Reality check on electric cars

Since we have the typo fixed, do you have any comment on the actual issue being discussed?

It only took 24 hours for you to admit your error even though you changed the error within 3 hours.

Now. Let's discuss the issue. Wind energy is the most abundant renewable at the moment and probably will be for the foreseeable future. The wind doesn't stop blowing when the sun goes down. In fact the wind is usually stronger after the sun goes down. Charging vehicles don't care if they are using wind or solar energy. During the summer, the sun comes up at 5 and goes down at 8. Most people don't work 15 hour days so your argument is ridiculous for much of the year. Equinox is when the sun is up for 12 hours. So for 6 months of the year the sun is up for 12 hours or more. Most people drive for less than 50 miles for their commute. As ItN has told us it takes 10-12 hours to get 300 miles of driving. That means that 50 hours of driving will take about 2 hours of charging. That means for half the year, most people will have 2 or more hours of charging time with the sun up. So your argument was idiotic even if you hadn't made the error of confusing day with night.
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The sun never stops radiating energy. It is still shining.
Not on the night side of the planet, bonehead.
It's just that the Earth rotates so one side is no longer facing the sun. And you called me a bonehead?
Yes bonehead. You are making a semantics fallacy.
That plus the fact that Jim Eagle claimed it was impossible to charge batteries during the DAY.
He then went back and edited DAY to NIGHT.
He never did, bonehead. You are making shit up to cover up your lying via manufactured quote.
I quoted his original post. You are denying facts, bonehead.
...deleted mockery, redefinition fallacy, and denial of logic.
Learn what 'fact' means, bonehead. Learn English.
It is chemically. An octane molecule is an octane molecule. Doesn't matter how you create it.

Nope. Biogas is primarily methane, not octane. It's natural gas. However, your basic premise is correct. Methane is methane. It is the same as any other methane in all respects, not just chemically.

Gasoline primarily consists of septanes and octanes.
It only took 24 hours for you to admit your error even though you changed the error within 3 hours.
Fixation. Semantics fallacy.
Now. Let's discuss the issue. Wind energy is the most abundant renewable at the moment and probably will be for the foreseeable future.
No. Wind is piddle power. It is the 2nd most expensive method of producing power, watt for watt.
The wind doesn't stop blowing when the sun goes down.
But it does stop blowing. It can also blow too hard. Wind turbines can only operate in a limited range of wind. Further, they are subject to icing conditions and must be shut down. A governor failure causes a catastrophic failure of the machine.
In fact the wind is usually stronger after the sun goes down.
What about when the wind weakens after the sun goes down? Non-sequitur fallacy.
Charging vehicles don't care if they are using wind or solar energy.
Not enough energy. Expensive energy.
During the summer, the sun comes up at 5 and goes down at 8. Most people don't work 15 hour days so your argument is ridiculous for much of the year.
Depends on where you are and what day of the year it is, dumbass.
Solstice is when the sun is up for 12 hours.
Nope. That's equinox.
So for 6 months of the year the sun is up for 12 hours or more.
What about the other 6 months of the year when the Sun isn't up for 12 hours?
Most people drive for less than 50 miles for their commute.
Argument from randU fallacy. You are making shit up again.
As ItN has told us it takes 10-12 hours to get 300 miles of driving. That means that 50 hours of driving will take about 2 hours of charging. That means for half the year, most people will have 2 or more hours of charging time with the sun up.
Argument from randU fallacy. Calculation involving random numbers only produces random results.
So your argument was idiotic even if you hadn't made the error of confusing day with night.

Semantics fallacy. Assumption of victory fallacy. Attempted proof by data manufacture (a type of circular argument fallacy, or fundamentalism).
Not on the night side of the planet, bonehead.
Thanks for proving that there will be no eclipse tonight. If the sun stops shining when it's night then there can be no light for the earth to block and no light for the moon to reflect hence the Earth can't block the light.

Yes bonehead. You are making a semantics fallacy.
Gosh. You would never do something like that and claim that a fossil fuel isn't a fossil. Does this make your statement an inverse fallacy? Or should we just consider it a fallacy fallacy which you constantly resort to because you think it will make others think you are smarter than you really are.

He never did, bonehead. You are making shit up to cover up your lying via manufactured quote.
If he never did it then why did he just admit he did it? Am I some kind of evil puppet master that made him admit to something you claim he didn't do?

