Reality check on electric cars

Ah ahahahahaha. The last ditch effort. Just scream "LIE" when you don't know anything.
Your issue, not mine. I've already shown you where SOME of your costs are.
Yes, Trog, it DID "costed" something. LOL. About as much as your ICE vehicle. Mid 30's.
That's actually more than I paid for BOTH of my ICE vehicles COMBINED... I paid about $8K for my Town Car and about $18K for my RAV4.
I fuel my EV on my solar unit.
... which costed you a BOAT LOAD of money to purchase, unless of course, other people paid for it FOR you.....
Yeah, which I do. Basically have the tires checked and the windshield wiper fluid changed.
IOW, you pretty much skip over that pesky little thing called "maintenance".
It's more than paid for itself a couple times over. So, yeah, I kinda do.
A blatant lie.
"costed"??? Is English NOT your first language?
Costed is acceptable English.
I don't believe I ever said "NO maintenance" since that isn't accurate.
Yes, you did, but even what you're claiming now is effectively no maintenance.
You mean the most profitable corporations on earth need YOUR money to stay afloat another day?
They need to be profitable in order to stay afloat, yes...
THank GOD they get a lot of tax write offs and subsidies.
What is "they" supposed to be referencing? You aren't even making a coherent statement.
That's the part that scares you.
I'm not scared.
I'm more well off because of my decisions than you are because of your ignorance. LOL. And it galls you.
A blatant lie. You paid roughly $35K for your EV... I only paid $26K for my two ICE vehicles. My vehicles are cheaper to insure and easier to sell.

You paid another huge lump sum of money for your solar. I didn't. I invested that money instead.
Yeah, I figured you whined about pretty much everything. Most of you mouthbreathers on the Right do.
Personally I charge my EV on my solar at home. BUT I have to note that even if you charge from a standard charger you are STILL driving a more efficient vehicle. It does a better job of converting that fuel into usable energy than an ICE vehicle.

So, no, no you are not.

But it's not like any of YOU fuckwits give a flying fuck about anything to do with the earth. It's all there for YOU to suck up.
A typical EV uses about twice the energy of a similar sized gasoline car to go the same distance.
Personally I charge my EV on my solar at home. BUT I have to note that even if you charge from a standard charger you are STILL driving a more efficient vehicle. It does a better job of converting that fuel into usable energy than an ICE vehicle.
EVs use about twice the energy of a similar sized gasoline car going the same distance.
So, no, no you are not.

But it's not like any of YOU fuckwits give a flying fuck about anything to do with the earth. It's all there for YOU to suck up.
EVs will not "save the planet". The planet doesn't need "saving". Earth is quite big enough to take care of itself.
Or she didn't recall it.

Even if it was that rare occasion where someone wasn't told something, how does that make the entire enterprise null and void?

I KNOW you hate EV's and all you seem to do is trawl the internet to find silly things you can post to show how much you hate EV's. Good. Don't buy one.
She already did. She helped to buy force.
Seriously you don't expect anyone to believe that bullshit do you? ALL YOU DO every day day in day out is post stupid memes showing only the worst stuff about EV's.
There really is no good stuff about EVs.
Then you have the balls to post a story about someone who DIDN'T PAY ATTENTION WHEN CHARGING WAS EXPLAINED TO THEM (AND YES IT WAS...every EV I've EVER owned has come with a lot of discussion about charging). As if someone who was stupid and didn't get their oil changed on their ICE vehicle means ICE vehicles are bad.
I already know you don't maintain your car.
Give me a break.

You fuckin' hate EV's. If you didn't you wouldn't have amassed 200+ pages of this shit posting!!!!!
Nah. She's just laughing at EV owners (so do I, by the way), that are too stupid to realize they are wasting both their money and their time to "save the planet".

EVs don't "save the planet".
I already know you don't maintain your car.

Didn't you already let everyone know you don't know what maintenance is required for an EV? Remember? You couldn't think of ONE THING that I'm not already doing. Because as per usual you are talking about something you know next to nothing about.

Surprise surprise!
Didn't you already let everyone know you don't know what maintenance is required for an EV? Remember? You couldn't think of ONE THING that I'm not already doing. Because as per usual you are talking about something you know next to nothing about.

Surprise surprise!
I already know you don't maintain your car.

EVs require maintenance like any other machine.
For 73 hours and you are good for 250 miles.
You're being very generous to EV owners. :)

It's even less than 250 miles, because that's assuming using up a full charge under non-realistic "optimal" conditions. Under realistic conditions, and following proper maintenance procedures (which most EV owners proudly DON'T do), such an EV is actually only good for less than 150 miles (could be much less if given harsh conditions).

Meanwhile, I can fuel up my ICE car in a few short minutes and I'm good for 350 (give or take) miles under realistic conditions. In fact, my town car is usually good for 400 miles on a tank of gas.
Didn't you already let everyone know you don't know what maintenance is required for an EV? Remember?
📽️ Projection 📽️
You couldn't think of ONE THING that I'm not already doing.\
You've already been told a number of things that you aren't doing.

