Reality check on electric cars

Tu quoque fallacy. There was a fire at a Rivian factory in a lot where 50 to 60 vehicles were parked. The cause was likely a battery fire (it is still under investigation), and that fire was intense enough to set every other vehicle in the lot on fire by progression. A single ICE vehicle fire is unlikely to end up burning down an entire lot of ICE vehicles.
Of course, an ICE fire can spread. Garages have burned down for generations. You are making shit up again.
Of course, an ICE fire can spread. Garages have burned down for generations. You are making shit up again.
ICE vehicle fires don't burn with anywhere near the intensity and heat levels of a lithium battery fire. Nor do they detonate, contrary to what Hollyweird would have you believe.

Gasoline fires are also relatively easy to extinguish.

In either case, a vehicle parked in a garage is likely to see the fire spread and burn it down so your point there is irrelevant as that is a situational issue not the issue of the vehicle itself catching fire.
Apart from windshield wiper fluid, tires and brakes; what are my "simple maintenance" tasks?
You've already been told. You've already admitted to doing virtually no maintenance on your EVs and solar panels.
Genuinely curious.
I know you won't answer because you don't know,
Your inquiry has already been addressed.
but I'm curious if you will continue playing this silly game.
The only person "playing games" here is you.
You're fascinating. A stew of sub-literate semi-thought coupled with homophobia and I'm guessing some racism.

Have you ever actually tried using WORDS to discuss a point? Or is that too difficult for you?

Genuinely curious how you function in real life. You don't seem very sharp so I'm guessing it is a struggle.
You seem obsessed that your golf car is the only way to go. As you can plainly see, many others think otherwise. Calm down, your opinion is not always the correct one for the entire population. Now, drive on to the next tee.
You seem obsessed that your golf car is the only way to go.

I can see why you think that. It's because you aren't very bright. I never said. Not once. I do love my EV. There are limitations. I see it as the future, but I also see a role for ICE engines.

But you can't be expected to understand a subtle nuanced position since you debate like a child with pictures.

As you can plainly see, many others think otherwise. Calm down, your opinion is not always the correct one for the entire population.

Ironically your aren't EVER correct. Hmmmmmm.
Apart from windshield wiper fluid, tires and brakes; what are my "simple maintenance" tasks?

Genuinely curious. I know you won't answer because you don't know, but I'm curious if you will continue playing this silly game.
Lubrication. Coolant checks and possible repair or replacement. Oil checks and possible repair or replacement. And of course dealing with all the recalls due to software problems.

I already know you don't maintain your car.
I can see why you think that. It's because you aren't very bright. I never said. Not once. I do love my EV. There are limitations. I see it as the future, but I also see a role for ICE engines.
EVs are older than gasoline engines in vehicles. EVs are the past, not the future. The EV market has already collapsed again, and for a reason.
But you can't be expected to understand a subtle nuanced position since you debate like a child with pictures.

Ironically your aren't EVER correct. Hmmmmmm.
Ford and Toyota have gotten out of EVs. They are losing money on them. They are the two biggest manufacturers of cars on the planet.
OMG, please, please, please buy an EV and "change the motor oil". I'm BEGGING you.

You are hilarious. Thank you SO MUCH for the afternoon laughs.
Your pride (in this case, about not maintaining any lubricants in your EV) is your downfall. There is more to maintaining lubricants than only "changing engine oil every x,000 miles". EV's still have lubricants to maintain.