Reality check on electric cars

Well, except in a Tesla where a variant of a dry cell is what powers the car...


Something like just over 7,000 of those power a Tesla. How stupid is that?

You were talking about carbon-zinc cells. This is not a carbon-zinc cell.

Indeed, in this rechargeable battery, the electrolyte is much drier than a so-called 'dry cell'.

Stupid? Because of the number of these little guys in a Tesla, Tesla makes their own batteries. That's profit for Tesla. Personally, I like the labels they put on their batteries. This silver wrapping makes them look 'high tech'.
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Wrong. Plain bearings ride on a pressurized film of oil. As long as that oil is present the two surfaces never make contact so can never wear down. The only time wear occurs is during start-up,
Just start up. The oil pump hasn't filled the galleries.
and possibly under high loads, as with aggressive downshifting.
Nope. The film is established.
The bearing material itself is a soft metal that would wear rapidly with inadequate lubrication.
The interaction between a cylinder and piston is far different. Here, a series of spring-loaded rings press against the cylinder walls and scrape oil off of it. This assembly has a limited life, and is extended by using hardened rings and a steel cylinder with a good cross-hatched texture so some oil sticks to it.
Uh... not quite.

You can use hardened rings and a mild steel cylinder wall, or a hardened cylinder wall and mild rings. You never harden both.
The cross hatching is to make wear easier during BREAK-IN. This wears off during break-in. That is what the break-in process is. It wears rings or wall to make a pretty good gas tight seal. The cross hatching is worn away during break-in. Compression pressures of a cylinder will actually rise during this wear.

It's why if you change either ring or steel insert, you must cross hatch AGAIN to begin break-in on that cylinder. It's also why you must change your break-in oil after short interval. It's got powdered cylinder wall in it.

Oil doesn't need to stick to the cylinder wall after break-in. The cylinder wall is lubricated by holes in the piston itself, and by splash oil from the spinning crank.

In some aircraft, the cylinder walls are lubricated using a pressurized spray.

Modern car engines can run at 4000-5000 rpm indefinitely. They are perfectly capable of handling a lower gear during descents with no extra wear and tear.

I never said to slam the gears around. That's just hard on the transmission, particularly the synchro rings (or clutch packs on an automatic).
Semantics fallacy. Fallacy fallacy. Fossils are not used as a fuel.

So you don't know the difference between an adjective and a noun. Good to know you have no clue as to how English works. You simply repeat your equivocation fallacy by claiming that the term fossil fuels equates to fossils over and over. Not only are you stupid, you insist on repeating your stupidity so everyone can see it.
So you don't know the difference between an adjective and a noun. Good to know you have no clue as to how English works. You simply repeat your equivocation fallacy by claiming that the term fossil fuels equates to fossils over and over. Not only are you stupid, you insist on repeating your stupidity so everyone can see it.

Semantics fallacy. Fallacy fallacy. Paradox. Irrational.
Tesla will find a way to make electric vehicles practical. They have already developed a new battery prototype. The one above pictured is about the same as a 21700 and pretty much the same as what powers the newer flashlights. Tesla will soon produce a 4680 battery which will store 5 times the energy of what is in their existing cars. Jay Leno drove a 2022 Tesla and it recorded a 9.24/quarter-mile and has a cruising range of just under 400 miles.
All good stuff.
Now they have to figure out,
The exceeding high repair costs for damaged EV vehicles
High insurance costs relating to above^^.
They need to figure out a way to recharge those batteries in under ten minutes (working on liquid-cooled cables which could help).
Lastly and most importantly, Where the hell does all the needed electricity come from to charge them.
Then there is the fire and bricking issue.
oh ya,
The cost of the 2020 high end Tesla is over $128,000 plus sales tax and lic could easily top $150,000 making it only available to the very wealthy and illegals entering the country.
The new models with the 4680 batteries could well exceed that number.

Good news though, all those industrious catalytic convertor thieves will get a shock when they squeeze under a tesla.

Miles to go
Tesla will find a way to make electric vehicles practical. They have already developed a new battery prototype. The one above pictured is about the same as a 21700 and pretty much the same as what powers the newer flashlights. Tesla will soon produce a 4680 battery which will store 5 times the energy of what is in their existing cars. Jay Leno drove a 2022 Tesla and it recorded a 9.24/quarter-mile and has a cruising range of just under 400 miles.
All good stuff.
Now they have to figure out,
The exceeding high repair costs for damaged EV vehicles
High insurance costs relating to above^^.
They need to figure out a way to recharge those batteries in under ten minutes (working on liquid-cooled cables which could help).
Lastly and most importantly, Where the hell does all the needed electricity come from to charge them.
Then there is the fire and bricking issue.
oh ya,
The cost of the 2020 high end Tesla is over $128,000 plus sales tax and lic could easily top $150,000 making it only available to the very wealthy and illegals entering the country.
The new models with the 4680 batteries could well exceed that number.

Good news though, all those industrious catalytic convertor thieves will get a shock when they squeeze under a tesla.

Miles to go

Liquid cooled cables won't help.

You simply cannot ram that many joules into a battery in ten minutes. The cable would have to be so thick you couldn't lift it.

