Reality check on electric cars

As of 2020, in the US EV's made up about 2% of vehicles on the road.


It shows the mind control of energy companies and corporations has a tight grip on Americans in general and specifically on rights.
Nowhere near it. New car sales are NOT the only vehicles on the road, and hybrids are not EVs.

Do you repeat that there are more ICEs on the road than electrics because you think we do not know that?
We do, but it is meaningless to the debate. We say EVs are growing and selling as predicted. There are growing numbers. And you think a valid response is that there are more ICEs on the road. It is not responsive.
Only because retards and the devout to the Church of Gorebal Warming in government are forcing them down the public's throats. EV's would have died off as a tiny niche market without MASSIVE government interference in the market using bribes (aka subsidies) and force (aka regulations and laws).

I don't see you noting that the ICE vehicle market has got FAR MORE gov't interference, subsidies both directly (to the car companies) and indirectly (to big Oil and Gas companies), and regulations and laws.

Was that simply oversight or are you too dumb to know that?
Do you repeat that there are more ICEs on the road than electrics because you think we do not know that?
We do, but it is meaningless to the debate. We say EVs are growing and selling as predicted. There are growing numbers. And you think a valid response is that there are more ICEs on the road. It is not responsive.
@Into the Night is just not smart. His point is the equivalent of saying 'but there are still more horse and buggies on the road than cars', back in the early days of the car introduction, as it was clear that cars would outpace them and make them mostly irrelevant over time and as the technology improved.

He is in denial of reality that the major automakers are not.

Six Major Automakers Agree to End Gas Car Sales Globally by 2040

They may not get there by 2040, but it WILL happen.
Do you repeat that there are more ICEs on the road than electrics because you think we do not know that?
No, because you keep making a special pleading fallacy and argument from randU fallacy. You keep making up numbers.
We do, but it is meaningless to the debate. We say EVs are growing and selling as predicted. There are growing numbers. And you think a valid response is that there are more ICEs on the road. It is not responsive.
Argument from randU fallacy. Less than 1% of the cars on the road are EVs.
@Into the Night is just not smart. His point is the equivalent of saying 'but there are still more horse and buggies on the road than cars', back in the early days of the car introduction, as it was clear that cars would outpace them and make them mostly irrelevant over time and as the technology improved.

He is in denial of reality that the major automakers are not.

Six Major Automakers Agree to End Gas Car Sales Globally by 2040

They may not get there by 2040, but it WILL happen.

False equivalence fallacy. Word stuffing. Technology has improved, especially for the gasoline powered car.
Toyota is getting out of EVs. Subaru never made them. The best selling cars are currently the Ford F150 (gasoline), the Chevy Silverado (gasoline or diesel), and the Dodge RAM (gasoline). All three are TRUCKS. All three are fueled by gasoline or diesel. NONE of them are EVs.
False equivalence fallacy. Word stuffing. Technology has improved, especially for the gasoline powered car.
Toyota is getting out of EVs. Subaru never made them. The best selling cars are currently the Ford F150 (gasoline), the Chevy Silverado (gasoline or diesel), and the Dodge RAM (gasoline). All three are TRUCKS. All three are fueled by gasoline or diesel. NONE of them are EVs.

Why do you keep repeating what we all acknowledge? We have more ICEs on the road. They are selling more ICEs. However, EVs are cutting into sales more and more. In countries that care about pollution and oil, the war fuel, they are cutting deeply into ICE sales. They are the future for the world. Tesla is in the top 10 for American auto sales. Bolt is moving up rapidly. Do you acknowledge that? It is the future.
Why do you keep repeating what we all acknowledge? We have more ICEs on the road. They are selling more ICEs. However, EVs are cutting into sales more and more. In countries that care about pollution and oil, the war fuel, they are cutting deeply into ICE sales. They are the future for the world. Tesla is in the top 10 for American auto sales. Bolt is moving up rapidly. Do you acknowledge that? It is the future.

But the real question is, given that government is forcing EV's on the buying public--of that there is ZERO doubt or question--why are they doing this? For what reason is government forcing people into EV's?
No, because you keep making a special pleading fallacy and argument from randU fallacy. You keep making up numbers.

Argument from randU fallacy. Less than 1% of the cars on the road are EVs.

Back to FEWER than 1 percent. It is not Less.
Your argument is not enhanced by repeating what was just shown as not a conflict. There are fewer. EVs are eating away at ICes. I almost always supply sources when I give numbers. You just claim it is a fallacy.
EVs sales are growing dramatically in numbers and a percentage of the market. I sad that you cannot understand that means more and more EVs.
Why do you keep repeating what we all acknowledge? We have more ICEs on the road. They are selling more ICEs. However, EVs are cutting into sales more and more. In countries that care about pollution and oil, the war fuel, they are cutting deeply into ICE sales. They are the future for the world. Tesla is in the top 10 for American auto sales. Bolt is moving up rapidly. Do you acknowledge that? It is the future.

