Reality check on electric cars

bottom line--------------electric cars are a toy for the ignorant.

bottom line 2.----------------------there is no climate crisis, global warming was and is a hoax for the ignorant (and to make algore rich)

Bottom line when you pull snot out of your ass all you have is an empty ass
Note, of course, the anti-vaxxer rightys are the same people denying electric cars are a good idea and the future. That should tell us a lot about the Luddites. Perhaps a horse and buggy is a great idea.
Note, of course, the anti-vaxxer rightys
Paradox V.
are the same people denying electric cars are a good idea and the future.
If you want to buy an electric car, go ahead. I'll buy what car I want, you buy what car you want.
That should tell us a lot about the Luddites. Perhaps a horse and buggy is a great idea.
Insult fallacies. The electric car is NOT going to replace gasoline cars.
Note, of course, the anti-vaxxer rightys are the same people denying electric cars are a good idea and the future. That should tell us a lot about the Luddites. Perhaps a horse and buggy is a great idea.

ok, so you are convinced that electric cars are a "good" idea. so explain how paying 70K for an EC and then 3 years later paying another 20K for a new battery is a good idea. Then tell us how saving $200/month on gas is a "good" idea when your electric bill goes up by $300/month to recharge every night. Then tell us how its a "good" idea to blow the power grid every night recharging car batteries. Then tell us how its a "good" idea to limit your range to 300 miles (unless you use the heater, AC, radio, wipers, defroster, etc). It might be a good idea if the batteries would just provide power forever-------but that can never happen. dream on, idiot.
ok, so you are convinced that electric cars are a "good" idea. so explain how paying 70K for an EC and then 3 years later paying another 20K for a new battery is a good idea. Then tell us how saving $200/month on gas is a "good" idea when your electric bill goes up by $300/month to recharge every night. Then tell us how its a "good" idea to blow the power grid every night recharging car batteries. Then tell us how its a "good" idea to limit your range to 300 miles (unless you use the heater, AC, radio, wipers, defroster, etc). It might be a good idea if the batteries would just provide power forever-------but that can never happen. dream on, idiot.

The problem with your question is you are a moron
The fact is you plug in every night to top it off to max range. That is not a big problem. I do it every night if we drove it. The 300-mile range on new ones is equivalent to a tank of gas on ICEs. There are fast chargers that the govt is going to install on major highways. They can recharge during lunch or a pit stop.
My car has only 50 mi range and I almost never use gas. Sometimes the car computer runs on gas to keep the gas from going stale.
The fact is you plug in every night to top it off to max range. That is not a big problem. I do it every night if we drove it.
That is not using the maximum range at all.
The 300-mile range on new ones is equivalent to a tank of gas on ICEs.
And then you have to spend 10-12 hours charging it. An ICE car only requires a few minutes to refuel it and then it's good for ANOTHER 300 miles!
There are fast chargers that the govt is going to install on major highways. They can recharge during lunch or a pit stop.
So you are going to take a pit stop every hour or so to spend an hour charging it. Right. I'll be at my destination long before you finish your 'lunches'.

My car has only 50 mi range and I almost never use gas.

Sometimes the car computer runs on gas to keep the gas from going stale.
So your car is a hybrid, not an electric car. That means you get no better gas mileage on the open road than a typical lousier car of the same size.
That is not using the maximum range at all.

And then you have to spend 10-12 hours charging it. An ICE car only requires a few minutes to refuel it and then it's good for ANOTHER 300 miles!

So you are going to take a pit stop every hour or so to spend an hour charging it. Right. I'll be at my destination long before you finish your 'lunches'.
After my 50 mils is gone, I continue driving for another 00 miles

So your car is a hybrid, not an electric car. That means you get no better gas mileage on the open road than a typical lousier car of the same size.

