Reality check on electric cars

China makes the Polestar. When my son's car was being fixed, he got one as a lease. Volvo has a couple of cars made in China and sells them here. China is entering our market bigly. They are not passing up this market.
It has long been known that the mileage on the window of ICEs and promises in ads never come true. When it says you get 20 MPH, you automatically cut it 25 percent in your mind. Why should you demand 100 percent of what Evs promise?
It has long been known that the mileage on the window of ICEs and promises in ads never come true.
Actually, my ICE vehicles tend to get MORE MPG than the window sticker shows. Meanwhile, EVs have MUUUUCH less "range" than advertised.
When it says you get 20 MPH, you automatically cut it 25 percent in your mind.
Actually, you can add a little bit on that figure if you don't pound the shit out of it. For instance, my 2011 RAV4 is rated at "21 MPG city, 27 MPG highway". I regularly average the highway rating, and have even averaged 30 MPG with more highway driving than city.
Why should you demand 100 percent of what Evs promise?
Because EV dealers should at least be honest about their product. I personally wouldn't be bummed if it wasn't "exaaaaactly 100%", but when it's MUUUUUUUCH less than advertised, like it is with EVs, then I would be livid. I don't enjoy being lied to.

"Profits at the German auto giant Mercedes plunged on Friday as sales of its slick new range of electric vehicles (EVs) went into freefall. Porsche abandoned its sales targets for battery-powered cars amid waning demand from customers. Ford is losing nearly $50,000 (£39,000) on every EV it sells, while Tesla’s profits dropped 45pc. Meanwhile, battery manufacturers such as Germany’s Varta are getting wiped out. Over the last few days, it has become clear that the EV industry is on the brink of collapse. Hundreds of billions of euros, dollars and pounds have been pumped into this industry by political leaders and the subsidy junkies that surround them – and it is surely time they were held to account for the vast quantities of taxpayer cash that has been wasted."

"Profits at the German auto giant Mercedes plunged on Friday as sales of its slick new range of electric vehicles (EVs) went into freefall. Porsche abandoned its sales targets for battery-powered cars amid waning demand from customers. Ford is losing nearly $50,000 (£39,000) on every EV it sells, while Tesla’s profits dropped 45pc. Meanwhile, battery manufacturers such as Germany’s Varta are getting wiped out. Over the last few days, it has become clear that the EV industry is on the brink of collapse. Hundreds of billions of euros, dollars and pounds have been pumped into this industry by political leaders and the subsidy junkies that surround them – and it is surely time they were held to account for the vast quantities of taxpayer cash that has been wasted."
The Ford EVs cost 54 K. How can they be losing 50 K on each one? The profits on new cars do not show at the beginning. They have to recoup their startup costs. That is an enormous layout.
The Ford EVs cost 54 K.
I don't know where you got this number from nor what you think it means.
How can they be losing 50 K on each one?
If you actually understood how a business operates, then you'd understand how such a 'loss' value is possible.
The profits on new cars do not show at the beginning. They have to recoup their startup costs. That is an enormous layout.
"The profits" (on EV sales) won't show up at all if they are losing $___ on each EV.
The Ford EVs cost 54 K. How can they be losing 50 K on each one? The profits on new cars do not show at the beginning. They have to recoup their startup costs. That is an enormous layout.
Ford is losing by their estimation, $100,000 per EV sold. Their ICE vehicle sales and government subsidies are used to make up for that loss.

I don't know where you got this number from nor what you think it means.

If you actually understood how a business operates, then you'd understand how such a 'loss' value is possible.

"The profits" (on EV sales) won't show up at all if they are losing $___ on each EV.
He's not taking into account the cost of producing that $54k car.
He actually thinks it costs ZERO dollars to produce a car! :laugh:
When you start a new car line, you have dumped a billion or so to start it up. You lose money until you have sold enough of them to pay back those costs. If you stop making them ,like they did with the Edsel, you never show profit. EVs will be profitable. They are the cars of the future .
When you start a new car line, you have dumped a billion or so to start it up. You lose money until you have sold enough of them to pay back those costs. If you stop making them ,like they did with the Edsel, you never show profit. EVs will be profitable. They are the cars of the future .
The Edsel was a failure because it used lots of iffy technology in the design that was immature along with poor timing in the economy.
The Edsel was a failure because it used lots of iffy technology in the design that was immature along with poor timing in the economy.
That is not the point. It was expensive for Ford because they never recouped the startup costs. They burned a lot of money making a big car when small cars were the way to go.
The EV is the car of the future. It will make them a ton of money.
That is not the point. It was expensive for Ford because they never recouped the startup costs. They burned a lot of money making a big car when small cars were the way to go.
The EV is the car of the future. It will make them a ton of money.