False equivalence fallacy. Word stuffing. Technology has improved, especially for the gasoline powered car.
Toyota is getting out of EVs. Subaru never made them. The best selling cars are currently the Ford F150 (gasoline), the Chevy Silverado (gasoline or diesel), and the Dodge RAM (gasoline). All three are TRUCKS. All three are fueled by gasoline or diesel. NONE of them are EVs.
Back to FEWER than 1 percent. It is not Less.
Your argument is not enhanced by repeating what was just shown as not a conflict. There are fewer. EVs are eating away at ICes. I almost always supply sources when I give numbers. You just claim it is a fallacy.
EVs sales are growing dramatically in numbers and a percentage of the market. I sad that you cannot understand that means more and more EVs.

Semantics fallacy. Argument from randU fallacy. Word stuffing. Technology has improved, especially for the gasoline powered car.
Toyota is getting out of EVs. Subaru never made them. The best selling cars are currently the Ford F150 (gasoline), the Chevy Silverado (gasoline or diesel), and the Dodge RAM (gasoline). All three are TRUCKS. All three are fueled by gasoline or diesel. NONE of them are EVs.

No, you are just hallucinating.


You could not buy your type of stupidity.

Bush bails out U.S. automakers, Dec. 19, 2008

there have been hundreds of the above type tax payer bailouts for automakers over the years prior to Tesla coming on to the scene.

And when it comes to subsidies, hundreds of the type below...

Factbox: U.S. states woo automakers with $17 billion in subsidies since 1976

And Oil and Gas, have enjoyed tax payer funded subsidies for decades on end. CONTINUALLY.


You could not buy your type of stupidity.

Bush bails out U.S. automakers, Dec. 19, 2008

there have been hundreds of the above type tax payer bailouts for automakers over the years prior to Tesla coming on to the scene.

And when it comes to subsidies, hundreds of the type below...

Factbox: U.S. states woo automakers with $17 billion in subsidies since 1976

And Oil and Gas, have enjoyed tax payer funded subsidies for decades on end. CONTINUALLY.

You are talking about the nationalization of GM (which I now call Government Motors). the government is mandating they produce EVs now. They are piece of shit. There is no subsidy for gasoline cars or for their fuel. False authority fallacy. Fake News is not a valid reference.

Communism doesn't work.
False equivalence fallacy. Word stuffing. Technology has improved, especially for the gasoline powered car.
Toyota is getting out of EVs. Subaru never made them. The best selling cars are currently the Ford F150 (gasoline), the Chevy Silverado (gasoline or diesel), and the Dodge RAM (gasoline). All three are TRUCKS. All three are fueled by gasoline or diesel. NONE of them are EVs.

Technology has improved. But it has improved exponentially more for EV's as compared to the improvements ICE vehicles are enjoying.

ICE vehicle improvements are tiny compared to the leaps we see in EV's. Just look at range alone. The first EV's were getting 200 mile range tops under ideal conditions and now many manufactures are topping 400 Mile range and improving.

Show me an ICE vehicle that has more than doubled the miles you can drive per gallon in the same time frame? Or anything even close??
But the real question is, given that government is forcing EV's on the buying public--of that there is ZERO doubt or question--why are they doing this? For what reason is government forcing people into EV's?

What does "forcing" mean to you? See my prior post about all the ICE manufacturer, and OIl and Gas subsidies/bailouts, and tell me if that is forced?

Is this forced, like the Dem's are forcing you to get rid of your gas stove, which is a complete lie by derps, fed to the dumbest of them as propaganda?

Newsome is trying but will fail to force much of anything, so what else are you talking about?
You are talking about the nationalization of GM (which I now call Government Motors). the government is mandating they produce EVs now. They are piece of shit. There is no subsidy for gasoline cars or for their fuel. False authority fallacy. Fake News is not a valid reference.

Communism doesn't work.


The subsidies of GM and Ford and Chrysler started long before EV's and Tesla were on the market.

In 2008 (one Bailout package of many) in Big Auto's own words...

...Late in 2008, two automotive manufactures, Chrysler Corporation and General Motors appealed to the congress to approve assistance from the government to help them avoid certain liquidation in the face of financial insolvency (Brunetti 20).

While presenting the case, the companies did not argue that they were doing well in the market, but they rather tried to illustrate their efforts towards avoiding financial crises...

...After debate within the congress, senate, and state administration, the government decided to assist the automobile industry to avoid the impending liquidation for several companies (United States Congress, United States Congress 25)...

Technology has improved. But it has improved exponentially more for EV's as compared to the improvements ICE vehicles are enjoying.
Nope. Quite the opposite.
ICE vehicle improvements are tiny compared to the leaps we see in EV's.
Nope. Quite the opposite.
Just look at range alone.
The first EV's were getting 200 mile range tops under ideal conditions and now many manufactures are topping 400 Mile range and improving.
Lithium ion batteries provides 3.158Ah per lb of lithium. That's a fixed number. The only way you can improve range is put more or bigger batteries in the EV. The chemistry is the same.
Show me an ICE vehicle that has more than doubled the miles you can drive per gallon in the same time frame? Or anything even close??
Any ICE vehicle that uses a larger fuel tank. It's the same thing, with one important exception:

Li-ion batteries are heavy, a LOT heavier than gasoline providing the same energy. That means the more batteries you stick in an EV to get better range, the less useful payload it can carry. It gets worse, the larger the vehicle.