Reality check on electric cars

Joey wet panties, I don't hate EV's and I am happy you are happy. I am just around to point out they are not the end all be all. This long thread will help refresh your memory of the system's flaws.

Seriously you don't expect anyone to believe that bullshit do you? ALL YOU DO every day day in day out is post stupid memes showing only the worst stuff about EV's.

Then you have the balls to post a story about someone who DIDN'T PAY ATTENTION WHEN CHARGING WAS EXPLAINED TO THEM (AND YES IT WAS...every EV I've EVER owned has come with a lot of discussion about charging). As if someone who was stupid and didn't get their oil changed on their ICE vehicle means ICE vehicles are bad.

Give me a break.

You fuckin' hate EV's. If you didn't you wouldn't have amassed 200+ pages of this shit posting!!!!!
Seriously you don't expect anyone to believe that bullshit do you? ALL YOU DO every day day in day out is post stupid memes showing only the worst stuff about EV's.

Then you have the balls to post a story about someone who DIDN'T PAY ATTENTION WHEN CHARGING WAS EXPLAINED TO THEM (AND YES IT WAS...every EV I've EVER owned has come with a lot of discussion about charging). As if someone who was stupid and didn't get their oil changed on their ICE vehicle means ICE vehicles are bad.

Give me a break.

You fuckin' hate EV's. If you didn't you wouldn't have amassed 200+ pages of this shit posting!!!!!
Sorry, I triggered you Joey. Go plug in your golf car.
REALITY CHECK: At a neighborhood BBQ I was talking to a neighbor, a BC Hydro Executive. I asked him how that renewable thing was doing. He laughed, then got serious "If you really intend to adopt electric vehicles, you have to face certain realities."

"For example, a home charging system for a Tesla requires 75 amp service. The average house is equipped with 100 amp service. On our small street (approximately 25 homes), the electrical infrastructure would be unable to carry more than three houses with a single Tesla each. For even half the homes to have electric vehicles, the system would be wildly over-loaded. This is the elephant in the room with electric vehicles. Our residential infrastructure cannot bear the load."

So, as our genius elected officials promote this nonsense, not only are we being urged to buy these things and replace our reliable, cheap generating systems with expensive new windmills and solar cells, but we will also have to renovate our entire delivery system! This later "investment" will not be revealed until we're so far down this deadend road that it will be presented with an 'OOPS...!' and a shrug.

Eric test drove the Chevy Volt at the invitation of General Motors and he writes, "For four days in a row, the fully charged battery lasted only 25 miles before the Volt switched to the reserve gasoline engine." Eric calculated the car got 30 mpg including the 25 miles it ran on the battery. So, the range including the 9-gallon gas tank and the 16 kwh battery is approximately 270 miles.

It will take you 4.5 hours to drive 270 miles at 60 mph. Then add 10 hours to charge the battery and you have a total trip time of 14.5 hours. In a typical road trip, your average speed (including charging time) would be 20 mph.

According to General Motors, the Volt battery holds 16 kwh of electricity. It takes a full 10 hours to charge a drained battery. The cost for the electricity to charge the Volt is never mentioned, so I looked up what I pay for electricity.

I pay approximately (it varies with amount used and the seasons) $1.16 per kwh. 16 kwh x $1.16 per kwh = $18.56 to charge the battery. $18.56 per charge divided by 25 miles = $0.74 per mile to operate the Volt using the battery. Compare this to a similar size car with a gasoline engine that gets only 32 mpg. $3.19 per gallon divided by 32 Mpg = $0.10 per mile.

The gasoline powered car costs about $25,000 while the Volt costs $46,000 plus. So, the Government wants us to pay twice as much for a car, that costs more than seven times as much to run and takes three times longer to drive across the country.


I'm new to this forum and this is a test post, please delete.
Personally I charge my EV on my solar at home.
BUT I have to note that even if you charge from a standard charger you are STILL driving a more efficient vehicle.
This is a blatant lie.
It does a better job of converting that fuel into usable energy than an ICE vehicle.
This is ANOTHER blatant lie.
So, no, no you are not.
Yes, it IS essentially a giant game of 'make believe'.
But it's not like any of YOU fuckwits give a flying fuck about anything to do with the earth.
You can't insult your way out of the truth that "climate crisis" is a scam.
It's all there for YOU to suck up.
Nonsensical statement.
Now I know you don't know the first FUCKIN' thing about EV's
You cannot cuss and bully your way out of the truth that even mostly, let alone fully, charging an EV via a standard electrical outlet takes DAYS to do.
but charging off a 110V outlet will take a long time.
Indeed it will.
Not many people charge from a 110.
Irrelevant. THIS person does, apparently.
Just sayin', your cartoon view of a topic you don't even come CLOSE to understanding doesn't serve you well.
There's no cartoon here. It's real life, dude. Once a first time EV buyer learns just how limiting EVs are, he/she switches back to an ICE vehicle.
You cannot cuss and bully your way out of the truth that even mostly, let alone fully, charging an EV via a standard electrical outlet takes DAYS to do.

Indeed it will.

Irrelevant. THIS person does, apparently.

