Rape: Do victims of rape share any responsibility?

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The following is an example of an overtly Rape Sensitive society

Florida State University Football Star Won’t Face Rape Charges, Prosecutor Says

"The case stems from an accusation made almost a year ago to the day, on Dec. 7, 2012, when a Florida State student called campus police at 3:30 a.m. to report that she’d been raped. According to a warrant released shortly before Meggs’ announcement, the woman reported having five or six shots at a bar, after which, she says, her memory became “very broken.” Meggs said the woman’s blood alcohol level at the time of the incident was about 1.0. The woman reported riding in a cab with a “nondescript black man” to an apartment where she was raped, the Tallahassee Democrat reported. The warrant says the woman tried to fight the man off and that at one point during the event another man entered the room and told the alleged assailant to stop.

Investigators have matched Winston’s DNA to that collected in evidence the day of the incident. Winston does not deny that he and the woman had sex but says it was consensual, something the woman’s family has denied."

(A snippet from the top of the article)

"When asked if he thought Winston had received special treatment because he’s a star athlete, Meggs said: “I don’t think they do and we try to treat everyone the same.

“We did not feel we had sufficient evidence to bring the case to trial to prove it was not consensual,” Meggs said.

Meggs said the discovery of DNA from a second male associated with the event helped inform the decision not to bring charges against Winston. The identity of that third party has not been released."

See Reference:http://nation.time.com/2013/12/05/f...-star-wont-face-rape-charges-prosecutor-says/

Statistically speaking men are indeed responsible at least statistically for the rape of women, but it seems rape is synonymous with women and indeed the power shift regarding women and rape are indeed in a woman's favor. What if they didn't find a second DNA in the woman? What if this athlete continued to argue that rape was consensual? What if this wasn't no star athlete but a regular joe like you or I?

Wrong. All fucking wrong. Is it your fault that you are discriminated against for being black because you are black? Or is it the fault of the racist? Rethink this and apologise to all the females on the planet.
Well i said pretty much the same thing and JPP's very own she devil went postal about it. You will get a pass though as you're black and she believes that white men are responsible for all the problems in the world.

No, he doesn't get a pass. wrong is wrong. Darla isn't posting in this thread because it is sickening to her.
No, I think like a number of posters in this thread, you are choosing to be argumentative.

I was clear and specific about the woman I described.

I asked you two simple questions and you've repeatedly ignored them. You certainly aren't being clear and specific with your comments because you haven't explained your words beyond generalizations.

Your post: My comment was about a specific kind of woman who dresses to elicit a sexual response and then acts shocked by a mans reaction.

My comment: How do you define that particular woman? If it's clothing what kind of clothes do you consider provocative that will elicit a sexual response, Michelle Duggar's style? Beyonce's style? If it's taunting or teasing where do you draw the line between that and flirting? Is it the difference between a woman flipping her hair back and making eye contact v. touching a guy's leg and saying "let's get it on"?

Your post: A woman is free to dress sexually or slutty. But those that do don't get go complain when men react sexually. Note I'm not talking rape, only referring to the sexual come on.

My comment: What kind of clothing do you consider sexy or slutty, the Sister Wives style v. Miley Cyrus? What coded language indicates a sexual come-on?

Feel free to consider me as argumentative and I'll consider you as evasive. If you want women to know exactly what's wrong with their clothing or behaviour then just detail it, we're not mind readers.
You seem to want to have trouble. A woman is free to dress sexually or slutty. But those that do don't get go complain when men react sexually. Note I'm not talking rape, only referring to the sexual come on. I also never mentioned any particular environment. Seriously, it was not a complicated statement.

What do you men by react sexually? Cat calls, or are you violating her space with contact? A woman expects your looks, but touching or unwanted advances are inappropriate.
What do you men by react sexually? Cat calls, or are you violating her space with contact? A woman expects your looks, but touching or unwanted advances are inappropriate.

Again, I was speaking to those women who seem shocked or put off by the reaction of men based on their purposefully choosing to dress in something sexually provocative.

Seriously people, how difficult is to just read something without needing to give it a close shave?
What do you men by react sexually? Cat calls, or are you violating her space with contact? A woman expects your looks, but touching or unwanted advances are inappropriate.

