Reality check on electric cars

When you start a new car line, you have dumped a billion or so to start it up. You lose money until you have sold enough of them to pay back those costs. If you stop making them ,like they did with the Edsel, you never show profit. EVs will be profitable. They are the cars of the future .
Luddite. EVs are older than gasoline cars. It is YOU that wants to stick with the old technology, Sybil.
The EV market is crashing (again).
The Edsel was a failure because it used lots of iffy technology in the design that was immature along with poor timing in the economy.
The technology was like any other car, just poorly built to be cheap. It was also introduced into the market with very poor timimg, as you say. It was also an ugly car (the grillwork particularly).

Ford discontinued the model series shortly after introducing it. The name "Edsel" in the automotive industry has become almost synonymous with "failure" or "giant ugly beast of a car".
That is not the point. It was expensive for Ford because they never recouped the startup costs. They burned a lot of money making a big car when small cars were the way to go.
The EV is the car of the future. It will make them a ton of money.
Ford is getting out of EVs. They lose too much money on them. I already told you this, Sybil.

You are just proving, once again, that the Left has no sense of humor...
That is impossible. he all know the right has none. The conspiracy nuts and haters are not laughers.
You ICE idiots would have enjoyed Detroit's Dream Cruise. The first one is down Woodward Ave the 3rd week in August, every year.
There are a couple more, One down Telegraph and one on Hines Drive.

Personally I charge my EV on my solar at home. BUT I have to note that even if you charge from a standard charger you are STILL driving a more efficient vehicle. It does a better job of converting that fuel into usable energy than an ICE vehicle.

So, no, no you are not.

But it's not like any of YOU fuckwits give a flying fuck about anything to do with the earth. It's all there for YOU to suck up.
Now I know you don't know the first FUCKIN' thing about EV's but charging off a 110V outlet will take a long time. Not many people charge from a 110.

Just sayin', your cartoon view of a topic you don't even come CLOSE to understanding doesn't serve you well.
I understand the concept and operation of EV's quite well. People who buy from a dealer or private party should have the charging options explained to them at time of purcthase.
Chances of me owning one, near zero.
Personally I charge my EV on my solar at home. BUT I have to note that even if you charge from a standard charger you are STILL driving a more efficient vehicle. It does a better job of converting that fuel into usable energy than an ICE vehicle.

So, no, no you are not.

But it's not like any of YOU fuckwits give a flying fuck about anything to do with the earth. It's all there for YOU to suck up.
I am happy for you.
I understand the concept and operation of EV's quite well. People who buy from a dealer or private party should have the charging options explained to them at time of purcthase.
Chances of me owning one, near zero.

OBVIOUSLY the chances of you owning an EV is near zero. You've made it ABUNDANTLY clear you are obsessed with letting everyone know how much you DESPISE them. Good for you.

Charging IS usually explained to people at time of purchase (you'd know that if you knew anything about EV's).
OBVIOUSLY the chances of you owning an EV is near zero. You've made it ABUNDANTLY clear you are obsessed with letting everyone know how much you DESPISE them. Good for you.

Charging IS usually explained to people at time of purchase (you'd know that if you knew anything about EV's).
Well, clearly the KIA lady got no such instruction.
Well, clearly the KIA lady got no such instruction.

Or she didn't recall it.

Even if it was that rare occasion where someone wasn't told something, how does that make the entire enterprise null and void?

I KNOW you hate EV's and all you seem to do is trawl the internet to find silly things you can post to show how much you hate EV's. Good. Don't buy one.
Or she didn't recall it.

Even if it was that rare occasion where someone wasn't told something, how does that make the entire enterprise null and void?

I KNOW you hate EV's and all you seem to do is trawl the internet to find silly things you can post to show how much you hate EV's. Good. Don't buy one.
Joey wet panties, I don't hate EV's and I am happy you are happy. I am just around to point out they are not the end all be all. This long thread will help refresh your memory of the system's flaws.

St. Paul on the hook for $1.8 million electric fire truck after federal funding fell through

Minnesota’s first electric fire truck is expected to be ready for its first run in St. Paul next month, a shining $1.8 million rig that city leaders herald as a symbol of their efforts to protect the environment and workers’ health.

“We’re excited to be the first in the state to invest in this state-of-the-art fire truck,” Mayor Melvin Carter said when announcing the purchase in March 2023. “It brings us all the critical green energy benefits of an electric vehicle while meeting the high safety and efficiency standards we have for all our fire equipment.”

When Carter and Fire Chief Butch Inks announced the purchase, the city planned to apply for federal funding to cover the entire cost of the truck.

The cost of the electric fire truck was roughly twice that of a traditional diesel truck — not including the $48,000 for an additional charging station — although a sales agent for manufacturer Rosenbauer says rising costs for diesel trucks have narrowed the gap slightly with electric rigs.