Reality check on electric cars

My son just bought a Jaguar I-Pace, mainly for his wife's 80 mile round trip commute. Range is 250 miles, recharges from 0 to 100% at 42 amps in 12 hours. Gotta have a second car for trips.
My son just bought a Jaguar I-Pace, mainly for his wife's 80 mile round trip commute. Range is 250 miles, recharges from 0 to 100% at 42 amps in 12 hours. Gotta have a second car for trips.

if your trips are infrequent they have these things called rentals
Gotta have a second car for trips.

He'll need it.

Unfortunately, the "Infrastructure Bill contains a new DEMOCRAT program:

Infrastructure Package Includes Vehicle Mileage Tax Program

What is a vehicle mileage tax? A vehicle mileage tax, or vehicle miles traveled fee, would charge drivers a fee based on how many miles they drive. Simply put, if you drive a vehicle, you would pay money to the government for every mile you drive. The time period can vary, but is typically a vehicle miles travel fee is measured in a one year period.

According to the infrastructure package, the goal of the vehicle miles travel fee is “to test the feasibility of a road usage fee.” Another goal, according to the infrastructure bill, is “to conduct public education and outreach to increase public awareness regarding the need for user-based alternative revenue mechanisms for surface transportation programs.”
if your trips are infrequent they have these things called rentals

Rental Car Shortage Expected to Last Into 2022, Worsen for Holidays

A year ago, renting a car cost an average of $45 per day, according to a study by the travel booking site At the peak of this summer’s travel season, it cost $120 per day.

A worldwide shortage of microchips is behind the surge in rental car prices.

Most new cars contain more than 100 of the tiny processors. They are critical to dozens of systems in modern cars, from navigation to tire pressure monitoring. With automakers unable to buy as many chips as they need, they’ve been forced to cut back production.

The chips they do have are going to produce the fully equipped cars, trucks, and SUVs that bring them the highest profit margin. That leaves just a trickle of the bare-bones economy cars that rental car companies buy by the thousands.

But rental car companies need more cars.
He'll need it.

Unfortunately, the "Infrastructure Bill contains a new tax based on the number of miles driven.

Infrastructure Package Includes Vehicle Mileage Tax Program

What is a vehicle mileage tax? A vehicle mileage tax, or vehicle miles traveled fee, would charge drivers a fee based on how many miles they drive. Simply put, if you drive a vehicle, you would pay money to the government for every mile you drive. The time period can vary, but is typically a vehicle miles travel fee is measured in a one year period.

According to the infrastructure package, the goal of the vehicle miles travel fee is “to test the feasibility of a road usage fee.” Another goal, according to the infrastructure bill, is “to conduct public education and outreach to increase public awareness regarding the need for user-based alternative revenue mechanisms for surface transportation programs.”

We already have this- called a gas tax. At least this scheme will take the electrics as well.
He'll need it.

Unfortunately, the "Infrastructure Bill contains a new DEMOCRAT program:

Infrastructure Package Includes Vehicle Mileage Tax Program

What is a vehicle mileage tax? A vehicle mileage tax, or vehicle miles traveled fee, would charge drivers a fee based on how many miles they drive. Simply put, if you drive a vehicle, you would pay money to the government for every mile you drive. The time period can vary, but is typically a vehicle miles travel fee is measured in a one year period.

According to the infrastructure package, the goal of the vehicle miles travel fee is “to test the feasibility of a road usage fee.” Another goal, according to the infrastructure bill, is “to conduct public education and outreach to increase public awareness regarding the need for user-based alternative revenue mechanisms for surface transportation programs.”

Which is double taxation.
Rental Car Shortage Expected to Last Into 2022, Worsen for Holidays

A year ago, renting a car cost an average of $45 per day, according to a study by the travel booking site At the peak of this summer’s travel season, it cost $120 per day.

A worldwide shortage of microchips is behind the surge in rental car prices.

Most new cars contain more than 100 of the tiny processors. They are critical to dozens of systems in modern cars, from navigation to tire pressure monitoring. With automakers unable to buy as many chips as they need, they’ve been forced to cut back production.

The chips they do have are going to produce the fully equipped cars, trucks, and SUVs that bring them the highest profit margin. That leaves just a trickle of the bare-bones economy cars that rental car companies buy by the thousands.

But rental car companies need more cars.

A good point. The shortage of microchips isn't worldwide, it is a direct result of not being able to move product from Asia to America due to ports being closed, truckers on strike, container ships, being stacked up for weeks and weeks, and theft of container contents by the homeless.
The shortage of microchips isn't worldwide, it is a direct result of not being able to move product from Asia to America due to ports being closed, truckers on strike, container ships, being stacked up for weeks and weeks.

America's Ports Need More Robots, but the $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill Won't Fund Automation

The one thing that would most help increase efficiency at America's lagging ports is also the one thing that Biden's union allies dislike the most.

A lack of robots is one of the single biggest problems among the many logistical issues currently tangling America's supply chains.

At most major ports around the world, the cranes that unload shipping containers from boats to trucks are largely automated. That means they can operate around the clock at lower cost.

Cranes at the mostly automated port in Rotterdam, Netherlands, are roughly 80 percent more efficient than cranes at the Port of Oakland, California, where humans still man the controls. In other words, it takes nearly twice as long to unload the same ship in Oakland as it would in Rotterdam.

Congress has just passed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure spending bill—one that includes $17 billion for port infrastructure. Of that $17 billion, about $2.6 billion is specifically earmarked for defraying the cost of reducing air pollution at America's ports.

Buried on page 308 of the 1,600-plus page bill: "The term 'zero-emission port equipment or technology' means human-operated equipment or human-maintained technology."

Yes, the subsidies doled out as part of Biden's infrastructure deal are expressly forbidden from being used to automate operations at American ports. Instead, taxpayers will spend billions to upgrade existing cranes with lower-emissions alternatives that won't actually work any faster or cheaper.

Why? Biden's close ties to labor unions probably have something to do with it.

Along with the cost, unions are the biggest reason why American ports don't have more robots. When an automated terminal was introduced at the Port of Los Angeles a few years ago, the politically powerful longshoreman's union that represents dockworkers threw a fit.

But the automated terminals were a hit with truck drivers who work at the port. The Los Angeles Times reported in 2019 that drivers, who are paid by the delivery, were thrilled to have more reliable loading schedules, instead of having to wait around for hours to pick up a container. One truck driver told the paper that automation meant no longer having to "wait hours and hours in long lines" because the dockworkers decided to "leave early to go to lunch and come back late."