Then of course, is the power line feeding it.
Charging this longer range car (the 2022 model Y) from discharged to fully charged in ten minutes (ignoring the battery limitations) would require 1875 amperes on the cable! (This is assuming a 75kwH battery pack charging at 240 volts.) I don't know anyone that has a 2000 amp service entrance!
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Tesla will find a way to make electric vehicles practical. They have already developed a new battery prototype. The one above pictured is about the same as a 21700 and pretty much the same as what powers the newer flashlights. Tesla will soon produce a 4680 battery which will store 5 times the energy of what is in their existing cars. Jay Leno drove a 2022 Tesla and it recorded a 9.24/quarter-mile and has a cruising range of just under 400 miles.
All good stuff.
Now they have to figure out,
The exceeding high repair costs for damaged EV vehicles
High insurance costs relating to above^^.
They need to figure out a way to recharge those batteries in under ten minutes (working on liquid-cooled cables which could help).
Lastly and most importantly, Where the hell does all the needed electricity come from to charge them.
Then there is the fire and bricking issue.
oh ya,
The cost of the 2020 high end Tesla is over $128,000 plus sales tax and lic could easily top $150,000 making it only available to the very wealthy and illegals entering the country.
The new models with the 4680 batteries could well exceed that number.

Good news though, all those industrious catalytic convertor thieves will get a shock when they squeeze under a tesla.

Miles to go

this marketing thing is a new concept to you isnt it? New products are always expensive, prices always go down, This is marketing 101 shit.
Liquid cooled cables won't help.

You simply cannot ram that many joules into a battery in ten minutes. The cable would have to be so thick you couldn't lift it.

Then of course, is the power line feeding it.
Charging this longer range car (the 2022 model Y) from discharged to fully charged in ten minutes (ignoring the battery limitations) would require 1875 amperes on the cable! (This is assuming a 75kwH battery pack charging at 240 volts.) I don't know anyone that has a 2000 amp service entrance!

Thanks for your input. I always wondered why EV's do not have solar panel roof's and why paint technology has not yet progressed to the point where it could not contribute to recharging the batteries.

Without the capability to recharge in a very short time as well as not needing special receptacles to do the job, this EV program is a toy for the tree huggers.
My neighbor had his Tesla's batteries run low on a return trip in winter and the car took over shutting down heat, unnecessary accessories, and slowed the speed to allow him to get home albeit an hour late.
Thanks for your input. I always wondered why EV's do not have solar panel roof's and why paint technology has not yet progressed to the point where it could not contribute to recharging the batteries.

Without the capability to recharge in a very short time as well as not needing special receptacles to do the job, this EV program is a toy for the tree huggers.
My neighbor had his Tesla's batteries run low on a return trip in winter and the car took over shutting down heat, unnecessary accessories, and slowed the speed to allow him to get home albeit an hour late.

All the goodies like cabin heat, entertainment system, even the little tablet they use for a control console, all require electricity from those same batteries. Even the computer that shut down unnecessary systems and govern maximum battery discharge rates to avoid damaging the battery.

If course, the gasoline engine is what provides cabin heat. Running out of gas and you are on battery only, until it too is discharged from use of lights and entertainment system. Most folks, however, start walking with a gas can to the nearest gas station. Can't do that with an electric car!

It's better not to run out of fuel. Both vehicles have a 'fuel gauge'.

It's more tempting, of course, to push the Tesla further on low charge because it takes so freakin' long to charge it.
A gasoline car only requires a few minutes. Easily done on a return trip in the winter.

A diesel car is just about as convenient. Diesel fuel is available at most stations along major highways and in a fair number of places elsewhere. The biggest headache with diesel fuel is the cold. It is possible to put in additives to alleviate some of that though.

Solar panels just do not put out a lot of power. Under the best of conditions, a single residential solar panel will handle 400w, or 3KwH per day. To charge the same car, a single panel under direct sunlight would require 25 days. Remember this is under perfect conditions during that entire time. Under normal output over several days, charging would require more like 35 days. No ballast is available, since ALL of the solar panel output is dedicated to charging the car and NONE is available to charge the ballast.

A typical residential installation would have about 10-13 panels. If dedicated to charging the car, these panels would only require 2-3 days. No power for the house or for the ballast would be available during that time.

Twit liberals claiming to charge their car from solar panels are also quick to tout selling power to the power company. That means they are connected to the grid. What they DON'T tell you is that they are using power FROM the grid to supplement their charging for their car AND using electricity for the house, etc. They also conveniently leave out the fact that charging the ballast from solar power means MORE electricity from the grid must be used for other purposes, such as the house and charging of the car.

Nothin's free. Joules are joules. They don't magickally appear out of thin air. They gotta come from somewhere.
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bottom line--------------electric cars are a toy for the ignorant.

bottom line 2.----------------------there is no climate crisis, global warming was and is a hoax for the ignorant (and to make algore rich)
bottom line--------------electric cars are a toy for the ignorant.

bottom line 2.----------------------there is no climate crisis, global warming was and is a hoax for the ignorant (and to make algore rich)

Bottom line when you pull snot out of your ass all you have is an empty ass
bottom line--------------electric cars are a toy for the ignorant.

bottom line 2.----------------------there is no climate crisis, global warming was and is a hoax for the ignorant (and to make algore rich)

When people are that ignorant, it is pointless to argue with them. Some rightys allow their desperation in things staying the same,will believe what gives them a demented peace. Fuck science and evidence, I can find someone who will say what I want to hear.