If they want us to know we're doing something wrong it would be helpful to have it spelled out, not that we have to agree with them. But at least we wouldn't be left with ambiguous comments and no way of decoding them.
Again, I was speaking to those women who seem shocked or put off by the reaction of men based on their purposefully choosing to dress in something sexually provocative.

Seriously people, how difficult is to just read something without needing to give it a close shave?

And, again, how are you reacting? Seriously, is it that hard to answer a direct question? If you walk up and say, "you look like a slut tonight", yes, I am going to give you a very negative reaction. If you slap me on the ass, I am going to give you a negative reaction.
And, again, how are you reacting? Seriously, is it that hard to answer a direct question? If you walk up and say, "you look like a slut tonight", yes, I am going to give you a very negative reaction. If you slap me on the ass, I am going to give you a negative reaction.

I never mentioned touching a woman without invitation. But if your tits are hanging out and your cooch is hemline; when a guy says "you look like you want some action baby" don't act all "oh my gawwwwd, you perv!" Just accept the observation. Women can dress sexually, they can put it in a guys face all day long. But the BS shocked attitude over the responses it may illicit gets a call out.
I never mentioned touching a woman without invitation. But if your tits are hanging out and your cooch is hemline; when a guy says "you look like you want some action baby" don't act all "oh my gawwwwd, you perv!" Just accept the observation. Women can dress sexually, they can put it in a guys face all day long. But the BS shocked attitude over the responses it may illicit gets a call out.

As long as you don't use it as a reason it makes her "partially responsible" for her own rape, I really don't give a shit. But your post here is only acceptable coming from Tom or Sun Devil. Take my advice and run your ass off this thread. You're the only acceptable target on it, and you will pay through the teeth for anything you post.
A couple of last thoughts on this stupid thread.

-A few real men showed who they are, and other than Rune and Dantes, they appear to all be cons. Scary and many should be ashamed.

-Keep your women away from Tom.

-This is the 3rd sexist thread, though first rape apology thread, that Sun Devil has put up. Nothing dominator or whatever his name is even comes close to approaching the fucked upness of Tom and SD's posts.

Have a good day! Rape rape rape! Enjoy.
I'm having trouble with your comment about "dressing to elicit a sexual response." Maybe that means something at the Playboy Mansion or the Mustang Ranch, but for partying or clubbing, not so much. Where specifically do you draw the line between sexy and slutty in women's clothing? Because I think most of it's in the eye of the beholder.

I would suggest that if a woman bends down and you can see what she had for breakfast, that might be considered a good starting point. Or indeed if it is hard to tell if she is going out for the evening clubbing or standing on a street corner picking up rough trade.
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As long as you don't use it as a reason it makes her "partially responsible" for her own rape, I really don't give a shit. But your post here is only acceptable coming from Tom or Sun Devil. Take my advice and run your ass off this thread. You're the only acceptable target on it, and you will pay through the teeth for anything you post.

Well you have been warned, you will now be pronounced guilty by association. My God, what a prima donna that woman is, a real nasty piece of work.
I will leave the last word to Camille Paglia on the subject, scourge of the twisted sistas like Darla and she man Dantes.

Camille Paglia: feminism dead, rape culture “ridiculous”

by W.F. Price on November 19, 2013

Camille Paglia has a reputation for being outspoken, and despite being a lesbian who has long been associated with feminism, she never struck me as a man-hater. I’ve read some of her material, and it is suffused with sexuality. In her analyses of literature, she sometimes seems to go too far, but then on second thought it appears that she’s right. She has an uncanny ability to perceive sexual undertones that usually escape notice. Perhaps this is because she is entirely different from most lesbians. In general, I’ve found lesbianism to be a reflection not of an alternate sexuality, but of a lack of sexuality. Lesbians are, for the most part, women with dimished or absent sexuality for one reason or another.

Gay men, on the other hand, are men with elements of both male and female sexuality. Where gay men have something extra, lesbians have little if anything at all. Paglia, it seems, is actually gay — not lesbian. This is incredibly rare among women, and probably accounts for her creativity and keen insights; characteristics that have led to numerous disagreements with the feminist orthodoxy, which does not value outspoken creativity and intellectual freedom, but rather a borg-like conformity to the party line.

