Reality check on electric cars


Unfortunately, PoliTalker has you beat in ignore list length. But you've one-upped him in the fact that you're proudly proclaiming the specific users on your ignore list for the forum to see, so GOOD JOB buddy!!! :palm:

I ignore ignore lists.

They're just bent out of shape because they turned their back to me and complain I talk about them behind their back.

Meh. Their problem, not mine.
Brilliant Nordy. Now if I run out with my vehicle I can walk, crawl, or call AAA and have my dilemma fixed in a matter of minutes. Can you walk to a gas station and pick up a gallon of electricity?

Please say you are being a moron on purpose

Unfortunately, PoliTalker has you beat in ignore list length. But you've one-upped him in the fact that you're proudly proclaiming the specific users on your ignore list for the forum to see, so GOOD JOB buddy!!! :palm:

I'm not "proudly proclaiming" it. I just don't want those dumbasses to keep replying to my posts.
I'm not "proudly proclaiming" it. I just don't want those dumbasses to keep replying to my posts.
Unfortunately, you have no control over that and you are just gonna have to deal with it. Any of them can respond to any posts of yours which they feel like responding to, whether or not you have them on ignore. This IS a public forum, after all.
Homes with solar panels wind up providing excess electricity to the main grid. Those homes have their cars charged by the sun. that is the future.
Homes with solar panels wind up providing excess electricity to the main grid. Those homes have their cars charged by the sun. that is the future.

Who pays for and maintains all these solar panels? How much land do you need to put enough panels down to power your home, garage and car, plus contribute to the grid?
You really don't understand, do you? :doh:

I understand you guys arent smart enough or educated enough to understand how pointless a one off is. Its like saying ICE cars are useless because you cant use them in the back woods. What I understand a pus brain like yours is useless.
I understand you guys arent smart enough or educated enough to understand how pointless a one off is. Its like saying ICE cars are useless because you cant use them in the back woods. What I understand a pus brain like yours is useless.

No, no you don't understand. That is sad.