Learn what 'fact' means, bonehead. Learn English.
I have learned English. I know the difference between an adjective and a noun and would never confuse the two unlike you with your claim that a fossil fuel is not a fossil. When are you going to learn English? I know the difference between a fact and a 'fact' since you usually use 'facts' and not facts.
Nope. Biogas is primarily methane, not octane. It's natural gas. However, your basic premise is correct. Methane is methane. It is the same as any other methane in all respects, not just chemically.

Gasoline primarily consists of septanes and octanes.

Methane can be formed chemically into longer chain hydrocarbons. That's organic chemistry 101.
It only took 24 hours for you to admit your error even though you changed the error within 3 hours.

Now. Let's discuss the issue. Wind energy is the most abundant renewable at the moment and probably will be for the foreseeable future. The wind doesn't stop blowing when the sun goes down. In fact the wind is usually stronger after the sun goes down. Charging vehicles don't care if they are using wind or solar energy. During the summer, the sun comes up at 5 and goes down at 8. Most people don't work 15 hour days so your argument is ridiculous for much of the year. Solstice is when the sun is up for 12 hours. So for 6 months of the year the sun is up for 12 hours or more. Most people drive for less than 50 miles for their commute. As ItN has told us it takes 10-12 hours to get 300 miles of driving. That means that 50 hours of driving will take about 2 hours of charging. That means for half the year, most people will have 2 or more hours of charging time with the sun up. So your argument was idiotic even if you hadn't made the error of confusing day with night.

It only took you 22 hours to formulate a response, and you still failed to admit that you knew what I meant.

Wind is not available 24/7 and the siting of turbines is impossible in most areas. That leaves solar, and specifically photovoltaic. Most working folk leave the house at around 7am and get back around 6pm, so during the summer can charge their car for only four hours, and of course those are the weakest hours of sunlight. During the winter they are out of luck completely.
I didn't use adjectives. Learn English.

Hallucination. Insult fallacies. Bulverism fallacy.

Fossil fuels no more more fossils than idiotic statements are idiots. Your attempt to use the equivocation fallacy is noted. And you keep repeating it thinking it makes you appear smart. It doesn't. Your idiotic statement makes you look like the idiot.

When someone uses the term fossil fuels and you state, "Fossils aren't used as fuel. Fossils don't burn." you are committing a fallacy. Either you are too stupid to recognize it or you hope your reader is too stupid to recognize it. But then your constant reliance on the fallacy fallacy shows you to be an idiot.
Fixation. Semantics fallacy.
fallacy fallacy. Definition fallacy. General all around stupidity.
No. Wind is piddle power. It is the 2nd most expensive method of producing power, watt for watt.
Argument from randU fallacy. You are making shit up again.

But it does stop blowing. It can also blow too hard. Wind turbines can only operate in a limited range of wind. Further, they are subject to icing conditions and must be shut down. A governor failure causes a catastrophic failure of the machine.
Argument from randU fallacy. You are making shit up again. Calculation involving random numbers only produces random results.
What about when the wind weakens after the sun goes down? Non-sequitur fallacy.
If I say you usually use the fallacy fallacy does that mean you always use it?
Argument from randU fallacy. You are making shit up again by conflating usually with always.
Not enough energy. Expensive energy.
Argument from randU fallacy. You are making shit up again. Calculation involving random numbers only produces random results.
Depends on where you are and what day of the year it is, dumbass.
False dilemma fallacy. Calculation involving random numbers only produces random results
Nope. That's equinox.
You are correct. But if I go back and change it then you are wrong. So now it's you that is wrong and simply making shit up since I clearly used the word "equinox" as evidenced in my edited post.

What about the other 6 months of the year when the Sun isn't up for 12 hours?
We call that Late Summer, Fall, and Winter
Argument from randU fallacy. You are making shit up again.
Fallacy fallacy which only highlights your made up numbers about the cost of wind power.

Argument from randU fallacy. Calculation involving random numbers only produces random results.
So your claims about wind being expensive is just a random result created from your random number. Thanks for sharing your bullshit made up numbers with us.

Semantics fallacy. Assumption of victory fallacy. Attempted proof by data manufacture (a type of circular argument fallacy, or fundamentalism).
I'm not the one that manufactured data about how expensive wind power is. That would be you.
It only took you 22 hours to formulate a response, and you still failed to admit that you knew what I meant.
So now your error is my fault?

