Reality check on electric cars

Argument of the Stone fallacy. Buzzword fallacy. Void argument fallacy. Inversion fallacy. Hallucinations. Insult fallacies. Trolling. No argument presented.

Your comments are some of the stupidest comments ever made on the internet at any time ever but that's to be expected from an inbred moron that can't figure out a face mask
So explain this libs, if you save $200/month of gas by driving an electric car (no long trips of course) and your electricity bill goes up by $200/month to recharge it, what have you saved? Not to mention that the car costs 70K and will need a new 20K battery in two or three years (long before you pay it off).
So explain this libs, if you save $200/month of gas by driving an electric car (no long trips of course) and your electricity bill goes up by $200/month to recharge it, what have you saved? Not to mention that the car costs 70K and will need a new 20K battery in two or three years (long before you pay it off).

The problem with you right wingers is you're all opioid addicted and delusional. The normal cost of charging a Tesla is $49 with about $70 the high range in Hawaii. See the thing is if you weren't so damn stupid you'd be able to know how to use Google and find out this stuff. Using Google means you don't have to pull it's not out of your ass. Cuz when you keep pulling snot out of your ass all you do is end up with an empty ass.
The problem with you right wingers is you're all opioid addicted and delusional. The normal cost of charging a Tesla is $49 with about $70 the high range in Hawaii. See the thing is if you weren't so damn stupid you'd be able to know how to use Google and find out this stuff. Using Google means you don't have to pull it's not out of your ass. Cuz when you keep pulling snot out of your ass all you do is end up with an empty ass.

so $49, about the cost of a fill up when gas prices are at normal levels. Again, you are not saving money, you are the victim of a hoax. electricity will NEVER be free, either to run things or recharge batteries. Solar and wind will never produce enough to run this country (or any other)
The fact remains you're not smart enough to understand how face masks work

so give us an explanation, oh brilliant one, tell us how a .3 micron filter catches a .0125 micron covid cell. and .3 is the very best mask, not the cloth ones most of you idiots wear.
So explain this libs, if you save $200/month of gas by driving an electric car (no long trips of course) and your electricity bill goes up by $200/month to recharge it, what have you saved? Not to mention that the car costs 70K and will need a new 20K battery in two or three years (long before you pay it off).

What if it costs you thousands of dollars in electricity? You are making the numbers up, so go big. The fact is the cost of electric is about 25 percent of ICEs.
The batteries have a much, much longer life than you said, but you are making it up, so we understand. Have fun. 70 K. Making that up too. You can buy electric cars for 30 K. You have typed a completely false post.
Of course you did not mention the decrease in pollution,better air quality and cutting the fossil fuel health destruction. Lungs and respiration will improve.
so give us an explanation, oh brilliant one, tell us how a .3 micron filter catches a .0125 micron covid cell. and .3 is the very best mask, not the cloth ones most of you idiots wear.

Your comment has absolutely nothing to do with the issue Your drug use has made you delusional and has made you a moron. The size of the holes in the mask and the size of the virus are totally and completely irrelevant. This is been explained before but your two drug induced delusional to follow it.
So explain this libs, if you save $200/month of gas by driving an electric car (no long trips of course) and your electricity bill goes up by $200/month to recharge it, what have you saved? Not to mention that the car costs 70K and will need a new 20K battery in two or three years (long before you pay it off).

In his area of the country, charging the hybrid car he has approx 6 hours each day will result in an additional bill of about $32 (assuming tier 2 rates, typical of a residence in his area).

A new car of the brand and model he has described costs $25,648 to purchase outright. Replacing the batteries on this car costs about $3000 plus labor charges.

This is a hybrid car. It will easily handle long trips, essentially operating as an ICE car with poorer gas mileage than a car of similar size, due to the heavier car (it has two power plants, not just one). Refueling it is the same as any other ICE car...approx 5 minutes. This is classified as a compact car.

This model is being discontinued. The replacement version costs $33,000 (most configurations will be around $37,000) for outright purchase. Replacement batteries for this model is a larger module, but can be replaced for approx $3500 plus labor.

Labor for both jobs will run around $1000. In most States, there is also a battery disposal fee.

A brand new Tesla Model 3 costs around $44900 (suggested retail price).
Replacing the battery on these is much more expensive. About $13000 for the battery itself, and about $3000 for labor.

Cost of charging will be about the same as before, assuming a top off charge done each night as the car is only used to commute with.

Sources: General Motors Inc., Tesla Inc., Puget Sound Energy, local shop rates for battery exchange for the Chevy Volt and for the Tesla Model 3.

So, no...he is not spending $200/mo in electricity costs, the car does not cost $70k (unless you get the ultra deluxe model), and batteries do not cost $20k to replace.