How dumb was that? The Volt runs on electricity. It also has an ICE. When the electricity runs out, the car seamlessly goes to the ICE and it drives the electricity The Volt does not have range anxiety.
I almost never use the ICE. The computer will sometimes force us to drive on it because gas gets stale in the tank.
You are doing an electric fallacy.
How dumb was that? The Volt runs on electricity. It also has an ICE. When the electricity runs out, the car seamlessly goes to the ICE and it drives the electricity The Volt does not have range anxiety.
So you have a gas powered car.
I almost never use the ICE. The computer will sometimes force us to drive on it because gas gets stale in the tank.
So you are using the ICE.
You are doing an electric fallacy.
No such fallacy. Denial of logic. Mockery.
So you have a gas powered car.

So you are using the ICE.

No such fallacy. Denial of logic. Mockery.

Why is it so hard for you to understand such a simple thing? The Volt has both. When 5o miles of electricity are used up, the ICE starts up and drives the electric motor. I almost never use the ICE. My driving rarely reaches 50 miles in a day. Try harder. This seems so simple.
If I drive 70 miles without charging, the first 50 are totally electric, therefore 20 are on the ICE.
Quit misusing fallacies. It makes you look pretentious to some and stupid to others.
Why is it so hard for you to understand such a simple thing? The Volt has both. When 5o miles of electricity are used up, the ICE starts up and drives the electric motor. I almost never use the ICE. My driving rarely reaches 50 miles in a day. Try harder. This seems so simple.
If I drive 70 miles without charging, the first 50 are totally electric, therefore 20 are on the ICE.
I understand what a hybrid is. You are carrying around two 'engines' instead of one, making the whole car heavier for it's size. That means using more energy to move it.

You have also put yourself in a paradox, describing that you never use the ICE and then saying you use the ICE. You can't have it both ways, dude.
Quit misusing fallacies. It makes you look pretentious to some and stupid to others.
Denial of logic. If you don't like me calling fallacies on your arguments, don't make them. This is YOUR problem. Only YOU can correct it. Burden fallacy.
I understand what a hybrid is. You are carrying around two 'engines' instead of one, making the whole car heavier for it's size. That means using more energy to move it.

You have also put yourself in a paradox, describing that you never use the ICE and then saying you use the ICE. You can't have it both ways, dude.

Denial of logic. If you don't like me calling fallacies on your arguments, don't make them. This is YOUR problem. Only YOU can correct it. Burden fallacy.

Not about liking or not. It is your utter misuse.
I understand what a hybrid is. You are carrying around two 'engines' instead of one, making the whole car heavier for it's size. That means using more energy to move it.

You have also put yourself in a paradox, describing that you never use the ICE and then saying you use the ICE. You can't have it both ways, dude.

Denial of logic. If you don't like me calling fallacies on your arguments, don't make them. This is YOUR problem. Only YOU can correct it. Burden fallacy.

Electric cars are heavier. Write that down someplace so you can remember something relevant. Batteries are heavy. Again..try and follow this. We almost NEVER,, Fucking never. use the ICE.
So you are limiting your car to short commutes. Gotit.

As usual, you have nothing. Are you deliberately obtuse? Do you have no feelings or care about facts? It is difficult to reach some so wrapped up in his own beliefs that he rejects anyone and anything that does not fit. That is what you do. You call debates fallacies. Anything everyone says is fallacious. That is wearing out.
I wish what I told you was difficult to understand so I could justify what you type, but I cannot. You are a bit daft.
As usual, you have nothing. Are you deliberately obtuse? Do you have no feelings or care about facts? It is difficult to reach some so wrapped up in his own beliefs that he rejects anyone and anything that does not fit. That is what you do. You call debates fallacies. Anything everyone says is fallacious. That is wearing out.
I wish what I told you was difficult to understand so I could justify what you type, but I cannot. You are a bit daft.

Argument of the Stone fallacy. Buzzword fallacy. Void argument fallacy. Inversion fallacy. Hallucinations. Insult fallacies. Trolling. No argument presented.