Wind is not available 24/7 and the siting of turbines is impossible in most areas. That leaves solar, and specifically photovoltaic. Most working folk leave the house at around 7am and get back around 6pm, so during the summer can charge their car for only four hours, and of course those are the weakest hours of sunlight. During the winter they are out of luck completely.
1. The entire US is never completely without wind so your argument is meaningless.
2. Electricity is transferred long distances.
3. I have never seen a 300 mile area where there is no wind at all.
4. Turbines are sited where the wind is most likely to blow. Wind is part of weather and can be predicted with some accuracy.
5. Where do you think most people live that they leave at 7am and don't get back until 6? That is 11 hours. Most people commute less than 30 minutes. With an 8 hour day and a half hour lunch that would equate to leave at 8 and home by five.
6. With 50 miles of driving they only need 2 hours of charging. They would have 4 hours of the reduced charging.
7. The wind still blows in the winter.
8. Because Texas failed to winterize their wind turbines doesn't mean no one else has.

You are using the false dilemma fallacy in that you are pretending that the only renewable energy is solar and people can only charge their cars at night. It's quite easy to find charging stations at most businesses, malls and even grocery stores these days.
So now your error is my fault?

1. The entire US is never completely without wind so your argument is meaningless.
2. Electricity is transferred long distances.
3. I have never seen a 300 mile area where there is no wind at all.
4. Turbines are sited where the wind is most likely to blow. Wind is part of weather and can be predicted with some accuracy.
5. Where do you think most people live that they leave at 7am and don't get back until 6? That is 11 hours. Most people commute less than 30 minutes. With an 8 hour day and a half hour lunch that would equate to leave at 8 and home by five.
6. With 50 miles of driving they only need 2 hours of charging. They would have 4 hours of the reduced charging.
7. The wind still blows in the winter.
8. Because Texas failed to winterize their wind turbines doesn't mean no one else has.

You are using the false dilemma fallacy in that you are pretending that the only renewable energy is solar and people can only charge their cars at night. It's quite easy to find charging stations at most businesses, malls and even grocery stores these days.

You harping on a semantic error (still) when you knew the actual meaning? Yes, that is entirely your fault, and childish behavior.

The energy loss transporting power over long distances is huge. That's why the project to produce electricity from solar in Africa to sell to Europe has failed.

The availability of wind is only part of the siting problem. People don't want the turbines near them.

Winter in Texas is nothing compared to northern states. If wind failed there, it will "epic fail" in the northeast.

So a few charging stations are available at a mall, with a thousand or so parking spaces.

For the record, my son just bought an EV for his wife. She works 4 x 12 hour days and has a 40 mile commute. It has a 250 mile range and charges for 0 to 100% in 12 hours, meaning that she has to charge it for about four hours, every bit of it without sun. So they are charging it with coal, basically.
Thanks for proving that there will be no eclipse tonight. If the sun stops shining when it's night then there can be no light for the earth to block and no light for the moon to reflect hence the Earth can't block the light.
The Moon isn't the Earth, dumbass. Semantics fallacy. Contextomy fallacy.
Gosh. You would never do something like that and claim that a fossil fuel isn't a fossil. Does this make your statement an inverse fallacy? Or should we just consider it a fallacy fallacy which you constantly resort to because you think it will make others think you are smarter than you really are.

If he never did it then why did he just admit he did it? Am I some kind of evil puppet master that made him admit to something you claim he didn't do?
Random phrases. Non-English. Try learning the language.
I have learned English.
You have not learned English.
I know the difference between an adjective and a noun
You apparently don't, since you are still trying to call a noun an adjective.
and would never confuse the two unlike you with your claim that a fossil fuel is not a fossil.
There is no such thing as a fossil fuel. Fossils don't burn. Semantics fallacy.
When are you going to learn English?
Ask yourself.
I know the difference between a fact and a 'fact' since you usually use 'facts' and not facts.
No, you don't know what 'fact' means.
It only took you 22 hours to formulate a response, and you still failed to admit that you knew what I meant.

Wind is not available 24/7 and the siting of turbines is impossible in most areas. That leaves solar, and specifically photovoltaic. Most working folk leave the house at around 7am and get back around 6pm, so during the summer can charge their car for only four hours, and of course those are the weakest hours of sunlight. During the winter they are out of luck completely.

Solar panels are the most expensive method of producing electricity, watt for watt. It's piddle power.