Reality check on electric cars

Who pays for and maintains all these solar panels? How much land do you need to put enough panels down to power your home, garage and car, plus contribute to the grid?

People put them on their roofs. They need occasional washing. They have a storage unit that will provide excess energy to the grid.
People put them on their roofs. They need occasional washing. They have a storage unit that will provide excess energy to the grid.

Yes, but how much power do small panels produce? It ain't sunny every day. How do you get to them to wash them?
Homes with solar panels wind up providing excess electricity to the main grid. Those homes have their cars charged by the sun. that is the future.

You can't take your solar panels with you when you travel.

Solar power is piddle power. It is the most expensive way to generate power, watt for watt. It generates NO power at night. If you are using the capacity of your solar panels to charge cars, there is no excess electricity.
Who pays for and maintains all these solar panels? How much land do you need to put enough panels down to power your home, garage and car, plus contribute to the grid?

His idea of maintenance will definitely shorten the life of the panels too.

Solar panels cannot be walked on. You can't clean them effectively. Blowing dust damages them. Critters such as bugs and other pests damage them. Snow coverage damages them. Falling debris like tree branches, even small ones, damages them. Hail damages them.

Both Li-ion batteries and solar panels have limited lifespans.

Solar energy is the most expensive method of generating electricity, watt for watt. It is piddle power.
I understand you guys arent smart enough or educated enough to understand how pointless a one off is. Its like saying ICE cars are useless because you cant use them in the back woods. What I understand a pus brain like yours is useless.

You can use ICE cars in the back woods.
Spray hose and the wind. Lots of homes use solar panels. They do not live in the dark when it is cloudy. They store electricity.

Solar panels do NOT store electricity. You need a ballasting system, such as batteries, for that.

Wind brings dust. That damages solar panels. High winds can rip the things right off the roof, or send tree debris crashing down on them, destroying them.

A sheet of plywood or two and some roofing materials are a hell of a lot cheaper than a new solar panel array!
Solar panels do NOT store electricity. You need a ballasting system, such as batteries, for that.

Wind brings dust. That damages solar panels. High winds can rip the things right off the roof, or send tree debris crashing down on them, destroying them.

No shit. Dust is wiped off every few months. I did not say panels store. Storage is part of the system.