's book and book tour telling us that the Japanese Internment was a good thing. I bet tommy would have jumped all over that too, if he had known about it, wouldn't ya, turd!
Yeah, all those stories and convictions of men from sports teams and the coaches who protect them are just illusions. Another ignorant comment from some woman who makes about as much sense as Michelle Malkin's book and book tour telling us that the Japanese Internment was a good thing. I bet tommy would have jumped all over that too, if he had known about it, wouldn't ya, turd!

What the fuck does Japanese interment have to do with anything? Oh wait, absolutely nothing but you thought you'd try and bowl me a googly to avoid having to discuss the article. Typical tactics by twats who want to stoke up rape hysteria. Let's see you deal with these stats!! Of course you won't do any such thing because you would then have to confront the fact that you've been lied to on a massive scale and your fragile ego just wouldn't be able to handle that.

Many observers have become more, not less skeptical with the mounting hysteria. One such observer has done something useful to validate our skepticism. Chad Hermann, a writer and management communication professor at Carnegie Mellon University’s Tepper School of Business, has published an article in communityvoices.post-gazette.com assessing both the claims and the actual statistical evidence for rape culture, in which he illuminates some glaring contradictions.

Hermann set the typical projected figure of 20-25% of women as victims of forced sex against the reported sexual assault offenses over three years at Pittsburgh’s three largest residential universities: the University of Pittsburgh (UP), Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and Duquesne University (DU). In 2009: At UP, with 14,800 female students, four sexual assaults were reported. At CMU, with about 3,900 female students, six sexual assaults were reported (a three-year high). At DU, with 5,700 females, three were reported.
But wait: We “know” (we don’t really) that 90% of rapes go unreported! Okay, Hermann adjusts the numbers to reflect that, giving UP 40 assaults, CMU 60 and DU 30. Are we at one-in-four yet? Hardly. We’re at one-in-185 (average of the three). That was in 2009. Over three years, 2007-9, women’s chances of being sexually assaulted average out for the reported cases to one in 1,877. If you factor in the 90% allegedly unreported, you get a maximum of only one in 188.
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