Doing this -- :seenoevil: :hearnoevil: -- doesn't make those things go away.
Because as per usual you are talking about something you know next to nothing about.

Surprise surprise!
Continued projection.
Having hallucinations of socks again, eh?

Socks are irrelevant, dude. The arguments stand for themselves regardless of who brings them up.

Well, you see, the argument DOESN'T stand. Because all you and INto the Night ever say is that I'm not doing important maintenance BUT NONE OF YOU CAN TELL ME WHAT THAT MAINTENANCE IS THAT I AM MISSING

And since I actually own an EV and you guys don't even have drivers licenses yet I am guessing you got nothing.

Prove me wrong.
Well, you see, the argument DOESN'T stand.
Yes it does. Argument of the Stone fallacy.
Because all you and INto the Night ever say is that I'm not doing important maintenance BUT NONE OF YOU CAN TELL ME WHAT THAT MAINTENANCE IS THAT I AM MISSING
RQAA. It has already been described to you.
And since I actually own an EV and you guys don't even have drivers licenses yet I am guessing you got nothing.
Omniscience fallacy. You don't know what documents and licenses I carry.
Prove me wrong.
Attempted force of void proof fallacy.
Well, you see, the argument DOESN'T stand.
My arguments DO stand. You bragged about spending "only" $35K for your EV, assuming that I must have spent that much for an ICE vehicle... Meanwhile, I actually spent only $26K for my TWO ICE vehicles. I wonder if my insurance rate for my TWO ICE vehicles is also less than your insurance rate for your ONE EV...

You (and everyone else who subsidizes your panels) paid tens of thousands of dollars for your solar panels, but I invested that money instead. Meanwhile, a $20,000 investment in a bank CD, at current rates, yields enough interest (after taxes) to cover the majority of my monthly electric bill.
Because all you and INto the Night ever say is that I'm not doing important maintenance BUT NONE OF YOU CAN TELL ME WHAT THAT MAINTENANCE IS THAT I AM MISSING
You've already been told this in the past.
And since I actually own an EV
I own two ICE vehicles for $10K less than your EV cost you.
and you guys don't even have drivers licenses yet
You can't insult your way out of the truth.
I am guessing you got nothing.
Believe whatever you will.
Prove me wrong.
I'm not going to share any personal info over JPP. Additionally, the nature of an online discussion forum doesn't allow for this.
My arguments DO stand. You bragged about spending "only" $35K for your EV, assuming that I must have spent that much for an ICE vehicle... Meanwhile, I actually spent only $26K for my TWO ICE vehicles.

It's not my thing to drive around a piece of shit.

I wonder if my insurance rate for my TWO ICE vehicles is also less than your insurance rate for your ONE EV...

Not if you were buying new. In fact you'd probably pay even more.

You've already been told this in the past.

That is a lie. Of course I haven't. Because you guys don't know. LOL.

I own two ICE vehicles for $10K less than your EV cost you.

Sorry, not drivin' a used Yugo around.

I'm not going to share any personal info over JPP. Additionally, the nature of an online discussion forum doesn't allow for this.

Geez you are dumb. I'm not asking for personal information you moron. I'm just asking you and your socks to tell me what maintenance I'm missing on my EV.

You are playing a game.

Your game is for dipshits.
It's not my thing to drive around a piece of shit.
What exactly makes my vehicles "pieces of shit"? Care to elaborate?

In fact, my town car (that is still shy of 65k miles on it btw), that I purchased for $8k, was a roughly $45k vehicle back in the late 2000s. Hardly a "piece of shit". In fact, I'm currently riding in luxury! :) I regularly get compliments from people about how nice they think my car is, including while sitting in traffic with my windows rolled down, (and I've even received some offers to purchase it, including sitting in traffic with my windows rolled down) ... So yup, I'm driving around "a total piece of shit" :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
Not if you were buying new. In fact you'd probably pay even more.
A blatant lie.
That is a lie. Of course I haven't. Because you guys don't know. LOL.
Another blatant lie. You've already been told countless times.
Sorry, not drivin' a used Yugo around.
A Town Car is not a Yugo... a RAV4 is not a Yugo.

You seem rather worked up that I was able to purchase TWO vehicles for $10k less than you purchased ONE vehicle... and I could sell off my Town Car A LOT easier than you could sell off your EV...
Geez you are dumb. I'm not asking for personal information you moron.
You asked for proof. Proof would require providing personal information. Geez you are dumb. What a moron you are.......
I'm just asking you and your socks to tell me what maintenance I'm missing on my EV.
I've already told you. So have others.
It's not my thing to drive around a piece of shit.

Not if you were buying new. In fact you'd probably pay even more.

That is a lie. Of course I haven't. Because you guys don't know. LOL.

Sorry, not drivin' a used Yugo around.

Geez you are dumb. I'm not asking for personal information you moron. I'm just asking you and your socks to tell me what maintenance I'm missing on my EV.

You are playing a game.

Your game is for dipshits.
You have to get your muffler replaced. You need your transmission serviced or replaced. You need your air filters and oil changed regularly.
Oh wait, you don't. That is ICE problems.