Into the Night
Verified User
Denial of logic. Mockery.fallacy fallacy!
The fallacy fallacy occurs when someone, usually Into the Night, claims another poster is using fallacies in order to make themselves look more intelligent than they actually are.
Nope. The source information is from Tesla.Your claim that a battery requires 10-12 hours to be fully charged is a made up number on your part.
Tesla does not use a AAA battery. Contextomy fallacy.I can charge a lithium AAA battery in under an hour.
Meh.Anyone can do that.
Semantics fallacy. Contextomy fallacy.Charging a batter is dependent on the power you can supply the battery in a given time compared to the total power it needs to reach a full charge.
Contextomy fallacy.Several factors can affect this. But to claim a battery always requires 10-12 hours is a ridiculous made up number on your part.
Contextomy fallacy.Anyone that has ever had a dead car battery knows they don't have to drive around for 10-12 hours to recharge it once they get their car started.
You clearly like to wander off topic.You clearly don't understand the real world let alone science.
A fallacy is not magic. Redefinition fallacy.It's all some magic made up fallacy to you.
Try to stay on topic.