In an interview with Canada’s Macleans Magazine, Paglia delivers blow after blow to the feminist establishment. What surprises me most of all is that many of the opinions she expresses can be found right here on The Spearhead. In fact, aside the lesbian/pop culture stuff, there isn’t much I haven’t said at one point myself:

On careerism:
Women are being told “you are future leaders.” Meanwhile, we are more than our jobs. One reason Sex and the City was such an enormous hit is that it expressed something that feminism won’t admit: we don’t know what we want. We don’t know if we want children or not. My generation produced the sexual revolution and your generation is stuck figuring out how it’s going to work. I want young women when they’re 14 to start thinking about what they want over the course of their lives. I think it’s criminal—child abuse—that they’re not told to do this [in school]. Right now it’s just sex education and putting condoms on bananas. Girls should be asked to think about what they want in their lives when they’re 50, 60 and 70.What’s been imposed on women is a male model of professional study and achievement.
Rape hysteria:
It’s ridiculous … This obsession with rape [in North America] is neurotic. There are attacks on men also. This privileging of the female victim is a distortion. To see the world in terms of rape is absurd. Throughout history there have been atrocities of every kind. Throughout history honourable men don’t rape.
You can try to teach people to make ethical judgments. Telling a rapist not to rape? [Laughs] A liberal ideology is out there that people are basically good. It’s a bourgeois version of reality—this idea that the whole world should be like a bourgeois living room and anyone who doesn’t belong, you can retrain. No you can’t! I was raised in the Italian working-class way, which is “watch out!” The world is a dangerous place. It’s up to you to protect yourself, not just from rape, but from anything. The lack of imagination for criminality amazes me. There are people who are evil. The problem here is the inability of women to project themselves into the minds of men. Feminists say [proper, mocking tone] “women have the right to do whatever they want.” Of course we have the right to do whatever we want–to be jogging with earphones on with our breasts going like this [simulates breasts bouncing]. Yes you have the right to but it’s also stupid! I see with the eyes of the criminal. I must have a criminal mind.
Feminism is dead. The movement is absolutely dead. The women’s movement tried to suppress dissident voices for way too long. There’s no room for dissent. It’s just like Mean Girls. If they had listened to me they could have gotten the ship steered in the right direction. My wing of feminism—the pro-sex wing—was silenced. I was practically lynched for endorsing The Rolling Stones. Susan Faludi is still saying I’m not a feminist. Who made her pope? Feminist ideology is like a new religion for a lot of neurotic women. You can’t talk to them about anything.
I wonder whether Paglia would have said the same thing ten years ago? At that time she was still concerned with sex positive feminism, but mainly kept her peace on the other issues.

Today, she lets them have it.

Feminism has been coming under fire from a number of quarters recently. There’s a palpable feeling that they’ve taken it too far. It will be interesting to see where this goes over the next couple years, but I’m happy to see that the manosphere appears to have made a real impact. Traffic numbers for manosphere sites in aggregate are growing by leaps and bounds, and taken together our sites constitute an entirely new – and rapidly growing – media sector. One effect this has had that I can point to is that people no longer feel the need to censor themselves as much regarding feminism.

I never mentioned touching a woman without invitation. But if your tits are hanging out and your cooch is hemline; when a guy says "you look like you want some action baby" don't act all "oh my gawwwwd, you perv!" Just accept the observation. Women can dress sexually, they can put it in a guys face all day long. But the BS shocked attitude over the responses it may illicit gets a call out.

How do you handle women at the swimming pool? I bet you would lose your mind at a nude beach, walking up to all the women telling them, "you look like you want some action baby"

I don't understand this attitude that if a woman shows a little flesh she deserves your rude comments.
As long as you don't use it as a reason it makes her "partially responsible" for her own rape, I really don't give a shit. But your post here is only acceptable coming from Tom or Sun Devil. Take my advice and run your ass off this thread. You're the only acceptable target on it, and you will pay through the teeth for anything you post.

No one is being a "rape apologist" that I have read.

Women who can't wrap their head around the struggle men have with "look at this sexual package, but don't get any ideas" seem to me to be the apologists. Apologists for their rubbing men's noses in it. Men are much more the sexual being than women are- that's just reality.

I have not said, nor would I say, that a woman deserves to be raped based on her behavior or dress. But it gets old hearing about how unfair it is that women can't wear sexually suggestive clothes without being seen as a sexual object.
No one is being a "rape apologist" that I have read.

Women who can't wrap their head around the struggle men have with "look at this sexual package, but don't get any ideas" seem to me to be the apologists. Apologists for their rubbing men's noses in it. Men are much more the sexual being than women are- that's just reality.

