Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
Reality check on electric cars
From great-grandpop MAGA in 1909: Reality check on cars.
1. Cars require a very dangerous volatile fuel: gasoline. Horse eat hay.
2. Car are expensive and require maintenance. Horses reproduce themselves and self-repair.
3. No gas stations. Grass grows everywhere.
4. The dangerous speeds of cars, over 25 MPH, can suck the air from your lungs and accidents are fatal. Horses travel at a safe speed of 4-8MPH.
5. Cars steal jobs. Stables, buggy manufacturers, saddle makers and dozens of other businesses will be put out of business by cars.
6. Horses drive themselves, cars do not.
WAKE UP NORTH AMERICA!!!!!!! Horses have been in America for all of our history. Stick with what works!!!!!