Reality check on electric cars

What I was getting at is that it takes more energy to push a heavier car down the road at a given speed (assuming atmospheric drag is equal) than it does for a lighter car.
Agreed. That's why I gave you the numbers.
My little Lotus Europa weighs 1500 lbs. with someone sitting in it and a full tank of gas. If I don't get my foot into it that car gets close to 40 mpg because of its low weight and good aerodynamic profiling.

The reason the Tesla weighs more is it's toting a 1200 lbs. + of battery that ICE cars don't have.
Agreed. It shows in the numbers.
A tank of gas weighs a fraction of that
A typical 12 gallon tank will hold 72 lbs of gasoline.
and the engine and transmission aren't much heavier than the electric drive train on a Tesla.
The Tesla doesn't really have a 'drivetrain'. It uses a single motor to drive the rear wheels. All wheel drive is optional, using two motors. Each motor is about 70lbs.
As an example, a Subaru Impreza engine weighs in at 262lbs. The transmission weighs 235lbs. The combined weight is 497 lbs. Despite this, the Tesla Model 3 weighs considerably more because of it's batteries.
Sources: Tesla Corp and Subaru Motor Co.
Thus, the Tesla ends up much heavier.
Yes it does. I showed just how much heavier, despite its lighter drive system.

I chose the Subaru Impreza as a comparable car in size to the Tesla Model 3.

Yes, the Europa is lighter still.
Coal and Gas are renewable only if you are willing to wait a few million years.

It is not known if coal is renewable. Indications are that it is. There does seem to be plenty of it.

Natural gas is quite renewable. It does not take a million years. Just a few hours is all. Less, if you eat a lot of beans. :D

Natural gas can be found in swamps, landfills, compost piles, you, cows, or it can be easily synthesized from hydrogen and carbon dioxide in a matter of minutes.
Oil too can be synthesized pretty quickly from the same materials. Just use high heat, high pressure, and an iron catalyst. See the Fischer-Tropsche process. The Germans actually used this process to manufacture fuel for their tanks because we were trying to strangle their fuel supply.

These conditions occur naturally underground. The Earth itself is a giant Fischer-Tropsche reactor. No matter where you drill, you WILL eventually find oil and natural gas.

Oil and natural gas come closest to the surface at the edges of tectonic plates, particularly where spreading action is taking place. Since drilling costs by foot, it is most profitable to drill at these locations. This is why the oil fields are located where they are.

You can also pump a well dry, cap it, and it will be full again in just a short while. This practice is fairly common in older wells, such as in Texas.

Oil is a renewable resource. Natural gas is a renewable resource. Neither comes from fossils. Neither fuel is a fossil. Fossils don't burn.
Coal is not a fossil either. It is carbon...a chemical element.
Manufactured quote? ROFLMAO. So why did Jim Eagle go back and edit his post to change "day" to "night" if I manufactured his quote?
The Sun doesn't shine at night, bonehead.
Lovely use of the fallacy fallacy on your part. The fallacy fallacy occurs when a poster, almost always Into the Night claims another poster has used a fallacy without explaining how the fallacy occurs. This is done to make the poster, almost always Into the Night, because they think it will fool others into thinking they are smarter than they actually are.
Redefinition fallacy. Mockery. Denial of logic.
Why dont you stfu you pin head by they way have you got over your mental break down where you wanted to suck cocks any cock. Lol I had to deal with a saudi kid that did the same think all strung out on dope . I baker acted him .

LOL, you are clearly om meth. Try this again but wait till you are sober.
LOL, you are clearly om meth. Try this again but wait till you are sober.

It was funny as hell katgzar watching you melt down and wanting to suck any cock . o dam that was funny as hell.
I hope some one brands fuck joe Biden on your fore head both sides of your narrow ass and the. Back of your head.
Man I just wish I could be there to piss on you after each branding.Dam that would be fun. Well Im am going to go and listen to some monster magnet .
It was funny as hell katgzar watching you melt down and wanting to suck any cock . o dam that was funny as hell.
I hope some one brands fuck joe Biden on your fore head both sides of your narrow ass and the. Back of your head.
Man I just wish I could be there to piss on you after each branding.Dam that would be fun. Well Im am going to go and listen to some monster magnet .

LOL, you dont know where you are do you?
The Sun doesn't shine at night, bonehead.
The sun never stops radiating energy. It is still shining. It's just that the Earth rotates so one side is no longer facing the sun. And you called me a bonehead? That plus the fact that Jim Eagle claimed it was impossible to charge batteries during the DAY. He then went back and edited DAY to NIGHT. I quoted his original post. You are denying facts, bonehead.

Redefinition fallacy. Mockery. Denial of logic.
Fallacy fallacy. The fallacy fallacy occurs when a poster, almost always Into the Night claims another poster has used a fallacy without explaining how the fallacy occurs. This is done to make the poster, almost always Into the Night, because they think it will fool others into thinking they are smarter than they actually are.
Biogas isn't exactly the same thing as fossil fuel pumped out of the ground. But I would be fine if you can get enough algae to replace the current fossil fuels.

Fossils aren't used as fuel. Fossils don't burn.
It's easier just to get oil by drilling for it. Natural gas can be obtained from oil wells, landfills, swamps, etc.