I have not said, nor would I say, that a woman deserves to be raped based on her behavior or dress. But it gets old hearing about how unfair it is that women can't wear sexually suggestive clothes without being seen as a sexual object.

Listen to me you're just a piece of shit, just like Tom, just like Sun Devil. But I'm not going to go after you and leave the others be so they can live to contribute to a climate and culture where a woman can be raped and be unable to press charges because the sex police are there to punish and control any woman who thinks she can wear what she wants and go where she wants like she was some kind of man or something. You know, a real human being.

This thread makes me sick. Most people on it make me sick. You make me sick. But not as sick as Tom who is very dedicated to supporting that culture. Or SD who puts up woman-bashing thread after woman-bashing thread and expects and gets a pass on it because he's a liberal...and maybe even because he's black I don't know.

But you're not someone I'd leave my female family members alone with either, make no mistake of that.
No one is being a "rape apologist" that I have read.

Women who can't wrap their head around the struggle men have with "look at this sexual package, but don't get any ideas" seem to me to be the apologists. Apologists for their rubbing men's noses in it. Men are much more the sexual being than women are- that's just reality.

I have not said, nor would I say, that a woman deserves to be raped based on her behavior or dress. But it gets old hearing about how unfair it is that women can't wear sexually suggestive clothes without being seen as a sexual object.

What a load of road apples, see these are the gender roles that women don't buy into any longer.
No one is being a "rape apologist" that I have read.

Women who can't wrap their head around the struggle men have with "look at this sexual package, but don't get any ideas" seem to me to be the apologists. Apologists for their rubbing men's noses in it. Men are much more the sexual being than women are- that's just reality.

I have not said, nor would I say, that a woman deserves to be raped based on her behavior or dress. But it gets old hearing about how unfair it is that women can't wear sexually suggestive clothes without being seen as a sexual object.

Thank you for proving beyond a shadow of a doubt how ignorant and unobservant you are before the whole board.
Advocating the position that rape victims are partially responsible for their own rapes is not about my "feels". You get on Tom when he does it, but are comforting a black guy for doing the same thing. Sounds like racial PC to me. A lot of white people are afraid to wade into that water. If you can't take it, you should stay in the kiddie pool.

tom just says fucked up shit, sun was inviting discussion i don't think he was actually taking a stance one way or the other. you should want sun to post because if you think he is wrong he is the type of person that would probably read your arguments in earnest.
I believe someone here owes me an apology.....

(Meltdown Alert!)

For Fuck sake people! Did I not fucking say in the above paragraph that I'm playing the unpopular role of Motherfucking "Devil's Advocate?" If I truly believed in all the Bullshit I wrote thus far I'd have no problem saying it. Obviously people ought to know me well enough around here that I have no problem speaking my mind. But if Darla, Christie, Zapp, and the rest whom I thought were my friends agreed on every fucking thing conversation would be motherfucking dull and boring that is why I always make the disclaimer of "HEY,I'm playing DEVIL'S ADVOCATE!"

As far as people telling me to grow up, look I'm 32 years old today (well on April 15th) and I've made many steps here to try to bridge the gap between myself and others because I understand we are all different with different views but I try to remain respectful to people even among those that annoy me. As long as I've been here I have no insulted anyone's heritage, their culture, race, religion, or gender. But the fact that some of you overlook that vital piece of the disclaimer I made and immediately went to race, is very disappointing.

This is the very reason why African-Americans will continue to have certain animosity because WE know that if we get to that sport where we piss you off enough either you call us "Nigger" or you'll make some racial based comment. Outside of my rag tag back and forth with USF, at the end of the day I have nothing against the man (even though some of his views are idiotic). I made the disclaimer because I wanted to remain clear that whatever I say here are not my views but I want people to get a perspective and learn to argue against unpopular views. But if people are too emotional to where you cannot read vital pieces of information then you don't need to be on a chat board.

Funny, I'm here at the USC library writing this and everyone here is looking at me like I'm a goddamn robot because I'm typing so fast. That usually happens when I'm pissed off. I'm disappointed and in that I think it's time for me to retire.

You were making such a good point, right up until you played the race card.
In my opinion, this has nothing to do with race; because those who act in a criminal behavior, cover the entire gamut of color.
I'm more concerned with your references to race; because what would be your response to a similar post, made by someone who wasn't Black?
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