There's no cartoon here. It's real life, dude. Once a first time EV buyer learns just how limiting EVs are, he/she switches back to an ICE vehicle.

C'mon. If some dipshit bought a brand new Mustang and then drove it around for a year without changing the oil and it messed up the engine would you say that is the fault of the Mustang? Or the fault of the owner.

As I said every single EV I've owned I was told extensively about charging and how slow a 110V charge is etc.

Maybe... maybe not... but I wouldn't brag about EVs when acceleration is pretty much the only thing they have going for them.

Oh did I mention I've driven for about 4 years now effectively for free? I charge on my solar and I have very little maintenance cost.

Saving money is good. Unless you're a patriot like yourself at which point giving money to the oil companies is good.

Tell you what: I'll enjoy the FUCK outta my EV and all that extra CASH i have now, and you enjoy whining about gas prices.
C'mon. If some dipshit bought a brand new Mustang and then drove it around for a year without changing the oil and it messed up the engine would you say that is the fault of the Mustang? Or the fault of the owner.

As I said every single EV I've owned I was told extensively about charging and how slow a 110V charge is etc.

Charging is so simple. Even Trump could do it.
The slow charging is not a problem because it charges at night when you are sleeping. Plug the fat end into the car, the other end into the electrical plug.
Charging is so simple. Even Trump could do it.
The slow charging is not a problem because it charges at night when you are sleeping. Plug the fat end into the car, the other end into the electrical plug.

We normally charge overnight but we have 220V drop in our garage. On one trip we had an emergency and tried to charge it on a 110V but even overnight it was still taking for.ever.

There's actually a lot to be said about the charging of EV's. It is one of the key deficits of the technology. But it's so easy to deal with in most cases that it hardly makes the whole enterprise a bust.

I'm not gonna lie. I do have range anxiety even with 300 miles on a full charge. It's a concern. I know that the technology is advancing, new battery technologies are being explored, increased infrastructure with fast charging is still ongoing etc. This is really just the BEGINNING of the journey. And to see people on here blasting it with what appears to be the hope of stopping it all is just weird from an American perspective. We are supposed to be the folks who fix problems, not just live with the same old shit we always had. We are supposed to be moving FORWARD.
C'mon. If some dipshit bought a brand new Mustang and then drove it around for a year without changing the oil and it messed up the engine would you say that is the fault of the Mustang? Or the fault of the owner.
Apples and oranges. Fueling an EV via a standard electrical outlet is NOT improper maintenance.
As I said every single EV I've owned I was told extensively about charging and how slow a 110V charge is etc.
Okay. So?
This story says that charging an EV via a standard electrical outlet takes a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time.
Oh did I mention I've driven for about 4 years now effectively for free?
You've mentioned it before, and it's still just as much of a blatant lie now as it was the previous times that you've mentioned it.

For starters, your EV itself costed money to purchase. Then there's fuel costs as well as other general maintenance costs for anyone who wishes to properly maintain their EV (but you've admitted that you don't maintain your EV) as well as insurance costs (unless you illegally drive on public roads without insurance).

Unless someone else pays all of your expenses FOR you, you haven't driven around an EV for four years "effectively for free".
I charge on my solar
... which costed you boat loads of money to purchase, unless someone else purchased it FOR you.
and I have very little maintenance cost.
First, you said you had NO maintenance cost... now you claim "very little"...
Saving money is good.
That it is. You never know when an emergency might arise.
Unless you're a patriot like yourself at which point giving money to the oil companies is good.
It IS good! It means that oil companies (and any other businesses that depend upon oil and oil related products) stay in business.
Tell you what: I'll enjoy the FUCK outta my EV
You go do that.
and all that extra CASH i have now,
A blatant lie.
and you enjoy whining about gas prices.
It's not just gas prices, dude.........
You've mentioned it before, and it's still just as much of a blatant lie now as it was the previous times that you've mentioned it.

Ah ahahahahaha. The last ditch effort. Just scream "LIE" when you don't know anything.

For starters, your EV itself costed money to purchase.

Yes, Trog, it DID "costed" something. LOL. About as much as your ICE vehicle. Mid 30's.

Then there's fuel costs

I fuel my EV on my solar unit.

as well as other general maintenance costs

Yeah, which I do. Basically have the tires checked and the windshield wiper fluid changed.

Unless someone else pays all of your expenses FOR you, you haven't driven around an EV for four years "effectively for free".

It's more than paid for itself a couple times over. So, yeah, I kinda do.

... which costed you boat loads of money to purchase, unless someone else purchased it FOR you.

"costed"??? Is English NOT your first language?

First, you said you had NO maintenance cost... now you claim "very little"...

I don't believe I ever said "NO maintenance" since that isn't accurate.

It IS good! It means that oil companies (and any other businesses that depend upon oil and oil related products) stay in business.

You mean the most profitable corporations on earth need YOUR money to stay afloat another day? THank GOD they get a lot of tax write offs and subsidies.

A blatant lie.

That's the part that scares you. I'm more well off because of my decisions than you are because of your ignorance. LOL. And it galls you.

It's not just gas prices, dude.........

Yeah, I figured you whined about pretty much everything. Most of you mouthbreathers on the Right do.