You are making up numbers. Argument from randU fallacy.
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What if it costs you thousands of dollars in electricity? You are making the numbers up, so go big. The fact is the cost of electric is about 25 percent of ICEs.
The batteries have a much, much longer life than you said, but you are making it up, so we understand. Have fun. 70 K. Making that up too. You can buy electric cars for 30 K. You have typed a completely false post.
Of course you did not mention the decrease in pollution,better air quality and cutting the fossil fuel health destruction. Lungs and respiration will improve.

more bullshit from you. nothing you posted is even close to true. During Trump's term the USA had the lowest emissions on record. While your friends in China had the worst. Our air quality is better now than it was in 1950. We can use oil, coal, and natural gas safely, cheaply, and without environmental damage. Electric cars are a joke and if you think you can buy one for 30K post the window sticker on this forum. You cannot ever get past the cost of recharging the batteries, nor can you libs ever find a way to expand the electrical grid to make it capable of recharging millions of car batteries every night. Its a fantasy, but you fools are making Musk a very rich man.
In his area of the country, charging the hybrid car he has approx 6 hours each day will result in an additional bill of about $32 (assuming tier 2 rates, typical of a residence in his area).

A new car of the brand and model he has described costs $25,648 to purchase outright. Replacing the batteries on this car costs about $3000 plus labor charges.

This is a hybrid car. It will easily handle long trips, essentially operating as an ICE car with poorer gas mileage than a car of similar size, due to the heavier car (it has two power plants, not just one). Refueling it is the same as any other ICE car...approx 5 minutes. This is classified as a compact car.

This model is being discontinued. The replacement version costs $33,000 (most configurations will be around $37,000) for outright purchase. Replacement batteries for this model is a larger module, but can be replaced for approx $3500 plus labor.

Labor for both jobs will run around $1000. In most States, there is also a battery disposal fee.

A brand new Tesla Model 3 costs around $44900 (suggested retail price).
Replacing the battery on these is much more expensive. About $13000 for the battery itself, and about $3000 for labor.

Cost of charging will be about the same as before, assuming a top off charge done each night as the car is only used to commute with.

Sources: General Motors Inc., Tesla Inc., Puget Sound Energy, local shop rates for battery exchange for the Chevy Volt and for the Tesla Model 3.

So, no...he is not spending $200/mo in electricity costs, the car does not cost $70k (unless you get the ultra deluxe model), and batteries do not cost $20k to replace.

You are making up numbers. Argument from randU fallacy.

even if your number are correct, which I doubt, there is no way any EC makes economic sense, practical sense, or common sense. maybe some day it will, but that day has not arrived. nothing is free, everything has a cost. there ain't no free lunch.
Your comment has absolutely nothing to do with the issue Your drug use has made you delusional and has made you a moron. The size of the holes in the mask and the size of the virus are totally and completely irrelevant. This is been explained before but your two drug induced delusional to follow it.

OK, then lets discuss the lack of seal around 99% of the masks worn today by fools like you. If you doubt this hold your hand at the side top or bottom of the mask and then sneeze, cough, or just exhale you will feel the escaping air (and whatever it contains). As to your stupid drug use insults, look in a mirror.
OK, then lets discuss the lack of seal around 99% of the masks worn today by fools like you. If you doubt this hold your hand at the side top or bottom of the mask and then sneeze, cough, or just exhale you will feel the escaping air (and whatever it contains). As to your stupid drug use insults, look in a mirror.

There's nothing to discuss you keep proving again and again that you're a moron it's really very simple.
more bullshit from you. nothing you posted is even close to true. During Trump's term the USA had the lowest emissions on record. While your friends in China had the worst. Our air quality is better now than it was in 1950. We can use oil, coal, and natural gas safely, cheaply, and without environmental damage. Electric cars are a joke and if you think you can buy one for 30K post the window sticker on this forum. You cannot ever get past the cost of recharging the batteries, nor can you libs ever find a way to expand the electrical grid to make it capable of recharging millions of car batteries every night. Its a fantasy, but you fools are making Musk a very rich man.

Your problem is you're a moron
more bullshit from you. nothing you posted is even close to true. During Trump's term the USA had the lowest emissions on record. While your friends in China had the worst. Our air quality is better now than it was in 1950. We can use oil, coal, and natural gas safely, cheaply, and without environmental damage. Electric cars are a joke and if you think you can buy one for 30K post the window sticker on this forum. You cannot ever get past the cost of recharging the batteries, nor can you libs ever find a way to expand the electrical grid to make it capable of recharging millions of car batteries every night. Its a fantasy, but you fools are making Musk a very rich man.

OK, then lets discuss the lack of seal around 99% of the masks worn today by fools like you. If you doubt this hold your hand at the side top or bottom of the mask and then sneeze, cough, or just exhale you will feel the escaping air (and whatever it contains). As to your stupid drug use insults, look in a mirror.

Holy crap I just realized something You're saying you're this stupid sober. How embarrassing for you.
There's nothing to discuss you keep proving again and again that you're a moron it's really very simple.

yes it is very simple, masks don't work and you are too dumb to comprehend that simple fact.

and to your stupid sig line, Trump has survived 2 fake impeachment attempts by radical far left liberal democrats who were scared shitless that he would expose their corruption in a second term.